I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 976 Filming of "Son of Prophecy"

Chapter 976 Filming of "Son of Prophecy"
Suddenly the wind picked up.

In the middle of the night after the event, the temperature plummeted for a long time.

As soon as Zhou Yun came out of the room, he felt a chill hit him.

In the next second, Song Chi's coat was draped over her shoulders.

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise.

Song Chi smiled at her and said, "It's windy."

The cars came and went, and everyone got on the car one after another.

They stand in a slightly less crowded position.

Before the car came, they snuggled together.

Zhou Yun said, "It's so cold at night in summer."

"The temperature difference between day and night is huge." Song Chi put his arms around Zhou Yun's waist, "I met so many friends in one go tonight, are you satisfied?"

"Indeed, it was very difficult to meet so many friends at one time before." Zhou Yun said, "Although this kind of activity consumes energy, it is not easy to gather so many people together."

Song Chi: "V magazines have a big business and a big trend. If they want to organize such an event, they will basically give them face."

The two chatted quietly.

As everyone knows, this scene was secretly photographed and posted on the Internet.

Originally, tonight's event had already successfully captured the traffic of the entire network. The major media had reported on the event, and the styles and tidbits of the stars were circulated in various ways.

However, after this photo was posted, it caused a new wave of forwarding.

The two people in the photo, wrapped in the darkness, both showed gentle expressions.

They looked at each other's eyes, showing their love for each other.

Whether two people are in love with each other, from the posture to the eyes, the love in the details cannot lie at all.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi seldom make intimate moves in public, let alone show affection.

But this scene made everyone feel a kind of still water and deep cuddling.

Some netizens said: Why do I feel that the two of them have such a strong sense of sight as an old husband and wife?
A group of people expressed their support one after another.
Zhou Yun and Song Chi's car arrived.

They are ready to get in the car.

"Song Chi, Zhou Yun!" Suddenly, the editor-in-chief of V magazine hurried over, "My dear, thank you for coming tonight to join me!"

Zhou Yun and Song Chi smiled and said, "You have worked hard to organize such a big event, and we had a lot of fun."

"I wanted to find a chance to chat with you about the next project tonight, but I haven't found an opportunity. It's a pity." The other party said, "We want to do a couple cover, please come and shoot, I don't know When do you have time, we will talk to you about this project in detail."

"Oh, Song Chi and I are more cautious about being in the same frame, and we don't want everyone to think that we are sticky." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "You should find someone else to shoot this project."

She just refused.

Too many magazines want to find the two of them together for the cover.

It can be said that as long as they are willing to make a bid, the fee is definitely not low, far higher than the market price.

Because some brands are willing to pay.

But Zhou Yun and Song Chi didn't think about it.
The fact that Zhou Yun and Song Chi refused to be together for the cover shoot was known to almost the entire fashion magazine circle.

Of course V magazine also knows.They just think they can get special treatment.After all, it is a V magazine, the magazine with the highest status among fashion magazines.

However, with the status of Zhou Yun and Song Chi, even the V magazine is just a magazine.

They don't need to shoot the cover of V magazine to prove their status.

No proof required.

After participating in this fashion event, Zhou Yun will rush to join the group to "Son of Prophecy" to complete the cameo shooting of the pregnant woman.

The filming started in July, and it is a film planned by their studio.

At that time, she agreed to play the role of the pregnant woman in the cameo.

Then, at the end of August, she was going to complete the reshoots for "Years".

The filming of both plays will only take a few days.

Fans were stunned to learn that Zhou Yun had a cameo movie to be filmed in August.

The fans of other families all hope that their idols will join more groups, film more movies, and accumulate more actual works.

But Zhou Yun's fans felt emotional, Zhou Yun's filming speed is too fast, why does it feel like he will be in a group every one or two months?

In fact, Zhou Yun still has a lot of shooting plans that have not been announced to the public.

Otherwise, if they knew that Zhou Yun still had three movies and one online drama waiting for her to shoot, they would probably be even more shocked.

According to the arrangement, Zhou Yun joined the crew of "Son of Prophecy" one day in advance.

Liu Qidong even grew a layer of beard and didn't shave.

"Anyway, I'm staying in the crew, and no one else will see it. It's okay to be unkempt."

Liu Qidong said with a smile.

When the movie finally entered the actual filming stage, Liu Qidong felt that it was like a dream.

Zhou Yun asked: "Did the filming go well? Did you encounter any trouble?"

Liu Qidong shook his head and said, "Everything is going according to plan, and there are no difficulties that cannot be solved. Everyone is very supportive."

"That's good."

Liu Qidong said: "When you finish filming your cameo, our film will almost be finished."

Zhou Yun was surprised: "So fast?"

The film has not even started shooting for a month.

Liu Qidong: "Everyone's cooperation and completion are very high, no one procrastinates, so it went smoother than expected."

Shooting a movie like "Son of Prophecy", with a new director and a new star, if Zhou Yun hadn't been a guest star, he might not have even had the chance to go to theaters.In such a crew, not everyone is working hard to complete their work.Many people just do their jobs and make a living.

Zhou Yun heard Liu Qidong say this, and knew that he must have paid a lot behind his words.At least the ability he showed on the scene made the crew believe in him and his ability, so they were willing to cooperate.

In the evening, Zhou Yun, Huang Zicheng and several other actors who were still in the group had dinner.

She is not only a cameo actor, but also an investor and producer of the film, a veritable boss of the film.

Zhou Yun also encouraged them well.

Her part was filmed in three days.


Liu Qidong's efficiency is very high.He is not the kind of director who strives for perfection and is picky. Before he shoots a shot, he already has a very complete idea of ​​the shot. On the scene, he will communicate with various departments to confirm whether the shooting plan is in line with his ideas. In the actual shooting stage, there is almost no error in understanding, and his requirements can be met after two or three shots.

Each of these directors really has their own style.

After filming his own scenes, Zhou Yun invited Liu Qidong to have dinner together.

(End of this chapter)

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