"Science fiction suspense theme? It's rare." Zhou Yun said immediately, "I rarely see such themes in Chinese dramas."

He Wenyun also nodded, "It's really rare. Yue Hai also wants to try it out, to test the waters. In the past few years, science fiction has risen in China, but there have been no particularly popular works in the field of film and television, so everyone is still waiting and watching. I don't know what it is. Only when the wind blows to the field of science fiction.”

Zhou Yun said: "Yue Hai invited you back, it seems that he has placed great expectations on this subject."

"They didn't invite me back. I chose this script and developed it myself." He Wenyun said, "I am the producer of this play. People like Yue Hai are short-sighted, timid, and not Nobody wants to take the risk."

Yin Lin said: "I found that I am really ashamed compared to the two of you. Now you are both looking for project development and becoming producers by yourself. I can only wait for others to send the script."

He Wenyun said: "Sister Lin, you just didn't want to do it. If you want to do it, there are a lot of opportunities. This time, the box office success of "I Am Your Mother" has attracted the attention of several Hollywood film companies. If you want to buy the copyright to adapt it, you still come to ask me if you want to develop it together. I said, if you want to adapt it, you must want to adapt it into a version starring an American. Let me participate. What am I going to do? They said, This is a Chinese film, and a Chinese person is needed to help them analyze why this film is so popular among Chinese people.”

Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously: "It's strange. They made an English film and showed it to Europeans and Americans. What's the use of caring why we Chinese like this film?"

"Find out why this movie is popular, and then decide whether to develop it. If it can be successfully transplanted to the American background to tell a story, then it is worth developing." He Wenyun said, "They always have such calculations, Anywhere a blockbuster movie comes out, they will definitely pay attention to it, and then see if it can be remade."

"Hollywood is becoming less and less innovative, and it is difficult to see eye-catching films." Zhou Yun said.

"Many people say that the golden age of Hollywood has passed." He Wenyun said, "In fact, it may not be that the golden age of Hollywood has passed. The golden age of movies has passed. Everyone just wants to make big movies and make big money. Few A film company is willing to make content seriously."

"However, I think in the past few years, several companies specializing in small and medium-budget independent films have sprung up." Yin Lin said, "The box office is really...already basically occupied by sequel films."

When the three chatted here, Yin Lin suddenly changed the topic, "How did we get here, but you two are really good, really amazing, I really work hard, and remember to find a role that suits me in the future. I will act."

He Wenyun said directly: "Sister Lin, the dramas we develop ourselves all use ourselves as the protagonist."

Yin Lin: "What's wrong with me playing a supporting role for you? I'm happy to play a supporting role for you."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Is Yin Lin so open-minded?
Zhou Yun thought about the relationship between himself and Liang Yuanpu.

Why is she not the kind of person who is obsessed with not acting as a non-leading role? Why is she so concerned about not being able to play a supporting role in the sequel to "One Mountain and Two Tigers"?
Zhou Yun didn't regret it, she was just trying to find the reason behind the difference between her own and Yin Lin's thoughts.

And, is this the right thing to do.

One cannot rest on his laurels.

Zhou Yun has always asked himself to think more and reflect more.

For example, what she said to He Xuran in front of Li Xingchi and Chen Pinghe before, she also felt that it was a bit too much afterward, because they were not familiar with each other, and Li Ke, who met for the first time, subconsciously I don't think it matters, and I am quite disdainful about He Xuran's evaluation.She does disdain in her heart, but there is no need to show it in front of others.Zhou Yun knew that he was inflated unconsciously, and thought that even if he said so, it didn't matter.

Now no matter what she does or says, almost no one will say that she is wrong.

Beside her, only Zhou Lanhui directly articulated her questions.

No one, including Song Chi, would do this.

He Wenyun suddenly thought of something: "Oh, by the way, you probably haven't seen Jiang Yuzhen recently, have you?"

"Sister Yuzhen? No, what's the matter?" Zhou Yun asked.

He Wenyun said: "She is in love again."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun and Yin Lin exclaimed at the same time.

Zhou Yun said in shock: "Sister Yuzhen, isn't she married?"

He Wenyun: "It seems that she is already divorced. At first I thought she stayed in New York because she was filming, but I later found out that she didn't want to stay in China because she was dealing with the divorce at that time. For a while, there was a person who launched a frenzied pursuit of her, with a huge momentum, each of us knew about it, and then, the two of them were together."


"Oh, no, it's a Chinese." He Wenyun said, "A rich man, in order to pursue Jiang Yuzhen, even engaged in a lot of romantic tricks, including inviting her and all her friends in New York to his manor in France. , Wow, that's really a big deal."

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard this.

She was relatively familiar with Jiang Yuzhen, but she had never heard of this incident at all.
On July 21st, Zhou Yun finally had the opportunity to meet Jiang Yuzhen.

They met in a coffee shop in London, England.

They came to participate in a brand event here at the same time. After work, they made an appointment to meet here and chatted.

"Long time no see, Xiao Yun." Jiang Yuzhen said to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun looked at Jiang Yuzhen carefully.

The latter has a ruddy complexion, with a spring breeze between his brows and eyes, and he is in better condition than the last time he saw her.

"Sister Yuzhen, you haven't been back to China for a long time." She said.

Jiang Yuzhen waved her hand and said, "There are some troubles in the country that I can't see, so I haven't gone back for the time being. I'll go back when I'm done."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then your son... haven't you seen him for a long time?"

"Oh, no, I've already picked him up and brought him with me." Jiang Yuzhen said, "However, he's going to elementary school soon, so I really have to take him back quickly."

Jiang Yuzhen's child is already six years old, and it is indeed the age to go to elementary school.

Zhou Yun said, "I heard that you are divorced."

Jiang Yuzhen paused when she stirred the coffee.

"Ah, so you have already heard about it." Jiang Yuzhen smiled slightly, "Does a lot of people in the country know about it?"

"Probably not, I also heard from friends in the United States." Zhou Yun asked Jiang Yuzhen suspiciously, "Sister Yuzhen, why is it so sudden?" (End of this chapter)

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