If you want to ask whether "The Female Killer" is a commercial film, the answer is of course yes.

But if you want to ask whether "The Female Killer" is a standard commercial film, you can't answer it with such certainty.

This character was originally derived from the movie "One Mountain and Two Tigers". At first, she was the female boss of the casino. as nothing.

Zhou Yun played such a female killer in this spin-off movie——wandering in the shadow border of the world, being chased and killed by other killers.

It's not an action genre in the typical sense.

That's why Zhou Yun said he didn't know if he could meet his expectations.

Of course, Zhou Yun has not seen the complete film yet.She just made a prediction based on the script and what she saw while filming.

Wen Bing said: "Yao Yuanfeng and the others have already organized several rounds of internal screenings. There are a lot of overseas filmmakers who are interested in this film, and many of them want to win overseas distribution. This gives Yao Yuanfeng great confidence to promote the film. The film was released on a massive scale.”

Zhou Yun said: "After all, it is the most popular theme. By the way, since we plan to release it on the National Day file, do you know what other movies will be released in the same period?"

"I don't know yet, the only one that has been determined to compete with us is a comedy film produced by Shen Yao's team, but he didn't star in that film, so Yao Yuanfeng didn't take it too seriously and felt that it would not be good for us. There's too much competition for this film."

The competition between movies, whether there are big-name stars, is an important part of the announcement-this is why producers always choose popular actors.

Zhou Yun: "For such a big schedule, comedies always have their basics. However, this is not something we can also consider. No matter how the box office of "Female Killer" is, it won't lose money, right?"

She looked at Wen Bing worriedly.

Wen Bing showed a dumbfounding expression.

"Are you so unconfident?"

"The two of us chatted in private, and of course we talked about the most honest thoughts. It's not that I don't have confidence. It's true that everyone's expectations for this movie are too high. I usually dare not express my concerns." Zhou Yun said, " When I first acted in this movie, I never imagined that in the end you wanted to make it an action movie that focused more on character creation than "One Mountain and Two Tigers". The requirements for action pictures are getting higher and higher.”

Wen Bing said: "Other people say that my cinematography is a major strength. If I don't work hard to maintain the requirements of the picture, I don't get higher and higher. Immediately, the crowd will think that my shooting is too sloppy and too perfunctory."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Wen Bing's films, photography and images are a major strength.

Since the first "Days", his movies have been praised as "good-looking".

Literally good looking.

In fact, "The Female Killer" is the same.

When shooting, Wen Bing was very concerned about the camera and composition.

At this time, Wen Bing's assistant knocked on the door and came in and said, "Director, Jingbei is here."

Zhou Yun was taken aback when he heard the name.

Wen Bing didn't seem to expect that Jingbei would come, he was also taken aback for a moment, and said, "Didn't I make an appointment with him in the afternoon? Why is he here now?"

"I told him that you were seeing someone else, but his mother..." the assistant showed a hesitant expression on his face.

Wen Bing immediately showed an expression of irritability and embarrassment.

"Xiaoyun, wait for me, I'll go see them first." He said, "Yao Yuanfeng called me yesterday and asked me to meet them. The original appointment was this afternoon. Come now."

Zhou Yun asked: "What does Yao Yuanfeng want you to see them for? I've seen them both, they're fucking hard to deal with."

"Yeah, I've already experienced it." Wen Bing said with a speechless expression on his face, "Before Yao Yuanfeng called me, they had already found many people to contact me, wanting to see me, but they didn't even say hello If you come to me, I am really entangled to no avail."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Okay, you go to see them, I'll wait for you here."

About 10 minutes later, while Zhou Yun was still chatting with someone on the phone, Wen Bing suddenly rushed in angrily.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun looked at Wen Bing in surprise and asked him what was wrong.

Wen Bing put his hands on his hips and cursed furiously: "Stupid!"

Zhou Yun looked at Wen Bing suspiciously, wondering why he suddenly became so angry.

"Are Jingbei and his mother mad at you?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing said: "That woman is really the best!"

Hearing Wen Bing scolding someone in such an exaggerated and unacceptable tone, Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

Because Wen Bing is really a person who is not very angry.

Even if you get angry, you don't use this kind of word.

"What happened to her?"

"She bossed me to give her son a role in the new movie, otherwise, "The Female Killer" would not be released on the National Day file." Wen Bing said angrily, "What!"

Zhou Yun felt a burst of anger when he heard Wen Bing's retelling. It is conceivable how good Wen Bing was when he heard it with his own ears.

What directors like Wen Bing hate most is when external factors affect their films.

Everyone can understand the anger of a movie that has been worked so hard to make it, and it can finally be released.

Zhou Yun said indifferently: "As for this matter, why are you so angry? Why bother, she won't be able to get in if she says she can't get in? If she has such great ability, she doesn't have to come over and call you to Jingbei in person. Arranging a character in the new movie? It’s just a ghost who pretends to be a tiger.”

Not only Wen Bing, Zhou Yun himself was really angry.

Wen Bing said: "Not long ago, didn't she go around looking for a good brokerage company for Jingbei to sign with? She just told me that Jingbei signed with Zuo Jing, Luo Zhiqiu's brokerage company."

"Luo Zhiqiu?" All kinds of thoughts in Zhou Yun's mind aligned for a moment, "So that's how it is."

No wonder Jingdongtian brought Luo Zhiqiu into the game.

Wen Bing said: "Jingbei may make his debut through a talent show, but his mother is not willing. I still want Jingbei to be an actor from the beginning."

Zhou Yun: "I don't care about any internal conflicts between them. However, whether it's their debut or acting, they have been tossing around for so long. They are not afraid that the fact that Jingbei is the illegitimate child of Jingdongtian will be exposed? If it is exposed, it will hurt everyone. It's no good."

"I don't know, but it is estimated that the exposure has been exposed long ago, and no one has exposed it until now. Maybe it has been negotiated by many parties." Wen Bing said, "Even if it is exposed, they may not necessarily admit it. I think, at least for now Jing Dongtian himself has never said to the outside world that Jingbei is his son." (End of this chapter)

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