Such things as illegitimate children are always common.

A person like Jing Dongtian has social status, achievements, influence, and wealth. If an illegitimate child suddenly appears, regardless of whether it is true or not, there will definitely be a lot of discussions when it comes out.

However, no one has any evidence for this kind of thing. As long as the two sides deny it, as long as no one who knows the details of the matter comes forward and reveals some big news, no matter how many rumors and discussions there are, it will not be able to shake Jing Dongtian at all.

Because of this, Jingdongtian has never made a move for Jingbei's affairs.

At least, as in Zhou Yun, many people say that Jingbei is the son of Jingdongtian, and they want her to help, take a belt, lead a collar, but in fact these words are said by others, and Jingdongtian himself has never been in person. I told Zhou Yun.

Even if Zhou Yun stepped forward to expose all this, Jing Dongtian would only lightly say that others had misunderstood him, he didn't know what others did and said, and Zhou Yun had nothing to say.

Zhou Yun hated Jingbei and his mother who looked like wild dogs looking for food everywhere with a pair of ambitious eyes.In fact, Zhou Yun doesn't care whether Jing Bei is an illegitimate child or not.This is a family matter, Zhou Yun never cared about other people's origins.But in the past period of time, they seemed to be haunting nightmares, appearing in the whispers around Zhou Yun, and everyone was talking about it.The energy of the protagonist of this kind of gossip news is vividly interpreted by his mother, and he is not ashamed.

Wen Bing said: "No, I'm going to call Yao Yuanfeng now, whoever he arranged, he insists on me meeting them."

He angrily picked up his phone and went out.

Zhou Yun sat on the sofa, frowning in confusion.

That's right, why did Yao Yuanfeng call Wen Bing and ask Wen Bing to meet them? ——
Wen Bing is the most remarkable director that Xindun has promoted in the past ten years.

No matter from which point of view, Wen Bing is Yao Yuanfeng's most important collaborator now.

Under such circumstances, for such troublesome people as Jingbei and his mother, Yao Yuanfeng didn't want to isolate them, but instead took the initiative to let them disturb Wen Bing, which really shouldn't be.

A movie company boss like Yao Yuanfeng knows how to protect a creator.

Zhou Yun has been in contact with Yao Yuanfeng, and knows that he is not the kind of person who does not care about his propriety.He wouldn't understand what Wen Bing's attitude towards Jingbei and his mother would be.

In this case, it's not normal for him to still do it.

What is Yao Yuanfeng planning?
The phone buzzed and vibrated.

Someone texted her.

Zhou Yun immediately picked up the phone and glanced at it.

It's the news from Zhou Lan: something happened to "May [-]th" again, and Elizabeth resigned.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

The news shocked her, but at the same time, she was at a loss.

"May [-]" is the British movie that Zhou Yun had auditioned for before.

Zhou Yun immediately asked Zhou Lan: Why did Elizabeth resign?

Zhou Lan: I don’t know the specific reason, but now the foreign media has exploded, and they are all publishing this news.

Zhou Yun was puzzled and sent an email to Elizabeth: I saw the news that you resigned from "May [-]th". What happened?Is it true?
After 2 minutes, Wen Bing seemed to have finished the phone call with Yao Yuanfeng, opened the door again, and returned to the room.

At this time, the phone vibrated again.

Elizabeth replied to the email: I did resign. This movie is not what I thought it would be. Fedor added a scene in which my character was raped, and he also asked for real shooting and nudity. I negotiated with him about the camera, but he was determined to shoot this scene, so I didn't want to shoot it.

After reading the email from Elizabeth, Zhou Yun couldn't hold back his breath.

It turned out to be so.

Wen Bing saw the surprised expression on Zhou Yun's face and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Uh, do you know the movie "May Fourteen"?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wen Bing nodded: "Isn't it the movie that Fedor is making? Before the heroine had a car accident, I had to change the filming."

"Uh, Elizabeth, who went to rescue the cast, resigned." Zhou Yun said, "I was talking to Elizabeth about this just now."

"Resignation?" Wen Bing showed shock and confusion, "Why?"

