I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 947 Competition for the Dragon Boat Festival

Chapter 947 Competition for the Dragon Boat Festival
There is a very important schedule in June, the Dragon Boat Festival.

In this schedule, there are three blockbuster movies released.

One is a suspenseful movie "Zhen Youjie", directed by Chen Youjie, and invited six well-known actors to star in it, and the theme has also attracted much attention.

An animated film "Spirit Mountain: Sleeves", adapted from a domestic comic, is expected to exceed [-] million at the box office.

The last one is the main theme action film "Blaster" directed by the great director Song Bingzhang.

This Dragon Boat Festival was originally a time when these three films were fighting, but three days before this schedule came, "Jianyuntai" decided to enter the theater early and start screening in this schedule.

In the end, "Jian Yuntai" was torn to an average of 5% of the daily film schedule by relying on the number of screenings.

The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, "Zhenyoujie" hit the box office with 1 million yuan, "Lingshan: Sleeve Hands" ranked second with a box office of 7000 million yuan, and "Blaster" fell through the eyes of everyone in the industry, only getting 3125 million yuan on the first day box office.

On the contrary, the screening of "Jianyuntai" won a box office of 1237 million, which shocked the industry.

5% of the films scheduled to get more than 1000 million at the box office, this is something that I dare not even think about, it is still a movie, and the promotion has not yet officially started.

The title of the latest issue of "Film Report" is "Song Chi's "Jian Yuntai" enters the Dragon Boat Festival strongly, and 5% of the screened films have won over 1000 million box office."

On the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the film schedule of "Jianyuntai" directly increased to 8%. With the box office explosion of "Zhenyousuke", the share of "Blaster" was torn off.

This is still the case that the screening time period of "Jianyuntai" is limited, otherwise, more filming will be torn up.

However, no one expected that the box office of "Lingshan: Sleeves" began to attack. With the help of young students and children on holiday, the single-day box office even surpassed "Zhenyousuke" in the afternoon. The box office of the golden show was only pulled back. On this day, "Zhen Youjie" won a single-day box office of 1.6 million, while "Lingshan: Sleeves" directly won a single-day box office of 1.3 million. The increase was so large that it shocked the industry.

The box office of "Blaster" has not improved much, and will exceed 4000 million.

"Jianyuntai" strongly won a single-day box office of 2619 million.

Zhou Yun knew that when "Jian Yuntai" began to be screened on a large scale, it was already the third day of the Dragon Boat Festival.

Knowing the exaggerated performance and large-scale screening of "Jian Yuntai", Zhou Yun immediately asked Liu Yun to book a show at a nearby movie theater, and invited all the staff of "Night of Truth" to watch this movie and give Song Chi a shout out .

At the end of the Dragon Boat Festival, the two films "Zhenyousuke" and "Lingshan: Sleeves" were almost evenly matched, and both received 4 million+ box office, while "Blaster" directly fell out of the team, and the total box office will be broken. It is estimated that there is not much room for growth in the follow-up, and the market is completely squeezed out by "Zhenyousuke" and "Lingshan: Sleeves".

On the contrary, "Jian Yuntai", which was temporarily decided to be screened on a large scale, relied on a single-digit film schedule, and finally won a box office of 8000 million+ screenings, which shocked the industry.

This is the first domestic film to be screened on a large scale before its official release.

This is a new pattern.

When it first announced that it would do this, the industry was very surprised. They didn't understand "Jian Yuntai", a movie that looks good, why did it do this?
Innovation means a very high failure rate.

It's not that innovation is impossible, but there is no need to innovate in a blockbuster film like "Jian Yuntai", right?
You know, for a movie, the box office in the first three days basically determines the performance of the movie, which is why the movie scheduling is so important.

Now "Jian Yuntai" is tantamount to grabbing and consuming a lot of publicity resources in advance with very little filming. If the audience's reputation is not good, it will directly affect the box office of subsequent official releases, and even the filming.

It can only be said that if you dare to make movies that are ordered in advance, you are very confident in the quality of your own movies.

This step of "Jianyuntai" is undoubtedly very correct.

It not only won a box office of 8000 million+ in the Dragon Boat Festival, and harvested a wave of box office in advance, but also spread the good-looking impression of "Jianyuntai" through this group of audiences and the media who watched the movie in advance.

The topic of this movie is no worse than the two movies in the Dragon Boat Festival.

Wu Chengbao and Song Chi had arranged a series of publicity plans and materials before, which were originally to be used later, but now the movie has a very good reputation, and the Dragon Boat Festival time slot was not wasted. They all agreed that it is necessary to At this time, follow-up publicity is followed.

Propaganda takes time. Doing publicity in advance and rolling out relevant plans means increasing investment in publicity.

But now they are relieved - the market has been tested, this film is very popular with the audience, and everyone is willing to go to the cinema to watch this film.

So, what they have to do now is to further increase the publicity.
The news that Zhou Yun invited all members of "Night of Truth" to watch "Jian Yuntai" quickly became a publicity point.

The follow-up screening of "Jian Yuntai" is still going on, but it is no longer a large-scale screening, and the screening scale has been reduced to several major first-tier ticket warehouse cities.

The visual effects of a disaster-themed blockbuster like "Jianyuntai" are very wonderful. The most discussed among the audience is the fidelity of the visual effects when the disaster happened and Song Chi's acting skills.

That's right, after several years, Song Chi's acting skills seemed to be rediscovered by everyone, and it was said that Song Chi's acting skills had made a breakthrough.

His performance in the film is very extroverted. Human beings are frightened, fragile and strong in the face of disaster, and struggle in the face of death. The quality of his performance is indeed very high.

Wu Chengbao did a data survey and found out that most of the audience who went to see "Jian Yuntai" hadn't watched Song Chi's movies released in recent years for a long time.

Whether it is "Inaction" or "Cigarette", they are all literary dramas, and many viewers don't want to watch them.

Most of the audience of "Jianyuntai" are interested in commercial films.

Only then did Wu Chengbao figure out why many people suddenly said that Song Chi's acting skills were explosive and he had made great progress.

They hadn't seen Song Chi's films in the past few years, and they could only compare them with those of a few years ago. The improvement and progress were indeed great.

Song Chi has only slowly transformed in the past few years to play a social person, not just a young man.

This is an image change.
The road to success of "Jian Yuntai" has been paved, but Zhou Yun's last long shot has not been completed yet.

Of course, the film crew is in no hurry.Zhou Yun gave them [-] days of filming time at the beginning, and their other scenes were filmed very quickly, with a lot of time left, and many days to continue grinding.

Zhou Yun himself almost lost his temper.

However, this time, no matter how he failed, Zhou Yun was determined to take down this long shot.

 Although I asked for leave, I still cheered up and worked hard to write a chapter. I am too sleepy. See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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