No one will ignore Zhou Yun's film review.

In fact, Zhou Yun rarely posts film reviews.

She often recommends movies, old movies, classic movies, and movies that are currently being released. She has recommended a lot, but she rarely writes a movie review to recommend.

Regardless of fans' attention, the key point is that in the entertainment industry, many actors like Zhou Yun very much.For Zhou Yun's favorite movie, everyone will take a look at Ai Wu and Wu Di Gao.

Regarding the movie "I Am Your Mother", the discussion in the industry these days has been somewhat heated.

A comedy film whose box office keeps rising, starring Yin Lin again, many people went to see it from the very beginning.After watching it, some were amazed by Yin Lin's subversive performance, and some felt unacceptable.Of course, the most unignorable thing is the negation of this movie by Jing Dongtian and other seniors.

Their evaluation of this film is a typical case of tarnishing film art by the film market in recent years in order to flatter the audience.

After the comments of these old-timers circulated, those who said they liked the movie did not dare to publicly express their liking.

They're all in the entertainment industry, who would offend those seniors for a movie that has nothing to do with them?

However, at this time, Zhou Yun suddenly expressed his appreciation for the movie.

And after she finished posting the film review, Gu Huaichun, Yin Zhou, and Yu Chu also interacted with other stars, especially Gu Huaichun, who also expressed their appreciation for the movie.

This is equivalent to two first-line stars expressing their love for this movie.

Everyone was stunned, feeling over the boldness of Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun, and surprised at their courage.

Is "I Am Your Mom" ​​a good movie?

Because of Zhou Yun's film review, there are more and more voices discussing it.

However, it's all a discussion on the Internet.

Most of the audience like this movie very much, and the subversive performance that many people see hits their hearts directly.

A self-media blogger described it in this way: "Yin Lin has always played a relatively elegant and intellectual character. This time, Yin Lin still maintained such a screen image in the first half, but soon after that This image was torn apart. On the screen, she completely tore up the intellectual image left in the audience's mind, and turned into a crazy shrew with no etiquette at all, playing ugly in a self-destructive, comic style , formed a huge contrast between the front and back, and thus successfully achieved the explosive laughter of the characters."

Zhou Yun felt that what this person said was very accurate.

She sent a screenshot of this comment to Yin Lin: Sister Lin, this person is on point.

Yin Lin herself was surprised.

When "I Am Your Mother" was criticized wildly by critics, Zhou Yun would actually support this movie publicly at this time.

Zhou Yun's strong support and support, not to mention changed the reputation of "I Am Your Mother" in the critics, but it caused everyone to discuss it again.

In particular, many young filmmakers who already liked this movie dared to express their love for this movie after Zhou Yun made his voice.

Whether it's Zhou Yun's recommendation of the movie on social platforms, or the discussions in the critics because of her recommendation, the movie has gained beyond-expected word-of-mouth and box office trends under such popularity. , "I Am Your Mother" reversed the decline and won a box office of 4.7 million. The total box office has exceeded 7 million, which is three or four times the estimated box office performance. According to this trend, the movie may even exceed 10 billion.

For Yin Lin, this once again proved her ability to carry the box office alone.

As an actress, Yin Lin has a big shortcoming compared to Ning Yao and other actors of the same age group, that is, she has not been famous for a long time and her nationality is not enough.

Even if "Bad Women" did well at the box office, it was only a production after all.

Therefore, whether Yin Lin can act as the heroine and whether she can handle the box office alone is a question mark placed on her by the market.

Now that Yin Lin has come up with her second box office hit, the question mark can be crossed out.

Compared with the cold reception of her by industry critics, her commercial value has soared with the explosion of this movie.

Deep down in her heart, Yin Lin is especially grateful to Zhou Yun for her recommendation and appreciation of the film.

The attitudes of her and Gu Huaichun clearly gave many young filmmakers the courage to express their attitudes.

At present, the industry is polarized. It seems that the older generation of filmmakers don't like this movie very much, but many young people like it very much.
On this day, Jiang Xin attended the press conference of his new drama, and was asked by the reporter if he had watched the work "I Am Your Mother".

Jiang Xin replied: "I have seen it. To be honest, I personally don't like this style of film very much, but many young people around me like it very much, including my assistant director. He was very excited to share it with me after watching it. Some editing and mirroring of this movie, so I also watched it for the second time, maybe I am really old, I still don’t like it very much, but this time I did see a lot of places that I didn’t pay attention to the first time, the director Whether it's good or Yin Lin, they are all very courageous and have come up with very innovative things. From the perspective of a creator, and as an old-timer, I must say, although I personally don't like it because of my own preferences. style, but we must support young people who have the courage and courage to innovate and take risks.”

Jiang Xin was the first filmmaker of the older generation to stand up and support this movie.

His voice has a very important representative meaning.

Many of Yin Lin's fans thanked Jiang Xin on social media.

Others don't know, but they do know how much criticism Yin Lin's movie faced in the early days of its release.

Yin Lin is also different from other actors.In the past, she was an actor who was highly recognized and respected by the industry, but after winning the award, she still followed the route of industry recognition, unlike many popular female stars who relied on popularity and fans.Therefore, when the industry denies her, for her, it is like a popular star losing her fans and popularity. If she fails to handle it well, it may mean the destruction of her career.

Zhou Yun can do without the support of the older generation of filmmakers. She did not rely on the support of these older generation of filmmakers to obtain all this from the beginning.But Yin Lin is different, she is a typical "inner circle", her success is inseparable from the support of the inner circle.

After seeing the content of Jiang Xin's interview, Jing Dongtian frowned, his face smelly and ugly like sinking water.

It was Zhou Yun again.

Every time he wants to do something, Zhou Yun will always show up and disturb his situation.

This kind of thing has happened several times, and Jing Dongtian has to suspect that this is Zhou Yun's intention. (end of this chapter)

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