I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 966 A Few New Plays

On this day, Zhou Yun was bored in his free time, turned on his phone, and saw a message pushed out.

Gu Huaichun will star in the new drama "The Era of Chasing Light" directed by Hong Chen.

This is a modern drama with the main theme.

Hong Chen has always filmed dramas, and this is the first time he has cooperated with a traffic star like Gu Huaichun.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

There was similar surprise and uproar online.

However, among these voices, doubtful voices are the majority.

Many people question whether Gu Huaichun can carry such a drama with the main theme, and many people question whether his acting skills are not good enough. In Hong Chen's play, he will show his original shape.

In fact, Gu Huaichun has acted in idol dramas in recent years, which has made many people tired of aesthetics.

Whether it's character design or performance style, it's basically the same.

Many people have forgotten that when Gu Huaichun debuted with Zhou Yun in "The Eighth Heartbeat", everyone praised the two of them for their good acting skills.

In that big bad movie, he showed very good acting skills and a very sincere performance.

Zhou Yun immediately called Gu Huaichun.

"Your company has finally figured it out and no longer forces you to act in idol dramas?"

Gu Huaichun laughed twice, and said: "Yue Hai also invested in this drama, and it will be broadcast on Yue Hai in the future. That's why they let me go."

"How is Director Hong Chen? Have you met him?"

"I've met a few times, but we haven't talked much." Gu Huaichun said, "I heard that he is a director who likes to lose his temper."

"Then you have to control your temper well." Zhou Yun said, "Don't turn around and choke with the director on the set."

"No, it's not that I don't know what to do. I can film with him this time because he personally named me, so I have this opportunity." I am looking forward to acting in this drama, "Although I don't know why he asked me to act, oh, it's not your recommendation, right?"

"No, I don't even know him." Zhou Yun said, "It seems that even if you have been scolded a bit miserably these past few years, someone still sees your potential."

Gu Huaichun: "I just said, one day, I will definitely become a real actor."

"How about the script?"

"Very good, very difficult." Gu Huaichun's excited tone seemed to say that the script was so simple that it would be no problem for him to win it, "I've been waiting for such a script."

"That's good, come on." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

It's really rare for Gu Huaichun to receive such a work. If he plays well, the drama may open up directly.

Gu Huaichun is currently positioned as a popular traffic star.

acting?That's it.

A slightly more serious and upright work?That can't find him.

The position given to him by the market is modern puppet and ancient puppet, which is also the position Yue Hai gave him.

Capital and brands are all about him.

Even though there are more and more criticisms, it can't help that every one of his works is very popular and has made a lot of money. The platform, investors, and sponsors are very satisfied.

Gu Huaichun's transformation path is more difficult than that of ordinary actors.

Because capital will trap him and not let him go.
Zhou Yun was happy for his friend.

Another thing that made her happy was that the box office of "I Am Your Mother" starring Yin Lin exceeded [-] million.

Although it seems difficult to break one billion, such a level is undoubtedly a big explosion for such a film with such a production cost.

Yin Lin also finally found the courage to continue to break through in this movie, and is also ready to continue to tap her potential in comedy.

She and Shen Yao officially announced that they will star in a new comedy.

The news received much attention.

While Zhou Yun was happy for his friend, he was also attending class.

She is doing Li Qingzhao's homework.

Playing a real character in history is really stressful and difficult.

Especially with such a character.

Zhou Yun could only use the most traditional method, stroke it bit by bit.

There are many records about Li Qingzhao. Even though the script does not show everything in detail, Zhou Yun is too lazy to steal it.

From childhood to old age, Zhou Yun tried to figure out every detail about Li Qingzhao.

She chats with Van der Schamp on WeChat almost every day.

This is the first time she needs a director to help her figure out the characters so much.

At this time, she suddenly received a very special invitation.

Pai Mengqi and Yue Hai worked together to produce a Chinese TV series, which will be launched globally at the same time.

This drama is "Flowering Period", with He Wenyun as the heroine and Liang Yuanpu as the actor. The cast also includes Chinese actresses Yin Lin and Fan Zhu, Japanese actress Nakajima Ho, and Korean actor Kim Bum-sung. It is a gorgeous cast. Big production.

Now, it's going to air.

Yue Hai invited Zhou Yun to participate in the promotional event for the premiere of "Flowering Season".

Zhou Lan wanted to advise Zhou Yun not to go.

Because the heroine of this show is He Wenyun, the media now has a tendency to compare He Wenyun and Zhou Yun together, so Zhou Lan doesn't want Zhou Yun to support He Wenyun at this time, and be scribbled by some media.

Zhou Yun thought about it and went anyway.

On the one hand, the relationship between her and He Wenyun is actually not bad. Besides, they are one of the few Chinese actresses acting in Hollywood. There is no need to be so estranged, and they should support each other.On the other hand, Liang Yuanpu, Yin Lin, and Nakajima Hoi also starred in this drama, all of whom are her old friends.

Zhou Yun attended with great grandeur.

At the scene, the host really didn't want to miss her point of promotion, and interviewed her on the spot: "Miss Zhou Yun also came to the scene today, how do you feel?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I'm very happy, but it's also a pity that I didn't participate in a play that so many good friends participated in. However, when I was watching the first episode of the premiere, I was very immersed in it. They are very good actors, they come from different countries and regions, and they can cooperate so well with a high degree of completion, which I admire."

Zhou Yun only spoke a few words briefly, and said nothing more.

After all, it's not her home game, and she doesn't want to steal the show.

At the following party, Zhou Yun and Liang Yuanpu finally had the opportunity to chat face to face.

"One Mountain and Two Tigers" co-produced by the two originally had a good box office, and a second part was to be developed, but because Liang Yuanpu was unwilling to change the script from his own one-man show to a two-lead play in which he and Zhou Yun played against each other, the stalemate has been stalemate. Nothing happened.

Because of this, the two people were also a little embarrassed, and they hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Mr. Liang, long time no see." Zhou Yun stretched out his hand, "You are still as handsome as before."

Liang Yuanpu smiled.

"You are still as beautiful as ever."

The two took a group photo.

"It's been a long time since I saw you." Liang Yuanpu said, "You are really busy, it seems that you have been staying in the crew all the time and have never come out." (End of this chapter)

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