Chapter 955
"Sister Na, I've told you a long time ago that I don't want to record a show with this person. Why does he still have him in the program list you recorded tomorrow?"

He Xuran has a very big temper.

Chen Pinghe is also their recording guest today.

However, Zhou Yun only recorded today's episode and will not participate in tomorrow's recording, which will be another episode of the program tomorrow.

Zhou Yun didn't know Chen Pinghe. He met him for the first time today. He only knew that he, like Li Xingchi, was an idol who had just debuted.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, not understanding why He Xuran would be so concerned about a newcomer who just debuted.

Not even a program can be recorded together.

Zhang Na immediately pulled He Xuran aside to comfort him.

After a while, Chen Pinghe appeared.Everyone looked at him with strange eyes.Chen Pinghe didn't seem to know what happened just now, with a smile on his face.He greeted the few guests who had already arrived, all with a very low posture, and greeted with the attitude of a junior.

When he came to Zhou Yun's place, Zhou Yun only smiled politely.

When Chen Pinghe left, Zhou Yun sat silently on his small chair and looked at his mobile phone, not intending to get involved.

No matter what happened to He Xuran and Chen Pinghe before, it was their affair.

Of course, Zhou Yun also tried to keep a distance from He Xuran, an actor who had an unpleasant experience during the filming of "Four Killers", and would not contact him if he could.

People like He Xuran who would find paparazzi to secretly take pictures of the actors in the same group had such bad intentions that Zhou Yun hated him very much.

After a while, Zhang Na came back with an ugly face.

She walked towards Chen Pinghe hesitantly, hesitated to speak, and finally left again.

Chen Pinghe looked at Zhang Na suspiciously, as if he didn't know why she was so embarrassed.

He Xuran and Li Xingchi came back one after another.

He Xuran's face was still ugly, and he walked back with a stinky face that everyone owed him money.

Li Xingchi and his assistant were still fighting, just like a couple in love.

Zhou Yun suspected that the two of them might really be in love.

Li Xingchi probably didn't notice that He Xuran was walking in front of him. He turned his back and made faces at his assistant, but accidentally bumped into He Xuran.

The two staggered at the same time.

Li Xingchi turned around and saw that he bumped into He Xuran, and immediately apologized.

"Sorry, Brother Xu Ran."

He Xuran was full of anger when he was bumped and exploded again.

"Can you grow eyes when you walk!" He Xuran scolded.

Li Xingchi froze suddenly.

The main reason was that this incident happened unexpectedly, and Li Xingchi himself didn't do it on purpose. After bumping into him, he immediately apologized, but he didn't expect He Xuran's reaction to be so big.

"Hold, I'm sorry, Brother Xu Ran, I didn't pay attention." Li Xingchi continued to apologize.

He Xuran's face was as ugly as if it had been soaked in the toilet. He raised his eyes and looked at Chen Pinghe in the other direction, pointing and cursing Huai Huai and continued to shoot: "I'm so fucking annoying these draft idols!"

For unknown reasons, Li Xingchi was suddenly scolded like this, and he was stunned, looking at He Xuran suspiciously and at a loss.

"Brother Xu Ran, I did accidentally bump into you, so there's no need to get so angry, right?"

Li Xingchi is not a patient person, and he got angry when He Xuran poked his face in front of everyone.

He Xuran didn't intend to scold Li Xingchi, but when Li Xingchi questioned him like this, he already felt that he had lost face, and became even more irritable.

"Did I say something wrong?" He Xuran fired directly, "If it weren't for you people who started a fan circle, how could the show business circle be so smoky?"

He was about to leave with a dark face.

Li Xingchi clenched his fists tightly.

Zhou Yun saw the female assistant next to him give him a hand.

From the beginning to the end, no one went up to persuade He Xuran.

He Xuran is a popular front line, and his popularity is high.

Who dares to touch his bad luck.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and asked the choreographer in charge of her.

"Is He Xuran so angry?"

When I was filming with him before, he was just smiling and playing tricks behind his back, and he was always kind on the surface.

The editor and director showed embarrassment, faltered and dared not say anything.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun didn't ask any further questions.

As a result, He Xuran suddenly left the program recording site again.

The program that was originally scheduled to continue filming 10 minutes later cannot be continued.

All artists are waiting on the spot.

The faces of the director team were full of anxiety.

Zhang Na disappeared even more, Zhou Yun guessed that she was going to do He Xuran's work.

Zhou Yun waited for half an hour, and seeing that He Xuran hadn't come back, he frowned slightly.

"Where is He Xuran?" She asked the director team.

The director team quickly explained: "He will be here soon, Sister Na is communicating with him."

"It's okay, tell me where he is." Zhou Yun said, "I'll go and tell him."

The director team was taken aback.

They didn't know what Zhou Yun meant.

However, the director team still arranged for someone to take Zhou Yun there.

He Xuran stayed in his rest room, and there were several people standing at the door, looking at the closed door helplessly.

After Zhou Yun came over, they all looked at her suspiciously.

Zhou Yun asked: "He Xuran is inside?"

The others looked at each other and nodded hesitantly.

Zhou Yun walked over and knocked on the door.

"He Xuran, open the door, I am Zhou Yun."

Zhou Yun said.

Her tone was calm and steady.

After a few seconds, Zhang Na opened the door from the inside, with a look of surprise on her face, "Xiaoyun? You... sorry for keeping you waiting, Xu Ran is a little uncomfortable now, we are giving him— —”

Zhou Yun signaled Zhang Na not to continue talking.

She said, "Sister Na, you come out, I'll talk to him."

Zhang Na was also taken aback, with a look of surprise on her face.

Zhou Yun asked Zhang Na to go out and closed the door behind her.

Only Zhou Yun, He Xuran and his manager were left in the room.

Zhou Yun looked at He Xuran.

He Xuran held the phone, as if he didn't see Zhou Yun, and didn't raise his eyes.

"Is it interesting to act like this?" Zhou Yun asked.

He Xuran didn't speak.

His manager asked in a self-important tone: "Miss Zhou, what do you want us to do with Xu Ran? He is not feeling well right now."

Zhou Yun glanced at him lightly, and said, "He doesn't have a long mouth, so I need you to speak for him? If you want to hear what I'm talking to him, just shut up and keep quiet. If you can't keep quiet, you Just go out."

He Xuran's manager's expression suddenly changed.

"Miss Zhou has such a temper."

"You have a big temper, don't think I don't know what you did for him." Zhou Yun glanced at him, "So, if I tell you to shut up, you'd better shut up."

He Xuran's manager opened his mouth and muttered in surprise, but he really didn't speak.

Zhou Yun's eyes returned to He Xuran.

"I don't care what you're crazy about, don't waste my time, come out and record the show for me within 10 minutes, otherwise, I don't care how popular you are now, I don't mind doing another live broadcast. The entire program crew is waiting for him on the spot."

Zhou Yun dropped these words, turned around and left.

The moment she opened the door, He Xuran suddenly spoke.

"What does this have to do with you, you need to help them get ahead?" He Xuran's tone was filled with disgust.

He has nothing to do with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun paused.

"He Xuran, I don't care about any conflicts between you and Chen Pinghe, but don't drag hundreds of people to quarrel with you, please be a little professional, although this is not filming, but the recording of this show is also yours Work." Zhou Yun said, "There are so many people in the entire program group, it's not just your time."

She put her hand on the doorknob.

"I gave you face, come out within 10 minutes, I will pretend nothing happened."

(End of this chapter)

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