I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 967 "Flowering" Party

In the filming of "One Mountain, Two Tigers", Zhou Yun and Liang Yuanpu actually cooperated quite tacitly.

Liang Yuanpu is one of the best actors Zhou Yun has met.

Liang Yuanpu's acting can let the audience into it at a glance, this is his strongest point.

Neither of them mentioned "One Mountain Two Tigers".

Actually, I said it before.

Zhou Yun understands that Liang Yuanpu wants to protect his character and his series.

If it was her, if an actor suddenly appeared in the second part of "The Female Killer", Zhou Yun would find it difficult to accept that she would be a rival of her own.

Because "Female Killer" is her actor, a movie tailored according to her.

For this reason, even if Liang Yuanpu disagreed with the revised script, Zhou Yun did not say a word.

Also as an actor, Zhou Yun understands Liang Yuanpu's psychology very well.

However, she didn't want to compromise either.Because she now doesn't have to be the rimmed heroine for someone else in an action commercial.She doesn't have to.

She thought that Liang Yuanpu also understood this.

Putting these aside, Zhou Yun felt that he and Liang Yuanpu could get along quite well.

They all have their own passion and pursuit for acting.

Liang Yuanpu also took over the filming of the movie "Son of Prophecy", playing the villain.

"I heard that Director Fan Deshang is going to ask you to play Li Qingzhao." Liang Yuanpu said, "Is this news true?"

"Huh? The news has reached your ears? I thought this matter was still kept secret." Zhou Yun nodded, "It is indeed, and I will cooperate with Director Fan in this drama in the future."

Liang Yuanpu: "It's not easy to film with Director Fan, but every actor can learn a lot from the cooperation. I have filmed with Director Fan before, and he is the most critical director I have worked with."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, "It doesn't matter, no matter who it is, I don't care."

Liang Yuanpu added: "That's right, with your personality, any kind of director can work well with you."

"After "Son of Prophecy", what will Mr. Liang plan to shoot?"

"Still reading the book." Liang Yuanpu said, "I don't work as hard as you now, and I can shoot at most one movie a year."

In fact, Liang Yuanpu can still make one movie a year, which is already considered high production.

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Liang doesn't make more movies, your fans will be unhappy."

Liang Yuanpu said: "At my age, there is no need to work hard, just be happy."

Zhou Yun knew that the joke he made just now might have made Liang Yuanpu a little unhappy.

She smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes."

"You and Song Chi seldom film together, I think you don't even cooperate with his company much." Liang Yuanpu asked, "Are you still avoiding suspicion?"

"That's not true, there is a project under discussion." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I just found a director, and the filming should start soon, and we are coordinating the time."

Liang Yuanpu nodded.

"You are very good at acting, so make more movies." He said, "Especially when you are in good condition in all aspects, it is the best time."

"Well, I know, I will." Zhou Yun nodded.

Liang Yuanpu: "For movies like "Night of Truth", you should shoot less. I know that genre movies are also very enjoyable, but it's a pity for an actor like you to act in such a movie. Anyone can act, right?"

"I still want to try different styles. I haven't acted for a long time, so I want to see more." Zhou Yun said, "In the beginning, I thought that a movie like "Night of Truth" would not improve my performance. But later I found out that this was not the case, there was a scene that took me a lot of effort to perform, and it was a level of difficulty that I had never acted before."

Liang Yuanpu showed some surprise.


Zhou Yun: "Looking back at the premiere of "Night of Truth", I invited Mr. Liang to watch the movie."

"Okay." Liang Yuanpu nodded.

After Zhou Yun finished talking with Liang Yuanpu, he turned his head and saw Yin Lin getting out of another group, with a social smile on her face.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Sister Lin, congratulations, the box office of the movie has exceeded [-] million." Zhou Yun and Yin Lin embraced warmly.

"Hey, don't I have to thank you?" Yin Lin said, "Honey, this time I really want to thank you for supporting this movie so that it can achieve its current results."

"I really admire you, Sister Lin. It's amazing to dare to step out of your comfort zone and play such a role." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lin, I really like your performance in the movie. The breakthrough is too great. If you I am the judge, and I will definitely vote for you as the best actress."

There was a wry smile on the corner of Yin Lin's mouth, and she said, "I don't expect to win the Best Actress."

"This time "Flowering Season" is on the air, right after "I Am Your Mother", you have to be busy." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Because of the hot screening of "I Am Your Mother", Yin Lin's business has increased a lot.

Now, she is starring in another role in "Flowering Period". With the volume of this drama, the popularity will not be low, and it will only become more popular when she turns around.

Zhou Yun believes that with Yin Lin's acting skills and abilities, she will also shine in this drama.

She was talking with Yin Lin when He Wenyun came over.

When the three women stood together, they all looked around.

The cameras never stopped.

Zhou Yun and He Wenyun also collaborated in "Deep Sea".

At that time, He Wenyun only played a small role with not many roles, but after it was broadcast, it became an instant hit.

And she has already acted in two masterpieces in Hollywood, one at the box office and one with a famous director, and she is a highly anticipated actor.

When Zhou Yun and the others exchanged pleasantries, the others were also crazily imagining what these three women would talk about standing together.

In fact, there is nothing to talk about, just talk about the recent situation.

"The filming of "Chinese Warrior" is finished at least, and it feels like a layer of skin has peeled off." He Wenyun said with a smile, "I finally know why you took such a long break after filming "Killing Song"."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I heard that you are going to cooperate with director Antonio Scierra in the future?" He Wenyun asked suddenly.

When Zhou Yun heard He Wenyun's question, he couldn't help feeling that there really is no impenetrable wall in this world.

Just as Liang Yuanpu asked her if she wanted to cooperate with director Fan Deshang in Li Qingzhao's play, He Wenyun asked her about the Spanish movie.

Zhou Yun did not deny it, nodded and said, "Yes."

He Wenyun smiled and said: "Then you have to be careful, Director Sylla is a director who likes to show actresses very much."

Zhou Yun: "This is not in the script."

"Who knows when it's time to shoot on-site." He Wenyun said, "Be careful anyway. Filming in Hollywood is not as safe as filming in our own country."

Zhou Yun asked: "Will your next film be filmed in China?"

"Yes." He Wenyun nodded, "I want to make a play with Yue Hai."

"What drama?" Zhou Yun asked.

"A short play about sci-fi suspense, Zhou Tian." (End of this chapter)

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