"She and Fedor have some differences in creative ideas, and neither side is willing to give in." Zhou Yun didn't elaborate, and asked, "Have you finished the phone call with Yao Yuanfeng?"

"After the fight, I was so angry. Yao Yuanfeng told me that he couldn't bear the pressure, so he could only let me meet." Wen Bing said angrily when he mentioned it, "What do you mean he can't bear the pressure, so Just let me see you once?"

Zhou Yun: "Maybe he really can't stand the pressure. During this time, many of my friends have been harassed by them."

Wen Bing: "I have seen all kinds of people with personalities and tempers, but I have never seen a person who takes himself as seriously as Jingbei's mother. He doesn't take others seriously. Almost every day There are people who come to me and want to recommend someone to act with me, or directly want to recommend themselves to act with me. There are so many people, and no one is more arrogant than her. It seems that her son came to act in my play, yes My pleasure."

Zhou Yun: "Maybe it's really an honor for you. His father is Jing Dongtian. If you ask him to act, it might be easier to win the award."

"I lack his award!" Wen Bing scolded unceremoniously.

Zhou Yun smiled.
The box office performance of "Jian Yuntai" is very good. In the first week of its release, the box office exceeded one billion. According to the current box office trend, the total box office can go to more than 20 billion.

It is very good news for this large-investment commercial film.

It was also very good news for Song Chi.

Song Chi's most important identity is still an actor.He was so popular and highly sought after in the market before because the movies and TV series he starred in made a lot of money.But in the past few years, Song Chi has only had one movie, "The Inaction" with a box office revenue exceeding one billion. Compared with other actors whose leading roles have exceeded two billion or three billion at the box office, it seems to be much weaker.

The market is always chasing the top and most profitable group of people.

Song Chi has not had a blockbuster movie for a long time, which will also make the market worry about his ability to carry the box office.

This time, the box office of "Jian Yuntai" defeated all these concerns.

Facts have proved that in the field of commercial films, Song Chi's box office appeal is still super first-line.

"Jian Yuntai" is in full swing at the box office in movie theaters, and the box office figures are rising steadily.

Song Chi also took the main creator of the crew to run promotions all over the country.

When "Jianyuntai" exceeded No. 15 billion, "Jianyuntai" was also released in South Korea and Japan.

Song Chi took his people abroad and vigorously cooperated with the local publishing and publicity company to do publicity.

Song Chi has always been well-known in the Asian market.

A disaster-themed movie like "Jianyuntai" was released in Japan and South Korea, and the publicity team directly promoted it with "China's most popular movie this summer" as the main promotional entry.

Song Chi appeared on Japanese and Korean TV programs to promote the movie.The program team treated him very well and gave him enough courtesy.

These two markets have also achieved very good box office results.

"Jianyuntai" directly entered the top three box office in two markets in the first week of its release.

No matter whether it is South Korea or Japan, they all have big box office positions. However, for Chinese films, it is difficult to get a very high box office like Hollywood films.

The performance of "Jianyuntai" can be regarded as very good.

Song Chi originally wanted to shoot a movie with the theme of "Jianyuntai", but he actually wanted to release it globally.

Although at that time, no one dared to place their hopes on how much money they could make from overseas markets.

Don't even think about it.

"Jianyuntai" did it.

In the first week, not only Japan and South Korea, but also Singapore, India and other Asian countries were released, and the box office data came out one after another, accumulating millions of dollars in box office.

Among them, "Jian Yuntai" won the box office of 215 million US dollars in the first week in Japan, and 197 million US dollars in the first week in South Korea, both of which are very good results.

Song Chi has been running promotions in several Asian countries for the past week.

For movie fans in these countries, Song Chi seemed to appear suddenly after disappearing for a long time.

Zhou Yun was worried that something would happen to Song Chi in South Korea.

Just like those things she encountered in South Korea.

But luckily nothing happened.

The success of "Jian Yuntai" successfully ignited the domestic film market.

No one was not optimistic about this movie before, after all, the combination of Song Chi + commercial themes, everyone is full of expectations.

But no one thought that this movie would be so successful.

In the second week, "Jianyuntai" was released in European and American countries.

The film is only opening in 45 theaters in the United States.

Chinese-language films are basically like this, and few are directly released on a large scale.

