Chapter 950: Early July

Director Van der Schamp's "Scheme" suffered a sharp drop in word-of-mouth at the Cannes Film Festival before, causing the previous domestic distributor to return the product and refused to fulfill the previously negotiated guarantee agreement. The two sides wrangled for a long time, and finally ended the cooperation.

Prior to this, few companies in China were interested in the distribution of this film.

However, Song Chi Company took the initiative to contact the producers Yan Zhen and Fan Deshang at this time, expressing their willingness to release the matching disc "Suan" domestically.

Song Chi Company couldn't give the previous guaranteed price, but it gave it with full sincerity.

They made a reduction in the box office share ratio that general distributors take, and offered a concession of 5 points. In this way, the film studio can earn 5% more box office revenue.

After discussing with Fan Deshang for a few days, Yan Zhen and Fan Deshang decided to hand over the distribution of the film to Song Chi Company.

The main reason is that "Scheme" has a bad reputation in Cannes, which has completely affected the market of this film in the domestic market. Everyone has suppressed the price very hard, and they are not optimistic about the box office prospects.

Zhou Yun was shocked when he learned that Song Chi had obtained the domestic distribution of "Scheme".

Previously, Song Chi Company mainly focused on production, but since last year, Song Chi Company has been responsible for the distribution of several films of its own company, and now it is starting to distribute other films.

The business content they involve is more extensive.

The "Renaissance" plan promoted by Song Chi Company has aroused great repercussions in the industry.

Many small-budget film companies have come to them on their own initiative, wanting to join this project.

But Song Chi insisted on a firm guarantee of quality.

For this reason, Song Chi took advantage of the release of "Hand in Hand" and immediately launched a "Renaissance Jury" and invited ten members to join the jury. Only films recommended by more than two-thirds of the members will In order to join this plan, use the name of the film selected in the "Renaissance" project as a promotion.

Song Chi wants to keep the gold content of this plan, and the ultimate goal is to cultivate a group of audiences who really love movies and cultivate the movie-watching habits of this market for literary films.

Only in this way can literary films truly continue to persist with the support of the market.

The ten members are Song Chi, Zhou Yun, Yin Lin, Zhang Hongyu, You Jiang, Wang Jing, Gu Huaichun, Wen Bing, Ning Yao, and Chen Jing.

After the list of the "Renaissance Jury" was announced, many media criticized it, saying that the list had no value at all, and it was completely Zhou Yun and Song Chi's circle of friends.

In fact, it is true.

Song Chi was asked this question by a reporter at an event to promote "Jianyuntai", and said directly: "It is indeed our circle of friends, this is not an authoritative organization, in fact, we want to do 'Renaissance' 'This plan also hopes that through our own strength, literary films can slowly find their place in the market. Its box office volume is definitely not comparable to those commercial blockbusters, but it must have its own fans. We hope that literary films can be liked by the audience stably, and can realize profits through release. This cannot be done by relying on just one or two films. That’s why we have made this plan. We hope to build trust in this plan in the minds of the audience. For movies with a production cost of less than 500 million yuan, maybe they don’t have much publicity funds, and they don’t have particularly famous stars, and the audience doesn’t know whether this movie is worth going to the cinema. To build everyone's trust in this program, as long as they are selected for this program, everyone will be willing to believe in this movie that they may not know, buy tickets and go to the cinema, this is the greatest significance of this program."

"The reason why Xiaoyun and I, and some of our friends are currently doing this job is that it is completely voluntary without any remuneration, and it also puts the trust of the audience accumulated by our friends in In terms of this plan, at this time, we can only invite our friends to help." Song Chi said with a smile, "Recommending a work to the audience will also affect the audience's perception of the recommender. Who would want to do this, but our friends?"

Song Chi's speech was very sincere.

This plan has also been supported by many people in the industry, including the support and approval of Yu Jiangxing, Jiang Xin, and Fan Deshang.

"Young people like Song Chi and Zhou Yun are willing to use their own strength to promote the development of literary films. Of course, we must support such behavior." Qin Zhong also said in an interview.

As the first film of the "Renaissance" project, the box office of "Holding Hand" broke through 800 million box office at the last moment of Sunday, four days after its release, and officially passed the break-even point of the theater box office. It's profitable -- of course, in fact, it's already been profitable.

Don't let literary films become works of art that are "destined to lose money", and don't give everyone this impression.

Blockbuster movies make a lot of money, while literary and artistic movies make a lot of money.

Films that cannot rely on the market to make profits will never be able to stand up on their own.

Song Chi Company happily announced this result, and announced that it would lower the base price to give theaters more room for adjustment.

