I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 969 Afternoon in London

Chapter 969 Afternoon in London
Jiang Yuzhen stared blankly at the coffee in front of her for two seconds, nodded, and said, "Actually, this kind of thing will spread out sooner or later, and it's normal. Well, there's no other reason. That evil pen cheated. The female assistant went to bed, and someone took a photo and sent it to me. Of course, I guess that photo was taken by his female assistant."

Zhou Yun looked at Jiang Yuzhen in surprise.

"Oh, Sister Yuzhen, are you—are you alright?" For any woman, the fact that her husband cheated is hard to accept. No matter how common and commonplace it is, it can't reduce the specific harm to a specific woman. What's more, she was sent a photo as if provocative.

Jiang Yuzhen said: "It was hard to accept at first, but after I went back to China and met him, I didn't feel sad anymore. It's so disgusting. Their couple, you know, when I was filming abroad, she was already dead. Living in my house, it's fucking disgusting!"

At this moment, anger was drawn on Jiang Yuzhen's face, but the anger on her face did not stay for too long, and it was quickly put away.

"Just hearing your description makes me angry." Zhou Yun looked at Jiang Yuzhen with concern, "I can't imagine how you felt at that moment."

Jiang Yuzhen said: "I was still hesitating on the plane back to China, whether to forgive him, do you know what I was thinking at that time? I was out filming for several months, and it may be because of love that he couldn't resist sleeping with other women But it turns out that when I think about it, I get angry when I think about it. Fortunately, he let that woman live in me, and I woke up right away. Xiaoyun, I haven’t said these words to anyone else. Help me I keep it a secret."

"I will."

"Actually, I've always wanted to find someone to tell these things, because it's uncomfortable to be stuck in my heart, but I don't have such a friend around me." Jiang Yuzhen shook her head, "That's the bad thing about filming in foreign countries. There is no one to talk about, and no one dares to talk about it.”

"Sister Yuzhen, you can call me at any time." Zhou Yun said, "If you need any help from me, you can also tell me at any time."

"Hey, how could I have the nerve to ask others to help me with this kind of thing? I feel ugly." Jiang Yuzhen said, "But fortunately, although I was suffering during this time, I also met an interesting person who knew me. I feel uncomfortable in my heart, always making me happy, and looking for me every now and then, not letting me stay alone, I don’t think I’m depressed, it’s mostly thanks to him.”

"Is it the man who has been chasing you?" Zhou Yun asked.

Jiang Yuzhen nodded.

"Haha, that's great." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Yuzhen, it's a chance to introduce us."

"Okay, but I don't dare to introduce you now, and we are still in contact, and we have no definite relationship." Jiang Yuzhen said, "The key question is, I don't know if my son is willing to accept him."

Zhou Yun: "Oh, this matter can only be done slowly by yourselves, but in fact, as long as it doesn't involve starting a new family, don't worry about it, don't worry about the future, now there is an interesting person to accompany you It’s good to go through this unhappy time.”

"Xiao Yun, thank you for caring about me specifically for this matter."

"Sister Yuzhen, I don't know what to say or do to comfort you, but I want you to know that you are definitely not alone." Zhou Yun said, "Both Song Chi and I regard you as our older sister. "

"You are so sweet."

"Next time you go back to China, don't touch it alone, just tell us." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't like the excitement before, and I liked to be alone, but now I find that I have changed a lot, and I also I have become fond of organizing parties and gatherings."

"Because you have more people around you who you are willing to bring together to play, which is a good thing." Jiang Yuzhen said, "Many people say that there are no real friends in the entertainment industry, because they don't understand the real entertainment industry."

After meeting with Jiang Yuzhen, Zhou Yun was about to return home. Suddenly, at this moment, Zhou Yun received an incredible phone call.

It turned out to be Sarah calling.

Sarah, a producer on Fourteenth of May.

Zhou Yun answered the phone in surprise, and said, "Mr. Sara, why did you call me suddenly? What's the matter?"

Sarah said: "Dear Yun, I saw the news that you are in London now, do we have time to meet?"

Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously.


"Yes, now."

An hour later, the two met at Zhou Yun's hotel restaurant.

Sarah said apologetically, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time last time, I hope you are not angry."

"Oh, Mr. Sara, I didn't take it seriously." Zhou Yun said, "However, I'm leaving for the airport in an hour. If you have anything, why don't you just tell me?"

"Huh? Are you going back so soon?" Sarah asked, "Is there anything waiting for you in the country?"

Zhou Yun said, "There are some things."

"I would like to invite you to come to the crew to try again." Sara said, "We are still looking for a leading actress for "May [-]th". Your audition last time left a deep impression on us, including Fedor Also, you are an outstanding actress and it would be great if you would consider doing another audition."

Zhou Yun looked at him inexplicably.

"Since Elizabeth resigned, have you not found the heroine?" Zhou Yun asked.

Sara nodded and said, "We've been looking for an actress. However, Fedor's requirements are very high and we haven't found a suitable one. He suddenly mentioned you again and wants to meet you again."

"Mr. Sara, I, like Elizabeth, cannot accept his thoughts." Zhou Yun said directly, "I don't want to shoot that kind of scene in the movie, either."

Sarah opened her mouth, showing disappointment instantly.


"Thank you for your kindness."

"Well, that's really sad news," Sarah said.

Zhou Yun said: "You will find the heroine."

Zhou Yun didn't feel sorry for passing "May [-]th" this time.

The regret last time was that I was not selected.

Missing this time is my own decision.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly, the regret and annoyance in his heart before was finally relieved at this moment.

An actor cannot perform all the plays.

Choose well, go all out with your choices, and that's enough.

Zhou Yun returned home by plane, and when he landed, it was still late at night.

After the mobile phone resumed communication, I immediately received a message from Song Chi an hour ago: Send me a message when you land, and I will wait for you at the airport.

(End of this chapter)

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