American theaters do not believe that Chinese-language films can get a good box office-Chinese-language films are generally just a fixed number of moviegoers.This has formed a deep-rooted concept.

Under such momentum, Song Chi's company continued to raise additional publicity funds, hoping to give it another helping hand.

In the second week, the box office of "Jian Yuntai" reversed in the domestic market, earning 13 billion box office, and the total domestic box office exceeded 23 billion.

The box office of other Asian countries and regions officially exceeded 2000 million US dollars.

In the UK, France and Italy, "Jian Yuntai" has won the box office of more than 200 million US dollars in the first week.

On the global box office list, "Jian Yuntai" topped the list for two consecutive weeks.

Seeing the film's success, Zhou Yun was as excited as Song Chi in his heart.

Movie actors don't care about movie box office?Fake.

No one does not want their work to achieve better results.

In China, Zhou Yun will promote "Jian Yuntai" in all public activities on the road in the past two weeks.

And Zhou Yun was also very shocked to find that every time she went out in the past, everyone's enthusiasm was directed at her, but now, many young actors came because she was Song Chi's wife.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I love acting very much. If Brother Chi has a movie with a role that suits me, I'm willing to act without any salary." This is what an idol actor named Li Xingchi said.

They met while recording a variety show called "Eight Hundred Miles".

Zhou Yun was stunned and couldn't laugh or cry.

"You take the initiative to tell Song Chi." Zhou Yun said, "He often interviews newcomers."

Li Xingchi said: "There are too many interviewees. I would like to ask Miss Xiaoyun to recommend it for me. I am very serious."

Li Xingchi was very serious and determined, and he didn't seem to find his request abrupt at all.

Zhou Yun was a little dumbfounded.

It's just that Li Xingchi didn't look like that kind of righteous and confident, but rather... as if he lacked a muscle.

I don't know what happened.

Zhou Yun could only say: "Okay, if there is a suitable opportunity, let me recommend it for you."

Li Xingchi immediately showed a bright smile on his face.

Zhou Yun and Li Xingchi recorded this variety show, and the schedule was very easy.

The current variety shows basically set up some challenges and checkpoints, and then the guests pass the checkpoints.

This program was produced by Zhang Na. She came to invite Zhou Yun in person, and Zhou Yun agreed.

Two acquaintances, He Xuran and Yu Yan, were also recorded together.

During the recording of the show, Li Xingchi was very enthusiastic and warm to everyone.

Zhou Yun watched from the side, a little surprised.

Indeed, it is rare to see someone like Li Xingchi who has such enthusiasm and innocence written on his face.

During the break, Zhou Yun went to buy coffee.

Because Liu Yun was not by her side, only Li Yang was by her side.

The two of them went to a nearby coffee shop to buy it.

After buying it, as soon as I came out, I happened to bump into Li Xingchi.

There is a girl next to him who looks like an assistant.

The two talked, laughed, and fought, just like ordinary young people.

Li Xingchi smiled brightly and loudly.

The assistant looked a little ordinary, but he was also in high spirits.

"Li Xingchi, make fun of me again, be careful I'll poison your water!" the girl said angrily.

The old god Li Xingchi said, "I don't believe it."

As soon as they looked up, they saw Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was distracted at that moment.

She is always easily moved and distracted by such a youthful appearance.

Li Xingchi and his assistant showed embarrassment as if a naughty child was caught by their parents for doing bad things.

Zhou Yun smiled, greeted them, and left.

Before walking far, Zhou Yun heard Li Xingchi's assistant complaining: "It's because you are so reckless all day long that you lose face to Zhou Yun. When will you be able to stabilize your focus!"

"Why am I not steady!" Li Xingchi retorted angrily.


Zhou Yun smiled knowingly.

Back at the recording location, Zhou Yun was about to sit down in his own seat, when He Xuran next to him suddenly yelled, not knowing what was going on.

"What did you do? Do you think I'm a fool?" He kicked over the small chair in front of him, furious, and shocked everyone in the audience. I don't know what happened to him all of a sudden. Yes, such a big fire.

"Xu Ran, what's the matter?" Zhang Na rushed over immediately. (end of this chapter)

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