I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 949 Reaching out a hand

Chapter 949 Reach out
No one would think that Zhang Zifan is a frustrated director.

On the outside, he is a very secular and outgoing person, which is very different from what everyone understands as "depressed and unwilling".

However, compared with many directors, Zhang Zifan is indeed the kind of depressed.

He didn't have the opportunity to be a director as soon as he entered the industry-there was no chance to be an assistant director.

He has done on-set management, photography, and editing. On the set, he has experienced everything big and small.

Then, I gradually had the opportunity to enter the core positions, and then slowly met some people, and began to be able to be the director of some unimportant scenes, the executive director of the scene, the director of Group B, and finally, I finally became a director.

However, after becoming a director, not everything can follow my own ideas.

Not so.

Capital, platforms, actors, all parties want to get involved.

The script needs to be changed, there are many situations on the scene, and the progress needs to be rushed. Often, every work that is expected to score [-] points can only come out with [-] points in the end.

He also became a so-called bad movie director.

Zhang Zifan has experienced too many difficulties and troubles, which made him gradually form a "worldly shell" to deal with this environment and the world.

Sometimes, opportunities come unexpectedly and unexpectedly.

When preparing for "Night of the Truth", although the goal was to be shown in theaters, Zhang Zifan himself knew that this movie was very likely to be broadcast on the Internet as a video platform in the end.

After all, there are no well-known actors and no big investment, so why go to theaters?

Even if it goes to the theaters, it may be hundreds of thousands of box office, and it has quietly completed its release journey.

But after the original heroine suddenly let go, she thought she was facing a major crisis, but this crisis brought Zhou Yun, and everything changed.

The investor became generous all of a sudden, and at the same time stopped interfering in anything, and appeared on the set with a smile every day, but did not point fingers, fully playing the role of a "philanthropist" investor.

All types of work in the crew suddenly cheered up and showed their best skills to help film this movie.

Many brands even come to place advertisements.

The implantation fee of nearly 6000 million, only needs him to nod and sign, and this sudden windfall will directly bring them almost 3000 million in revenue.

Costs will also be smoothed out as a result.

To ensure the quality of the film, only two brands were accepted in the end. Moreover, there were no close-up shots and no line implants, just the shots.

That's all, the brand side readily agreed, and immediately took the initiative to increase the implantation fee after learning that they only accepted the implantation of two brands.

Zhang Zifan was worried that he only took 6000 million of the 800 million implantation fee, which would make the investor angry. Who knows, the investor just smiled and said that the quality of the film is the most important thing.

Zhang Zifan felt that all this seemed to have entered heaven.

Suddenly, because of Zhou Yun's joining, the entire film industry seemed to have changed.

Therefore, that night, Zhang Zifan also had a lot of emotion.

The movie is finally done.

Zhang Zifan indulged himself and drank a lot of wine.

In the end, he drank a lot by himself, and he was a little drunk in the end.

Seeing that he was a little drunk, Zhou Yun took his cup aside and said, "Don't drink it, if you drink any more, you'll get dizzy, director."

Zhang Zifan held Zhou Yun's hand very sincerely, this action startled Zhou Yun, thinking he was drunk, he began to touch her.

But Zhang Zifan just shook her hand very sincerely and said: "I know I have said my thanks many times, but I still want to tell you, really, thank you for coming to help this time and making this movie , I thought that in my life I could only make films that I didn't want to make. I thought that no matter how well I wrote the script, I couldn't make it in the end. I could only make it beyond recognition. Zhou Yun, I really want to thank you very much Appreciate the script I wrote, thank you every time you have a different opinion, you come to me to discuss it, and never refute my decision on the set, thank you, really, thank you, I have been in this industry for so many years, you are the one I met Best actor ever."

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Director Zhang, you believe me, after this movie is released, everyone will know you, you are the best director of genre films, you have a movie language and rhythm that no one else has." Zhou Yun said, "I will write a new movie in the future." Script, send me a copy, whether there is a role for me or not, I want to read your script, your script is very easy to read, if you need my help, feel free to find me, you have my contact way, at any time."

Zhang Zifan's eyes were red.

Everyone sent Zhang Zifan to the car first and left.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi accompanied Yu Jiangxing to wait for the car to pick him up.

Yu Jiangxing said: "Xiao Yun, it's getting late tonight. Let's have a chance to chat later. There are many capable and talented people like Zhang Zifan who have been delayed. Both you and Song Chi Capable people, if you extend your hand, you may be able to save their careers, so please don't think that I, an old man, always trouble you. I have been in this industry for too long. I only hope that this industry will become more and more The better."

"I know, I know." Zhou Yun said, "Old Yu, as long as Song Chi and I have the ability, we will definitely be willing to lend a hand."
In the industry, it is so important to lend a hand to each other.

"Holding the Hand" was released, and all the stars, looking at Zhou Yun and Song Chi's face, posted promotions for the movie on their social platforms.

Not only that, the promotion of "Jian Yuntai" also brought this literary film.

"Holding the Hand" was released on Thursday, with a box office of 89 on the first day, and a slight increase on Friday to 127 million.

This result is a very good result for this creative lineup.

Whether or not this movie can make more than [-] million at the box office depends on this weekend.

If the movie can make over [-] million at the box office, it will be considered a big success.

Not only that, Song Chi Company also announced a "Renaissance" plan, releasing a literary film with a production cost of less than 500 million yuan every month to the theaters.

"Holding Hand" is the first one.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao want to cultivate a group of audiences who love to watch literary and artistic films, and cultivate a habit of watching movies, instead of just having one movie after another as before.

This made Song Chi and Wu Chengbao start searching for literary films.

At present, they have only four titles ready to be released, including "Hand in Hand".

Of course, this amount of storage is far from enough.

At the same time, Song Chi's company also unexpectedly won the distribution of another movie, which shocked the industry.

(End of this chapter)

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