800 million, which is too insignificant for the box office of a movie.

But for the movie "Hand in Hand", it is really precious.

How many low-cost movies in China can make a profit?

Too little.

"Hand in Hand" has solidly won these box office under the normal schedule of films.

At the same time, the box office pre-sale of "Jian Yuntai" is also showing a curve upward trend under the ferment of word-of-mouth in the previous screenings.

Many box office forecasters have raised their box office forecasts for the film.

Now, the box office forecast of "Jian Yuntai" has reached the range of one billion or more.

As for where this movie will end up, it depends on what happens next.
After "Night of Truth" finished, Zhou Yun took a short rest for a few days, and then he was invited by Liu Yuan to record an episode of his program.

After recording the program, Zhou Yun went to participate in the opening ceremony of the second part of "Under Dress", and then participated in the opening ceremony of "Son of Prophecy" with Zhou Lan.

The several works that the studio participated in are advancing in an orderly manner according to the plan.

On the day "Jian Yuntai" was officially released, Zhou Yun accompanied Song Chi to a road show.

On this day, the box office of "Jian Yuntai" reached 1.5 million, and the total box office directly exceeded 3 million.

Disaster-themed movies have suddenly regained their vitality after being out of breath for many years, which is eye-catching.

The film channel interviewed Song Chi about why he wanted to shoot "Jianyuntai", which is no longer a mainstream commercial film. Song Chi replied: "Because I am interested in special effects, the films produced by our company have not challenged the industry before. , Later, when I came across such a story, I was very moved and moved me, so I decided to make such a movie.”

"After you and Zhou Yun got married, have you considered merging the company together? Both of you have started to make movies now." The reporter asked.

Song Chi shook his head: "I don't think about it for now."

"Will the film Zhou Yun participated in the production of her studio join your 'Renaissance' plan?"

Song Chi also shook his head and said: "At present, we have no intention of making this plan bigger because of our limited strength. I still want to reiterate that this plan is actually nothing, it is not authoritative, and it is not a big deal. Awards, it is just a brand established by our own company, and what we have to do now is to try our best to make the gold content of this brand higher and higher, and one day it will really be recognized by everyone and have the ability to help more Now that the films are recognized by everyone, maybe we will consider including films released by other companies into our plan."

Song Chi's reason seemed almost indifferent to many people.

Forget about others, he doesn't accept the films produced by Zhou Yun's studio, which is should I say it?Doesn't it mean that husband and wife are one body?
Neither Song Chi nor Zhou Yun made any comments on such words.
On the day the "Qiming Project" was officially released, the entire Internet was discussing it.

This is also the use of high-scale publicity resources from top to bottom to publicize this matter.

The candidates are almost all the most popular young actors at the moment, and everyone has their own fan base.

Wang Jing was successfully selected.

As a candidate, Wang Jing also participated in the promotional shooting of this event before

On the day of the release, Wang Jing also participated in the release of this plan.

As a recommender, Zhou Yun had originally received an invitation to attend the event, but it happened to conflict with a job that Zhou Yun had set before, so he had to decline it.

Zhou Yun is going to participate in the tour of the Vertical Axis Cruise Ship.

in Singapore.

She has been the spokesperson of this brand for several years.

This brand belongs to the category of giving more money, less trouble, and a very good brand image.

This visit is an event held by Vertical Axis Cruises for its senior members.

The appearance of Zhou Yun obviously added starlight to this event.

In addition to Zhou Yun, there are other spokespersons.

According to the requirements of Vertical Axis Cruises, Zhou Yun took a set of promotional photos, and then talked and took photos with everyone at the party, satisfying the wishes of these senior members, and then went to rest.

This kind of work is relatively less tiring. After Zhou Yun finished the work, he also felt that he was in good condition.

Zhou Yun and Liu Yun walked around Singapore together.

This country is not big, and it is famous all over the world for its emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene.

There is no natural scenery here to visit. Zhou Yun and the others are not very interested in landmarks like the Merlion. After discussing it, they just went to the shopping mall and ate something.

In the evening, after the two of them had finished eating, they had just returned to the hotel when Zhou Yun suddenly received a message from someone else.

It's a screenshot, and it's a news that someone met Zhou Yun while shopping in Singapore, and it was on the trending list.

Then, the person said: Xiaoyun, today's "Qiming Project" release event, someone said in the background that you obviously have time to go shopping but you refused to participate in the release event, saying that you were playing big names, and didn't take this event seriously at all.

Zhou Yun frowned, and asked: Jingdongtian?
(End of this chapter)

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