Chapter 948

If it is said that Zhou Yun used to rely on his strong acting talent and the editing language of the shots to make full use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses to elevate Zhou Yun's acting skills to a very high position, this long shot fully exposed Zhou Yun's shortcoming - her I have no stage performance experience, especially this kind of long-shot performance experience with complex movement, multi-space and multi-point movement.

When shooting the long shots of "The Female Killer" or "Year", the camera is used to capture her performance, and she does not need to take care of the camera movement and moving lines, but in "Night of Truth", because of the space Narrow and narrow, she must act according to a certain moving line, otherwise the painting will be out.

Zhou Yun entered the state of filming on the fourth day.

She finally forgot her position and route for the first time, and truly put herself into the character state of Su Man, screaming, terrified, and running away, no longer subconsciously looking for and following the camera.

She entered a mysterious and mysterious realm - as if there were two selves, one self was completely separated from this world and entered Su Man's world, and the other self was also withdrawn from this world, but it was floating. In the sky, calmly watching the self who became Su Man.

The first time I shot this shot in one go was on the sixth day.

When Zhang Zifan yelled "click", the audience was a little unresponsive.

This shot was really difficult to shoot, and it was a difficult challenge for all departments.

It was not only Zhou Yun who made mistakes, but also many problems in other departments.

After a few seconds, the audience burst into cheers.

Zhou Yun also returned to his body, heaving a sigh of relief.

She didn't feel that her performance just now was impeccable, but, how should I put it, she finally completed it smoothly, didn't she?
Zhou Yun walked to the room where Zhang Zifan and the others were.

Zhang Zifan gave her a thumbs up.


Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile, and said, "Finally, we have overcome a difficulty and successfully completed a filming."

On the seventh day, Zhou Yun rehearsed once again, and started to shoot. After one pass, the second shot was successfully shot.

On the eighth day, Zhou Yun completed the third real shot.

On the ninth day, Zhou Yun completed the fourth real shot.

Zhang Zifan checked and confirmed that it was correct, and announced that "Night of Truth" was finished.
Acting is not only a matter of the actor's heart, but also a skill.

When Zhou Yun first acted in "Night of Truth", she never thought that this movie would pose such a big challenge to her performance.

However, after completing the shooting of this long shot, Zhou Yun also gained a great sense of accomplishment.

On the night of the finale, Zhou Yun and Zhang Zifan had dinner together, and Yu Jiangxing and Song Chi also came.

Several people sat together.

Zhang Zifan toasted Yu Jiangxing with his first glass of wine.

"Mr. Yu, this time is really thanks to you. The kindness is always in my heart. It wasn't for your help. Let alone Zhou Yun, I couldn't even turn on the movie." "Where you need me in the future, just give me a call, and I will definitely be there."

Yu Jiangxing said with a smile: "There is no need to say such things between us."

He also said: "When I was working on the film "Baoshu" before, I thought that you are capable, capable, and have ideas. You will definitely be able to be a director in the future. Look, did what I said come true?"

Zhang Zifan said with a smile: "Thank you for praising me, without you constantly praising me outside, I would not have those opportunities in the future."

Yu Jiangxing pointed to Song Chi and Zhou Yun and said: "This time for "Night of the Truth", what you really have to thank is Zhou Yun. She is willing to act in this movie. Let's not say anything else, at least let you do this movie." The film can be started normally without delaying the shooting, not to mention, you know how many directors want to cooperate with Zhou Yun, and so many big-name directors want to cooperate with Zhou Yun, but there is no chance."

"I know that it is indeed my luck to invite Zhou Yun to be the heroine of our movie this time." Zhang Zifan said.

Zhou Yun immediately said: "Mr. Yu, Director Zhang, don't say that, I want to thank you all for allowing me to act in such a movie. To be honest, I didn't act in this movie because this character moved me so much. , but this script... It has a very unique sense of rhythm and story, which grabs my attention from the very beginning and enters the atmosphere of the story. Comedy, and finally turned into a real horror thriller, but in the actual shooting process, Director Zhang proposed many new shooting methods. I really encountered many problems that I had never encountered before in the performance. A profound shooting experience."

The four of them ate together, and as they talked, they talked about the movie "Jianyuntai" starring Song Chi.

"Song Chi, you are really good. With such a big investment, you just voted for it. Is this movie all your own funds?" Yu Jiangxing asked.

Song Chi shook his head and said, "The investment in this movie is too big. My family can't bear the risk, so I also pulled some money from outside. Judging from the current situation, everyone can still make some money."

Now the movie box office of "Jianyuntai" has almost exceeded [-] million.

This is the first time that the number of screenings exceeded [-] million before the official release.

Of course, it is actually related to its large-scale screening in the Dragon Boat Festival.

It took a lot of money.

Yu Jiangxing said: "Song Chi, you have been committed to promoting Chinese films to the world for the past few years, and you have tried so many genres, which is really amazing."

Song Chi said: "Everyone is working hard to do this, and I just have this idea, but it is still a long way off. Most Chinese-language films make money in overseas markets, so everyone is willing to go overseas to establish long-term distribution channels. , someone else will always lead us to play, and we cannot establish our own order, but if we blindly only build distribution channels, but there are no works to keep up with the follow-up, this is also a big problem, so, Mr. Yu, you have been working hard to find newcomers Director, help them gain a firm foothold in this industry. This is your great contribution. I thought about where my strengths are and what I can do. I can do what I love while doing the industry I love. A little contribution, that's what I most hope to achieve."

Yu Jiangxing: "You are already on the way to realize it. In the past two years, I see that you and Zhou Yun have made great strides overseas. It is very good. We have always hoped to rely on literary films to make it happen. Going out is actually very good, but when can more ordinary audiences fall in love with Chinese-language movies and watch Chinese-language movies, this is what we have always hoped for.”

(End of this chapter)

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