Chapter 963
"Zhou Yun is just too smooth. She has come all the way, won prizes and won awards, and has many fans. She is praised as unprecedented and unprecedented, so she speaks so unscrupulously."

At the meeting, Luo Zhiqiu said sharply: "Actually, if the seniors didn't love her so much, how could she win so many awards at such a young age! Everyone loves her because of the emergence of such an international It is not easy for a well-known and influential actor, so everyone protects her and supports her, but look, what is she doing now? Openly contradicting everyone, all the old-timers earnestly say "I am your mother" The film aesthetics It is a kind of consumption, a kind of retrogression, but she is good enough to openly say that this is a good movie in front of everyone, and stir up many young people to blindly praise this movie, what is this?"

Qin Zhong patted the table lightly.

Luo Zhiqiu immediately shut up.

Qin Zhong said with a smile: "Mr. Luo, just talk when you speak, you are so angry, don't fall to the ground without panting. If you don't know it, you will think that we are bullying you."

Luo Zhiqiu's face turned pale.

When Qin Zhong said such words, he was undoubtedly mocking her.

She can't say anything yet.

"Teacher Qin, I was too excited. I'm sorry to make the seniors laugh. The main reason is that I was really annoyed by Zhou Yun's actions." She said, "I hope the seniors will forgive me."

"If we don't forgive anything, we are all children." Qin Zhong said with a smile, "How can we care about it on the outline and on the line? In fact, a movie or a work, whether it is liked by people or not. It’s normal. In our film history of decades or hundreds of years, which work has not been criticized? Are the works we like all well-known by everyone?"

Qin Zhong spoke slowly.

"Mr. Luo, you also manage a group of young actors. Young people dare to speak and think. If we don't tolerate them, who will dare to tell the truth and innovate?" Scanned up, "In fact, Jiang Xin's words are quite right. We may not like this work, but we must tolerate and encourage young people to dare to innovate and challenge their courage and courage."

Jing Dongtian nodded, "Teacher Qin is right. We really need to tolerate and encourage young people's courage and courage. However, if young people go the wrong way, should we point them out so that they can avoid detours?" ?”

"Then we have to see whether the young people have taken the wrong path, or we have not kept up with the young people's ideas. We are not judges, so how can we judge whether others have taken the wrong path." Qin Zhong smiled from beginning to end, " I can't help but think of when I was young, I was often told by my elders that what I did was wrong here, and what I did there was wrong. It's not that what they said was wrong, but I was thinking at that time, nothing Whether I am wrong or right, this is what I am doing, if someone can support me to try and make mistakes, that would be great, now that I am older, I often think about this, if I can go Support young people to try and make mistakes, maybe young people will have fewer regrets."

Jing Dongtian's face was a little ugly.

No one else speaks.

At this moment, everyone understood that it was the two of them wrestling.

Qin Zhong was speaking for Zhou Yun, while Jing Dongtian tried to make Zhou Yun wear a hat of "no respect for elders".

"Think about it carefully, what else can we ask for? Zhou Yun's achievement is all due to her own ability, and she has never asked for anything from us." Another person said, "We It's not easy for the country to have such an actor, let alone, she and Song Chi have been working hard to contribute to the film industry with their own strength. I heard that she has already taken over Director Fan's new play, and in When the word-of-mouth of "Scheming" was not good, she also firmly emphasized in front of overseas media that this is a difference in understanding caused by cultural differences. She emphasized that this is a good movie, and it is not the first time she has done such a thing. She has always insisted on her own point of view, but I think we don't need to accuse her of talking nonsense in this drama."

"Zhou Yun made another movie with an unknown director not long ago, and maybe he will introduce another talented director to our film industry." Immediately, someone else said, "Just kidding, the other actors are all promoted by the director. Come out, only Zhou Yun, she has the ability to pick those talented directors, and let them appear in front of us through her own strength. An actor of her level is willing to cooperate with new directors and unknown directors. She is proud, conceited, and has no feelings for this industry. She doesn't understand her at all. Yu Huaijiang didn't come today. If he was here, he would definitely support my statement. With so many actors, besides Zhou Yun, who else has a director What's the matter?"

Jing Dongtian immediately snorted, and said, "What do you mean, will directors rely on actors in the future?"

"Lao Jing, don't misinterpret what I mean, but you have to admit, besides Zhou Yun, who else would you believe would work with a new director? Zhou Yun used her past Experience has given the entire industry such a sense of trust. From Wen Bing to Xue Qin, even Hou Mengjie, who has had conflicts with her, who is not a newcomer? Now she is starting to distribute literary films overseas to help these films go abroad. She, who has the ability to do such a thing? Are we really going to confront her? I didn't say that we really have to confront, I'm afraid many people will think that we are relying on the old to sell the old."

Jing Dongtian said: "Then tell me, do we support or oppose the film "I Am Your Mother", and should we encourage the production of such a film?"

"Our attitude is an attitude, and Zhou Yun's attitude can also be an attitude. Let this film be discussed as it stands. Why do we have to make either one or the other? What Jiang Xin said in the interview That's right, I don't like it, but I encourage it."

"It seems that I, the villain, did too badly and caused public outrage." Jing Dongtian said in a deep voice, "That's right, I'm old and Zhou Yun is still young. In the future, this industry will still belong to them. We used to The decades of understanding of the industry and persistence in the film are not important anymore."

"Hey, Lao Jing, why do you say that? No matter what, Zhou Yun is our junior, and the elders should always be more considerate and tolerant to the younger generation. Do you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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