I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 965 Invite Zhang Zifan

Chapter 965 Invite Zhang Zifan
Zhang Zifan was mainly thinking, if he really signed with Song Chi's film company, would he be able to develop better in the future?

Can the movie he wants to make be supported by the company?
How much filming funding can he get to make his own movie?

To what extent will the company interfere with his creation?
Is the final editing right in his own hands, or in the hands of the company?
These were all questions that crossed Zhang Zifan's mind.

These issues are also several factors that he focuses on.

Zhou Yun and the others did not urge Zhang Zifan to make a decision immediately.

Zhang Zifan asked: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Song, if I sign a contract with you, will I get your support for the movies I make in the future?"

"That's right, we will support you in shooting the projects you want to shoot. Of course, our company's own projects will also be given priority to you." Wu Chengbao, as the main person in charge of the company's business, said to Zhang Zifan, "We are now I don't know exactly what kind of ideas you have, but the film projects our company is responsible for have always been very abundant in terms of funds. Now after "Jian Yuntai" is released, more capital parties have come to us for cooperation. It can be said that filming funds are definitely not a problem, as long as you have a good creative idea, a good script, and who you want to cooperate with, we will help you contact them. In terms of actors, this is our advantage."

Zhang Zifan had to admit that he was deeply moved.

Wu Chengbao said: "We know that you have your own film production company, we can make a cooperation framework to produce your next film together, not only that, including our company's projects, just like Xiaoyun, she fancy a script, We will start preparations immediately, and she also proposed to us that she hopes that you can be the director of this project, as long as you are willing, we can have the first cooperation first."

Zhang Zifan never thought that he would be able to cooperate with Zhou Yun in the second movie so soon.

It was completely unexpected.

Who are the directors who have collaborated with Zhou Yun in the two films, Wen Bing, who has now become the face of Xindun, Xue Qin, who is famous all over the world with "Behind the Scenes", and Jiang Xin, let alone "Questioning the Heart" " and "Chen Yin" are Jiang Xin's two most successful works in the past ten years, especially the latter, which has achieved the greatest success of Chinese dramas overseas in the past ten years.

After Zhang Zifan finished filming "The Night of the Truth", he never thought that one day he would be able to cooperate with Zhou Yun.

He has always felt that he is just a commercial and genre film. An actor like Zhou Yun is a top star starring in a big production. Occasionally, he will act in a movie like "Night of Truth", just like a fairy occasionally descending to earth.

Zhang Zifan asked: "What project?"

Zhou Yun briefly introduced him.

"Actually, this film is very difficult to shoot. There are too many elements in it. Science fiction, cloning, entertainment, conspiracy, pursuit, action, reversal, all kinds of elements, the requirements for the director are very high." Zhou Yun said, "I remember that you have made various types of films and have a lot of experience."

Zhang Zifan blushed.

He was ashamed to say that all kinds of films were shoddy and shoddy, and few of them were made in a serious way.

Zhou Yun said: "Among the directors I know, it seems that you are the only one who has the ability to quickly develop this movie."

This movie is really a waste of time.

Because I was afraid that this concept would be written by others, and then I would bump into it.

Zhang Zifan was actually very moved by this story.

He was really afraid that Zhou Yun would bring him a literary script that talked about humanities or human nature and ask him to be the director.

He had never been interested in that kind of story, could not arouse enthusiasm.

Stories like "Idol Replica" are mixed with random elements, but it makes him tempted and makes him think a lot.

Zhang Zifan thought about it seriously, and said, "If you can trust me for the project "Idol Replica", I am of course very willing to be the director, but I have to go back and think carefully about signing the contract."

Wu Chengbao nodded generously and said, "Okay, if anyone wants to communicate with me, please feel free to contact me, Director Zhang, please trust us, we are very sincere and want to cooperate with you for a long time."

Zhang Zifan nodded and said, "Of course, I know, it's such a big thing, I have to think about it."
Zhou Yun and Song Chi both drank some wine, Li Yang picked them up by car and sent them back.

"Do you think Zhang Zifan will be willing to sign the contract?" Zhou Yun asked Song Chi.

"I feel that he is still very interested, and it just happened to catch up with the box office hit of "Jian Yuntai", which proves that our company is capable of producing and promoting a movie with a large box office. He is the kind Directors who really care about their production and publicity skills." Song Chi said, "Your vision is really good, and you can find such a director. Before, all the movies were bad. If you just look at his previous works, you will definitely not Some people believe that he can make a work like "Night of Truth", maybe after the movie is released, many people will suspect that this movie is controlled by you or Teacher Yu Jiangxing, and he is just a puppet."

"It can't be said that I discovered it, it was Mr. Yu who recommended him to me." Zhou Yun said, "Ms. Yu is really a very good person. He has always paid attention to and supported these talented people."

Song Chi: "He is a person who really loves this industry and has been working for this industry. I admire him very much."

""Jianyuntai" is really popular, you don't even know it, just these two days, Sister Lan has received no less than ten disaster-themed scripts, and she wants to ask me to act in it." Zhou Yun said, "You use your own The power has brought the subject matter back to life.”

Song Chi: "Oh, I don't feel happy after hearing this. This industry is like this. It always chases what is popular. 90.00% of people are chasing hot spots created by others."

Zhou Yun: "This is also human nature. Movie investment is a very risky thing. No one dares to take risks lightly. Now that "Jian Yuntai" is popular, disaster themes are still very good, so of course they put themselves The scripts at the bottom of the box have been dug out. As long as there are popular stars willing to act, then the success of your movie can be replicated. You don’t need such a high box office as yours. It’s enough to get a box office of [-] to [-] million Earn a lot."

Song Chi: "Then are you going to act?"

"I have taken so many scenes in the future and haven't filmed them yet, how dare I take on them." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Let's finish filming the scenes at hand first."

Song Chi smiled.

"You and Sedar are going to shoot the scene, right?"

"Yes, filming in the second half of the year." Song Chi nodded, "It's finally about to start."

(End of this chapter)

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