In the afternoon, the sun was shining brightly.

The hot weather turned the whole city into an oven.

Zhou Yun got out of the car wearing sunglasses and walked into a building.

Someone was already waiting for her at the door.

Seeing her, the visitor immediately showed a bright smile and led her upstairs.

Wen Bing was waiting for her in her studio.

He is cutting a film.

Zhou Yun did not enter the computer room, but waited outside.

Wen Bing came out after 2 minutes.

"I was editing the film for "Years" just now." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun nodded and asked, "How is the film editing going?"

Wen Bing pointed to his two eyes and said, "You can tell by looking at my eyes. Are these two dark circles too big to be obvious? I have been staying in the computer room every day for the past few days. I just want to Before we retake the shot, cut out the part that was shot earlier, and see how we want to shoot."

"It's been hard work." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

For this film, Wen Bing is the absolute creator.Although in the eyes of the outside world, Zhou Yun is the most critical person in this movie.Wen Bing's conception and shooting of this film may be completed and changed into a different look during editing.Zhou Yun usually seldom watches a movie before it is released.

When Wen Bing asked her if she wanted to see the cut part, Zhou Yun shook her head.

"If I don't watch it, I will get ideas after watching it, and I can't help but communicate with you if I have ideas." Zhou Yun said, "It's okay for others. I am the leading actor of this movie, so I dare not watch it."

Wen Bing said: "It's good that you have ideas to communicate with me. I've always wanted to hear your opinions."

"Oh, do it yourself, this is a movie made entirely according to your own ideas, just follow your own ideas." Zhou Yun said.

The two sat down.

Wen Bing's assistant brought them coffee.

Wen Bing's office is in a mess, the table is full of materials, and there are various things around.

However, Zhou Yun quite liked being in this kind of environment.

Wen Bing often stays alone in this office, writing scripts and reading materials, with very real traces of work.

Compared with those office rooms with bright and clean windows, Zhou Yun prefers this kind of office.

Zhou Yun sat down on the sofa and saw a stack of scripts piled high on the armrest of the sofa.

"Is this all the script you wrote?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"These? No." Wen Bing shook his head and denied, "They are all scripts sent by others. I want to see if I am interested in directing."

Zhou Yun was very surprised, "The movies you make are all scripts written by yourself. Are you still willing to direct scripts written by others?"

"Why not?" Wen Bing said, "As long as it's the script I want to make, it doesn't matter if I wrote it or not. "The Female Assassin" is going to be released on National Day, and we will make this movie after we finish filming "Year" The publicity, Yao Yuanfeng and the others told you, right?"

"Well, I said it." Zhou Yun nodded, "Are you under a lot of pressure?"

"Fortunately, this movie has actually been done a long time ago, and I have been waiting for the schedule, and now it is finally set, which is also very good." Wen Bing said, "The script for the sequel has been written."

"Yao Yuanfeng is so optimistic about the box office of this movie?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Wen Bing said: "He has always wanted to develop a new commercial film series. This action film is already popular, but there are relatively few action films with female protagonists, and few of them are blockbusters. There are such Concern, although Yao Yuanfeng urged me to write the script, he did not say that he would start filming. He still has to wait for the first film to be released and see market feedback before making a subsequent decision. He wants to make a sequel script, mainly to let Shareholders are satisfied."

Zhou Yun: "This movie is a good movie, but it's not certain whether it can sell as expected at the box office."

She felt so herself.
Also, I will continue to update a little bit more, you don’t have to wait, you can see it when you get up tomorrow morning. (end of this chapter)

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