I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 980 moved the truth

Chapter 980 moved the truth
Liu Qidong opened his bag, took out a thick stack of materials from it, and put it together, it was as thick as two bricks.

Zhou Yun looked at the pile of things in front of him in surprise, and asked, "What is this?"

Liu Qidong said: "This is the script I've written over the years, and this is only half of it. There are eight of them here, Xiao Yun. I think what I'm asking is, if I sign a contract with you, can you help me out? Have I found the right film company?"

Zhou Yun looked at the stack of scripts in front of him in surprise, and took a deep breath.

"Wait a minute, I'm surprised." She asked, "You wrote this script?"

"Yes." Liu Qidong nodded, "I wrote a lot of scripts, and some of them were sold, but most of them were not bought."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and asked, "Then what do you want us to do?"

"I hope you can help me find these scripts to film companies that are willing to make them." Liu Qidong said, "They are not bad, but no one has discovered their value."

Zhou Yun said: "I have to take it home and read it first, so many scripts really scare me."

Liu Qidong nodded.

The expression on his face was solemn and serious.

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly felt in his heart that these printed and bound scripts may be the works written by Liu Qidong countless days and nights in the past few years.

When each work is created, one does not know what kind of fate it will encounter after it is written.

Although everyone knows that fate doesn't favor them every time, and even, it may not be favored once in a lifetime, but there is no one who will not hope that this time, just this time, fate will favor you Let me know.

Liu Qidong should have been disappointed many, many times.

However, even though he has been disappointed so many times, he still insists on creating, sticks to this industry, and does not leave.

"Qi Dong, why did you think of becoming a screenwriter?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Qidong said: "Because my family is in this line of work, after graduating from university, I did a few jobs, but they didn't last very long. Later, after being introduced by my family, I went to work in the film crew, doing field affairs, managing logistics, I have done all kinds of work, worked with many crews, and later had the opportunity to work as an assistant director, responsible for some B and C shootings, and then I came up with the idea of ​​writing my own script. Either writing scripts, or writing stories, I wrote a lot of random things, just for my own entertainment, but later I started to write them seriously, and sent them to film companies and some actors’ agents People gave it away, but nothing happened, and later I invested in the venture capital part of the film festival, including various activities, because of various reasons, it has not been smooth."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I thought you were so passionate about writing since you were young." Zhou Yun glanced at the stack of scripts on the table and said with a smile.

Liu Qidong: "When I was in school, I didn't really like writing essays, but I liked reading novels. I read all kinds of novels. I felt that class was boring. At that time, I didn't have a mobile phone, so I just relied on this to pass the time."

"You are very talented, really." Zhou Yun said, "I feel very lucky. Fortunately, you didn't give up, so I got to know you. You know, sometimes I think it's weird. Many actors and directors I know are in the Looking for a good script, but everyone said they couldn't find a good script, however, there are screenwriters like you who have not been discovered, if Liu Yuan hadn't recommended you to me, I would never have heard of your name."

Liu Qidong: "This industry believes too much in the theory of success. If you don't have a successful work, you won't get a chance. If you don't get a chance, you won't be able to make a successful work forever. This is an endless loop, and even I I know a lot of talented screenwriters. The works they write don’t belong to their own names, and they make a living as gunmen for others. Screenwriters are too weak, weak, and anyone can bully you. You, a newcomer actor, may not There are brokerage companies to help you escort, but there are no screenwriters, and they are all on their own. Which screenwriter has not been shot by others, or his work has been robbed by others."

The self-mockery and lack of meaning in Liu Qidong's words evaporated like a drunken spirit.

Zhou Yun felt helpless and wanted to help him, but also knew that he had passed that stage now.

In this business, the fame and fortune are dazzling, and it is all glitz. There are so many people who are struggling to survive, but they are not seen by people.

Zhou Yun deeply felt a kind of self-satisfaction, not to anyone, but to his own self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction.At the moment when she thought she had climbed to a high level and her desire for pursuit gradually weakened, she realized that there are still so many people working hard to climb up.Not everyone was as lucky as she was, so how could she be satisfied with her own good fortune?
Liu Qidong's words gave Zhou Yun a strong blow and woke her up—she knew that she hadn't stopped and was still working hard on filming, but she couldn't lie to herself, she had long thought that it would be difficult for her to go any further.

Why give up?
Because that is the United States, Hollywood is someone else's country, someone else's stage, because that higher position requires the right time, place and people, and it is not possible for her alone, because it requires more hard work and hard work, but also It's almost impossible to get what you want in return.

Zhou Yun's rationality prevented her from being blindly confident and thinking that she could become a world-class star, but because of this, when everyone wanted her to go further, she stopped in her heart.

In such a difficult situation for Liu Qidong, he did not give up his efforts.There are so many underappreciated screenwriters who never changed careers when they were gunmen.

Zhou Yun was silent for a long time, and said, "If there is a chance, I really hope I can help you."

"You have helped us a lot." Liu Qidong said, "You have to know that all the underappreciated people in this circle now hope to meet you, like Wen Bing, like Zhang Zifan, like me When I met you, there is no second big star who cooperates with creators like us so frequently. Your existence is a beacon. I am not exaggerating. Because of your existence, many people are willing to continue, Go wait for their lighthouse."

Liu Qidong's words were gentle and powerful, not exaggerated or surging, but they enveloped Zhou Yun like water.

Zhou Yun's eye sockets gradually turned red. This was an unexpected night for her.

She actually used others to peep into her heart, and she was moved by the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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