I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 975 Vanity Fair Social 3

Chapter 975 Vanity Fair Social 3
Zhou Yun let out a small scream in surprise.

"Brother Yao, ah, no, seeing your wrinkled face, I want to call you Uncle Shen! Can you take good care of that face of yours? Anyway, you rely on your face as your livelihood."

Zhou Yun complained about Shen Yao as soon as they met.

The people around laughed when they heard her complaints.

Ning Yao immediately followed suit: "Hello, Shen Yao, Xiao Yun said exactly the same thing to me, what the hell are you doing? Why have so many wrinkles appeared on your face after a year has passed?"

Shen Yao immediately covered his chest as if about to fall to the ground.

"You two women, why are you talking so cruelly! My heart was severely hurt, ah!"

Both Zhou Yun and Ning Yao laughed.

Jiang Yan who was next to him immediately said: "Although Brother Shen relies on his face for food, it is not mainly based on his appearance, but on these few wrinkles on his face."

Shen Yao immediately raised his eyebrows: "Go, go!"

Everyone laughed.

Zhou Yun said: "Brother Yao used to be handsome and handsome for a while, but now he is more and more embarrassing himself, but it can't be like this. It was agreed before, and he will play the domineering president in the future."

This is a stalk on Shen Yao.

A reporter asked him if he has been studying in the field of comedy in the future and does not want to challenge other genres.

Shen Yao replied: "Then how can I do that, I still have a dream of being a domineering president."

This interview became popular all over the country, and people always heard people asking him when he would play the domineering president.

Shen Yao sighed, and said: "It seems that you are really old. When you cooperated with me before, you said that you were very affectionate with each other. Now that the cooperation is over, you have started to bury me."

Zhou Yun: "Brother Yao, you will stop looking for us after you finish working with us. How much we want to act with you, but now you always bring your younger brothers and sisters to act together. We These little sisters are not welcome, right, sister Ning Yao?"

Ning Yao nodded: "Xiaoyun is right, you still blame us for burying you, tell yourself, how long has it been since you asked us to make a movie? You have always said that you want to cooperate, but the cooperation has not succeeded, you have no sincerity at all."

The situation suddenly turned into a crusade against Shen Yao, a comedy master, by the two actresses.

Shen Yao quickly raised his hands and made a "stop" gesture.

"That's enough, that's enough." Shen Yao said, "I surrender."

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao looked at each other and smiled.

Shen Yao said: "You two are busy people, I'm sorry, I'll give you the book, do you have time to act?"

Ning Yao said: "I have a schedule, I have always had plenty of time."

Shen Yao: "You can push it down, now that there is a schedule, it will be gone when I look for you."

Ning Yao was overjoyed.

"It's your sincerity to send the notebook or not, and it's my attitude whether you have a schedule or not." Ning Yao said, "I don't care, anyway, it's you who didn't send the notebook now."

Zhou Yun nodded in agreement: "That's right."

She chuckled and said, "You see, Sister Lin won't join us at this time."

Yin Lin: "Stop it, I won't take part in your war."

"Of course Sister Lin won't participate, she's going to collaborate with Brother Yao on a movie soon." Zhou Yun snorted softly, "Sister Ning Yao, let me tell you, Brother Yao is biased and only sends scripts to Sister Lin, not Give it to us both."

Shen Yao sighed, "Okay, you two aunts, if you continue, I will have to jump off this platform to apologize."

Everyone laughed again.

The atmosphere is relaxed and lively.

Throughout the stage, they chatted and laughed without stopping.

When taking a group photo, everyone restrained a little and prepared to take a photo.

At the moment of taking pictures, Su Yan suddenly let out a scream.

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

I saw that Su Yan didn't know if the soles of his feet slipped or what happened, but suddenly he fell forward.

Yin Lin and Xu Siyao, who were standing next to her, didn't seem to have reacted. They wanted to reach out, but they didn't grab her.

Su Yan fell directly on the people in the front row.

The people in the front row also suffered an indiscriminate disaster and screamed, and three or four people fell down.

Fortunately, there were still people with sharp eyesight and quick hands, who immediately supported him and did not let the situation spread.

"what happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"My God, how did this suddenly fall?"


Everyone chatted and looked at the fallen ladies with concern.

Supported by those around them, they stood up.

"Are you okay?"

"Anyone hurt?"

They shook hands.

Su Yan also shook her hand, but described it as a bit embarrassed.

She stroked her hair in embarrassment, and apologized to the few people who were caused by her to fall.

It is really embarrassing and embarrassing for this kind of thing to happen in public.

After the group photo was over, Xu Siyao walked beside Su Yan.

"You were standing well just now, why did you suddenly fall forward?" Xu Siyao asked her.

"How do I know? I suddenly lost my footing." Su Yan's face was a little embarrassed, "You didn't give me a hand either."

"How can I react? You are asking too much of me. Isn't Yin Lin standing by your side? She didn't react either." Xu Siyao didn't take Su Yan's accusation seriously at all, "There are so many people today. Everyone is here, I thought you wanted to use this fall to fight for the hot search."

Su Yan was satirized by Xu Siyao, she gritted her teeth and gave her a white look, and said, "Do I need this kind of heat?"

"Who knows, maybe Liu Qingqing's return to the front line made you nervous? Anyway, even if I can react, I won't help you. Who knows what you want to do, and you will blame me instead It ruined your good deed." Xu Siyao said, "Let's form an alliance for the two of us for a short time, don't play tricks on each other, that's enough."

Su Yan hated Xu Siyao for being too cold-hearted, and it was too hurtful to say such things openly at this time.It's just that Xu Siyao is this kind of person, and Su Yan didn't really have expectations of her.It was nothing more than a momentary chill. Su Yan looked at Zhou Yun, Ning Yao and Yin Lin walking together in front of them, talking and laughing, as if they were really close friends. That kind of calm chatting and laughing made Su Yan quite tasty.

Why are they so close?Is there no competition between them?

It's all an illusion.

It is impossible for them to compete fiercely with each other.

All the talking and laughing now is just an illusion.

Su Yan returned to her seat, maintaining a good manner, as if what happened just now hadn't happened, and she was still that glamorous and elegant female star.

It's just that among the crowd, she suddenly felt lonely.

Not having a real friend, this kind of thing, in the end it was herself who devoured it.

(End of this chapter)

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