Among the organizers of the "Qiming Project", the only person Zhou Yun knew who had objections to her was Jing Dongtian.

But the friend said no.

"It's Luo Zhiqiu."

"Who?" Zhou Yun almost didn't react when he heard the name.

This name has not been heard for a long time.

"Isn't she Zuo Jing's boss? Why is she among the organizers of the 'Qi Ming Project'?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

The friend said: "I don't know why she is among the organizers of the 'Qiming Project', but she... is clearly targeting you."

"It's normal for her to target me. In the past, Song Chi was a signed artist of her company, and she always seemed to have that kind of meaning towards Song Chi. Later, after Song Chi was with me, she targeted me a little bit." Zhou Yun said directly, " How did other people react when she said something like that?"

"There was no reaction, and everyone didn't say anything." The friend said, "Someone knew that you were going to work, so they said it on the spot, but Luo Zhiqiu said that it was just a job to endorse a brand. If you have the heart, You can push it directly, anyway, what you say is very targeted, what you say is that you don’t pay attention to this activity.”

Zhou Yun: "This event has nothing to do with me. I'm just a recommender. Why do I attach so much importance to this event? It's a job that has been arranged a long time ago. Do I have to attend this event?"

The friend laughed and said, "Don't you know your current status? If you don't attend, this event will always lose a little bit of star power and gold content."

"It's not so exaggerated. The focus of this event is not the recommenders, but the young actors selected for this project." Zhou Yun said directly, "Luo Zhiqiu's brain is sick, of course, she has a brain." I've known about the illness for a long time."

Friend: "I know you're angry, but don't take it lightly. Although everyone didn't respond to Luo Zhiqiu's words, no one knows what everyone is thinking. Maybe this incident won't affect you this time. You, but next time it won't be so, don't let those old seniors think that you are such a person, the gain outweighs the loss."

Zhou Yun: "Then what do you think I should do?"

"Go and explain." The friend said, "Teacher Qin Zhong is very protective of you, and she is also on the spot today to help you speak."

"I don't know who to explain to." Zhou Yun sighed.

"You can just post a Weibo to respond. You have a job in Singapore today, don't you? I haven't seen you and your studio's official blog posting work-related content today."

"Today's work is not a public event, it is an event for the VIP customers of Vertical Axis Cruises, and the brand official has not released any publicity."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Let me call a few of them and explain. Tell me, who are the people who prepared this plan."
Zhou Yun called eight people.

I took the initiative to explain to them the reason why I did not participate in the launch event of the "Enlightenment Project", and expressed my apology.

These eight are all old seniors, Zhou Yun didn't have much contact with them, and most of them only met each other a few times and knew each other.

However, after receiving Zhou Yun's call, everyone's attitude towards Zhou Yun was very lenient, and no one had a bad tone or attitude.

Everyone expressed their understanding and paid special attention to Zhou Yun's subsequent filming plan.

After Zhou Yun made these calls, he contacted Zhou Lan and told her about it.

"Luo Zhiqiu?" Zhou Lan was taken aback when he heard the name, "How did she get involved in this plan? Her company has completely transformed into a young idol. What does this plan have to do with her?"

"I feel weird too."

Zhou Lan immediately went to inquire about the news.

At the beginning, they only knew that this matter had a lot to do with Jingdongtian, and Jingdongtian was one of the promoters of this plan. Neither she nor Song Chi knew that there was Luo Zhiqiu behind it.

Zhou Lan's news was found out immediately.

"It was Jingdongtian who brought Luo Zhiqiu into the game." Zhou Lan said, "Some people raised objections at the time, saying that Luo Zhiqiu's identity was inappropriate, but Jingdongtian's reason was that this plan was not only aimed at the traditional meaning The actors on the show, including many current idol actors, Luo Zhiqiu is a brokerage company for young idols, if she can join this project as one of the organizers, it will be of great significance to this project."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes directly and said, "That's ridiculous."

"Everyone knows it's ridiculous." Zhou Lan said, "But in terms of the overall situation, what Jingdongtian said is right, and, as you know, Jingdongtian is an old man with too many contacts and has cancer. Knowing how long he can live, everyone doesn't really want to be tough on him at this time, disobeying his intentions, Luo Zhiqiu just entered the game, but the right to speak is not much, and those old seniors are really in charge , no news came out, and we didn't pay too much attention to this matter."

Zhou Yun: "The more you listen, the more outrageous it becomes. However, since Luo Zhiqiu was brought into the game by Jing Dongtian, it's not hard to imagine why she suddenly got angry at me this time and made a fuss from me. The old hatred between the two must have been instructed by Jing Dongtian."

"No one can say for sure now, but, Xiao Yun, I don't think we can be so passive, no matter whose idea it is, this matter can't be discussed with you anyway, you are willing to be the recommender. You don’t have to participate in this plan because of the great face of this plan. It’s not that you asked to be the recommender. Since they used your influence to give this plan a platform, they still make trouble for you for no reason. I was really bullied like this, and I have to bear it, and there will be more such things in the future." Zhou Lan said, "What do you think?"

Zhou Yun felt that what Zhou Lan said made sense.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Zhou Yun at all.

And Zhou Yun couldn't get any benefit from this incident at all.

Now, because of Luo Zhiqiu's instigation, Zhou Yun could easily fall into the situation of being suspected and suspected.

The nature of this plan is a "public welfare" plan in the industry. Everyone doing this is obviously to clear up the atmosphere in the entertainment industry and to promote a kind of positive energy.Why was Zhou Yun affected?Why did Zhou Yun make so many phone calls to explain?Because it is very simple, of course Zhou Yun can not do this matter, and he can also ignore Luo Zhiqiu's provocation, but this will give others the impression that Zhou Yun is unwilling to do something for this industry.

And for these seniors, impression points are often very important.

Zhou Yun doesn't need the impression points of these old seniors - she can continue to forge her own path single-handedly.But the problem is that Zhou Yun is not such a lonely character. When possible, she still prefers to get along with everyone in harmony and take a path that is not so misunderstood by everyone.

Therefore, Zhou Yun's first reaction was not to let Luo Zhiqiu win those people over.

She wanted to play tricks, and of course Zhou Yun couldn't let her play tricks successfully.

This is a very simple truth.

Those old seniors are not Zhou Yun's enemies, but they are the ones Zhou Yun wants to fight for.

So, after thinking for a long time, Zhou Yun posted another Weibo, saying:
Today, because I have a job in Singapore, I was unable to participate in the release event of the "Qi Ming Project", but it is a great honor to have this opportunity to be a recommender and recommend Wang Jing to be selected for this project. This is actually not only an honor for Wang Jing, but also an honor for me , in fact, as actors and entertainers, we all very much hope to bring something positive and positive to everyone. There is such a plan. Although it has just been "born", only a small number of actors have been selected for this plan , but it is actually for all actors, not only young actors, but also selected actors, including each of us. It can become a mirror in our careers, and we can always learn from it.

Zhou Yun used this Weibo to express his opinion.

Express an attitude.

Sure enough, shortly after she posted this Weibo, some seniors who had contacted before sent her messages and liked her. (end of this chapter)

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