I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 961 Her Film Critic

Chapter 961 Her Film Critic
Yin Lin found that her situation in the past six months was not very good.

The beginning was that time Jing Dongtian condemned her in front of many people for not accepting the variety show "Actor's Stage".

Many times they are constrained and suppressed.

This time the movie "I Am Your Mother" was released. Although the audience's reputation was very good and the movie's box office has been rising all the way, the industry's evaluation was not very good.

Especially the evaluation of some old-timers, it is very bad.Forget about the evaluation of the movie, the evaluation of her is "exaggerated acting skills, kitsch".This evaluation is not without criticism.

Yin Lin knew it herself.At that time, Jing Dongtian fainted and was sent to the hospital. Although it was later found out that it was because of his cancer, many people still thought that she had stimulated Jing Dongtian.

A junior sent an old senior into the hospital. This kind of thing is a devastating blow to the reputation of this junior.

But things have already happened, and Yin Lin has nothing to do.

Yin Lin thought of many remedies, including going to the hospital to visit Jingdongtian, but the effect was not great.

She herself didn't want to change many of her choices just because of some words from Jing Dongtian and others.

Whether it's filming or other jobs, she has a lot of favors owed to her today, and she also has a lot of her own considerations.

It doesn't mean that if she gets a queen, everything will be fine and her future will be safe.

She also faces the pressure of popularity, popularity, and whether or not she can sell well.

"I Am Your Mother" has achieved such a result, she should have been proud of herself, and it is when she is happy.

But the "cold reception" towards her in the industry made her very uncomfortable.

She didn't know who to share the pain in her heart with.
"Actually, I think the movie that Yin Lin just released is pretty good. I don't know why some people say this movie is vulgar."

When Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou had dinner together, they chatted about this movie.

"Have you read it?" Gu Huaichun asked Yin Zhou.

Yin Zhou shook his head: "I haven't seen it yet, do you think it looks good?"

"Well, it's very funny, and the spoof part is really innovative, I really like it." Gu Huaichun said, "It's been a long time since I saw this kind of spoof-style comedy on the big screen. Kind of insane, very cool acting, I've never seen her act like that, unique."

Yin Zhou: "Maybe this kind of crazy performance style makes many people unacceptable."

Two people are chatting.

Yin Zhou suddenly saw a push message received by his mobile phone.

"Hmm, Xiao Yun wrote a film review about "I Am Your Mother"." Yin Zhou said to Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun asked in surprise, "What?"

Yin Zhou: "Just posted."

He clicked on push.

"This is a very popular movie. In this popular movie, I saw the director's deconstruction of life, and I also saw Yin Lin's expansion of the performance territory as an actor. In order to avoid spoilers, I don't want to quote But as an actor and as an audience, I must say that this is a very innovative and very good-looking comedy movie. In the past, we have seen so many comedies dominated by male characters. works, now why not check out this female-led comedy production? Comedy is gender-spanning, but different perspectives lead to different comedy experiences, and I promise you that [-]%."

After Yin Zhou finished reading Zhou Yun's film review, he raised the corners of his mouth at Gu Huaichun, "Look, Xiaoyun is still quite fierce. When everyone is saying that this movie is flattering the audience, she dares to stand up and say this. The movie was well done."

Gu Huaichun: "The filming is already good, why don't people tell the truth?"

He took out his mobile phone, logged into his social platform account, and reposted the film review written by Zhou Yun: "I was having dinner with Yin Zhou, and told him how good "I Am Your Mother" is. Yin Zhou told me that Xiaoyun wrote After reading this movie review, he read it to me and wondered whether this movie is really as good as Xiaoyun said. I dare not say that everyone will like this movie, but this must be a good time with Xiaoyun. Comedy experience like no other before, I promise you that [-] percent."

Forwarded successfully.

Yin Zhou was speechless when he saw the content forwarded by Gu Huaichun.

"You recommend yours, why do you still bring my name?"

"When recommending a work, a tool person is always needed." Gu Huaichun said with a smile.

Yin Zhou thought for a while, and then logged on to Weibo, reposting Gu Huaichun's post, @豪楚, wife, are you free tonight?Shall we go to the movies together?

Assistant Yu Chujing, who was on the set, reminded that when he logged on to Weibo, his face was full of question marks.

It's filming, I have a fart time to watch movies.

When she figured out what was going on, she smiled and forwarded the reply: I'm filming on the set, don't bother, since Gu Huaichun likes this movie so much, you ask him to watch it with you again.

The interaction of the four of them immediately became the hottest trend on social platforms today.
When Wu Chengbao saw Zhou Yun's Weibo, he couldn't help but groan.

He is discussing with Song Chi the possibility of developing a sequel to "Jian Yuntai".

"Your wife is really awesome. She can send a movie to the hot search by doing something casually. This operation will kill all the publicity and distribution companies." Wu Chengbao said very firmly, "With their interaction today, "" The box office of the movie I Am Your Mother will definitely drop tomorrow."

Song Chi heard what Wu Chengbao said, and took a look at the phone to find out what Zhou Yun had done.

He raised the corner of his mouth.

"She has such a personality. It would be fine if there were no people who said that this movie was too kitsch. She would not just watch her favorite movie being slandered by a group of people." He said, "The "Murder" directed by Vanderchan Forget it, she also likes it very much, and she emphasized it several times when she was overseas. The reason why overseas audiences don’t understand or like it is because they don’t understand Chinese history and culture. In fact, this is a very good movie.”

Wu Chengbao: "Do you have any ideas about this movie? Should we release this movie in August, or on National Day?"

They have been discussing this issue since they won the domestic distribution of the movie "Scheme".

When will it be released?
If it is going to be released in August, then the file must be finalized immediately, otherwise it will be too late for publicity.

Song Chi thought for a while and said, "My movie "Forbidden Army" will also be released in August. It's also an ancient theme, and it's a bit of a collision. Currently, there is only one comedy in the National Day file and Xiaoyun's "Female Assassin". It would be more appropriate to place "Forecast" on the National Day file."

"Then "Conspiracy" is about to compete with "Female Assassin"."

"Don't think about it this way. Now the domestic big schedule can basically hold three to four movies. As long as the quality of the movie is good enough, no one's box office will be crowded by another movie." Song Chi said, ""The Female Killer" " and "The Plan" have different target audiences."

Wu Chengbao nodded, "Okay, then I'll go talk to Director Fan."

(End of this chapter)

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