After dinner, it was already 08:30 in the evening.

Both of them drank a little wine.

Li Yang came to pick Zhou Yun back, Zhou Yun and Liu Qidong left the hotel together, at the entrance of the hotel, Zhou Yun spread his hands and said, "Qidong, let's hug."

Liu Qidong was flattered and embraced Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun whispered in his ear: "Maybe you don't know, but I was touched a lot tonight. Chatting with you opened up a knot in my heart that has been in my heart for a long time."

Liu Qidong didn't know what Zhou Yun was talking about, but he nodded seriously and said, "Regardless of my scripts, can you find a film company to buy them for me? , thank you, thank you for giving me the chance, I'm serious, it's not easy for me."

"Don't worry, we will not let you down." Zhou Yun said, "Although our studio is not as big as those companies, we have the most powerful people, and we will help you."
There is still some time before the re-shooting of "Year", Zhou Yun started to read these scripts by Liu Qidong the next day.

As soon as I read it, Zhou Yun fell in.

Every story written by Liu Qidong is about how a person gets along with the world, it is about how this person deals with his life, his relationship with his surroundings.

There is inspiration in life, a depressed middle-aged man accidentally helps a neighbor's teenager participate in a cross-country competition, and regains his confidence in life.

There is a suspenseful reasoning. A white-collar worker of a company is murdered by her boss, and she soon finds out that she is being followed, and her life is in a terrible crisis.

There is a thrilling crime. A lawyer receives a call for help from his client and gets involved in a commercial and criminal crisis. He has to try his best to lead his client to survive the dangerous pursuit.

There is a spy war, and two aspiring young people go deep into the enemy's world, trying to find ways to seize intelligence.

There is an adventure in ancient costumes. A bodyguard agency that is about to fail in operation accidentally got a big order with lucrative rewards, but the delivery was destined to be full of dangers. In order to keep the bodyguard agency alive, this group of people decided to take a risk to accept the order.


It took Zhou Yun two full days to finish reading these eight scripts.

Once again, she couldn't help feeling that Liu Qidong's creative talent is not only flourishing, but also really good at writing.

These scripts are not ready to be shot in real time. There are many places where there are problems with rhythm and structure. However, the whole story is coherent and touching or shocking.

Zhou Yun sent a message to Zhou Lan: Sister Lan, I will come to the company to find you tomorrow, and you call the people who are selected in this group to join you.

Zhou Lan replied with an OK.

Looking at the sunset outside the window, Zhou Yun thought to himself, if a person like Liu Qidong is given him a chance, he will definitely rise to the top in the future, and the entire film circle will work hard to get his script.

While she was glad that she had met him earlier, she couldn't help feeling helpless. Such a person had not been discovered until now.

Zhou Yun came to the company with a thick script and asked someone to copy a few sets.

Zhou Lan met her first.

"Why did you suddenly take the initiative to come to the company for a meeting? What's the matter with letting people from this group be selected together?" Zhou Lan asked, "You've taken a fancy to a certain novel and want to develop it?"

"No, it's Liu Qidong." Zhou Yun said, "Liu Qidong gave me eight scripts, which are only half of what he has in stock. I have finished reading these eight scripts in the past two days."

Zhou Lan showed a surprised expression.


Zhou Yun said: "He agreed to sign a contract with us. This is the first thing. Sister Lan, you must confirm the contract with him as soon as possible and sign it. Believe me, if you don't sign him right away, he will be recognized by others." When you find out, you will meet a very strong opponent. As far as I know, Yao Yuanfeng has been talking to him, but he didn't consider Yao Yuanfeng——Xin Dun rejected "Son of Prophecy" before, which made him feel like have opinions."

Zhou Lan said: "No problem, I have already made a plan, and I have talked with him once, and a preliminary consensus has been reached. I will immediately advance this matter and let the contract be signed as soon as possible."

"The second thing is that we need to find film companies that are willing to develop these eight scripts as soon as possible. I want to hold a signing ceremony for Liu Qidong and complete the signing of these eight scripts on the spot." Zhou Yun said, "At the same time, it is announced that these eight film projects will be developed."

Zhou Lan was taken aback for a moment, but then he immediately understood that Zhou Yun wanted to carry Liu Qidong's sedan chair, and let the entire film and television circle know Liu Qidong's name. Zhou Yun was trying to build momentum for him.

"Therefore, I need everyone who chooses this club to immediately produce a plot outline, character introduction and related materials for the eight crews." Zhou Yun said, "Then, the two of us will start to divide the work and contact the target company."

"You want to go out yourself?"

"Yes, I want to do it myself." Zhou Yun said, "Liu Qidong deserves it."

Zhou Lan took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect you to value him so much."

"Because he deserves it."

"Then is there a third thing?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "The third thing, I want to start with Liu Qidong and set up a department in charge of screenwriting in our studio to sign new screenwriters and be responsible for editing, producing and recommending their scripts. We can take pictures by ourselves, and we can find others to take pictures if we can’t.”

Zhou Lan: "This is a big event. We don't have such a person who can take charge of such a matter now."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Sister Lan, what do you think of us poaching Xu Jinbo here?"

"Huh?" Zhou Lan was taken aback.

"I have worked with him in "Deep Sea", and he is very capable." Zhou Yun said, "Moreover, he has very deep production experience. He is in charge of this department. On the one hand, he is very familiar with film and television production and knows what kind of How the script is suitable for development, on the other hand, he can also understand these screenwriters and know how to help them."

Zhou Lan: "I, I really couldn't accept it all at once. This is such a big move. We didn't plan to do this at all before."

Zhou Yun nodded: "So I came to discuss with you today. I really want to do this. Sister Lan, I need you. Let's study how to realize this idea."

Zhou Lan took a deep breath, turned to her assistant and said, "Buy us two cups of coffee, big ones, order food, we're going to be here all day today."

After explaining to her assistant, she turned to look at Zhou Yun.

"Although I don't know what kind of stimulation you received, and you suddenly got so much blood, but seeing that you are so high-spirited and want to fight hard, what can I say?" Zhou Lan smiled helplessly , "Let's go to the conference room." (End of this chapter)

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