I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 987 The ninth generation

Controversies over Zhou Yun's salary have been disturbing.

However, after arguing for two days, Zhou Yun himself was not bothered anymore.

In the past, I was always worried that my salary would be discussed by everyone and be targeted by some people.

Now that things happen, everyone talks about it, and it is a normal dispute.

Zhou Yun also slowly changed his mind.

High remuneration is a normal market phenomenon in this industry. As long as she doesn't ask for extravagant prices, doesn't sign yin and yang contracts, and doesn't hide her income and pay less taxes, no matter how much others talk about it, she won't be affected at all.

Moreover, why can European and American actors get so much salary, but she Zhou Yun can't?
Think about it, European and American actors can get nearly 5000 million US dollars for a movie, which is still pure salary, not including dividends-even if the high price is due to streaming media buyouts, this is a terrifying figure.

She thought to herself that one day, she would also stand at the top of the pyramid in the actors' salary list.

She is not inferior to anyone.

With this in mind, Zhou Yun went to meet Wen Bing before joining the group "Three Thousand Worlds".

Wen Bing went to the town to shoot the aerial mirror.

Wen Bing was tanned.

Wearing a straw hat, he walks around town like a laid-back local.

Zhou Yun also took a walk with Wen Bing, and the protective measures were stricter than his.

Wen Bing said: "I only found out after watching the news these days, how much I took advantage of you when I asked you to make a movie."

"Come on, if I don't make your movie, my salary won't always go up." Zhou Yun said directly.

She gained a firm foothold in the film industry by relying on Wen Bing's "Days".

Wen Bing said, "Your salary is really high."

"I have never received such a high salary for your movie." Zhou Yun said directly, "In fact, it is also the price offered by others. I am telling you secretly that basically as long as I decide to answer the phone call, the other party will pay you no matter what the price is." I will basically sign any amount of remuneration, except for the sequel to "One Mountain and Two Tigers", which had some conflicts. He's working."

Wen Bing laughed.

The box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is very high, and the income in other aspects is not low. It has earned hundreds of millions of dollars for Xindun, and there will be a steady stream of copyright fees in the future.

In particular, the overseas box office of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is not low, and it has also earned tens of millions of dollars in overseas box office, not to mention the overseas copyright income.Zhou Yun is the star with the largest overseas sales of this movie, Yao Yuanfeng actually wanted to pretend that nothing happened at that time, and let Zhou Yun act in the sequel with a symbolic salary increase, which is too ridiculous.

Yao Yuanfeng and Xin Dun, if you have the ability, don't make Zhou Yun the focus of promotion when promoting the movie.

Although Teacher Liang Yuanpu has a high status and a strong appeal in China, he is undoubtedly not of Zhou Yun's level overseas.

Wen Bing said: "I think the sequel of "One Mountain Two Tigers" is going to be pornographic. Liang Yuanpu has been refusing to let go. He also called me privately and asked me not to mind. He said he wanted to protect his character. A pivotal position in this series."

Zhou Yun nodded: "I know, he explained it to me, I fully understand."

""The Female Killer" will be released in October, and the first version of the trailer will be released soon." Wen Bing said, "Now Xindun is working hard for this movie, wanting to get the best schedule and get the best results." pre-sale figures."

"Although I don't know the box office results of the last movie, I am quite willing to make a sequel. I like this movie very much. The killer who walks on the edge of the world, even if he is hunted down, he is always indifferent and calm. Like a bird dormant in the shadows. When I was acting in this movie, my mood would be affected by the temperament of the movie." Zhou Yun said, "You were able to write such a story at that time, and it was quite amazing. How did you write it? This female character? You know, the only thing I think is wonderful is that I don’t see a gender difference in your script.”

"Because I wrote scripts, I didn't write men as men, and I didn't write women as women."

What Wen Bing said surprised Zhou Yun.

"It's just people."

Zhou Yun was silent for a few seconds, and complained: "The average person is not as powerful and scary as her."

"But believe it or not, everyone subconsciously fantasizes about being her side, walking in this world, even if they are lonely, but no matter where they are, who they meet, when there is no way to retreat, they all hope that they have With her ability, she calmly, calmly, and with an indestructible attitude, can deal with all enemies."

Wen Bing's description made Zhou Yun's goosebumps rise.

Because of this feeling, as Wen Bing said, she had it before.

"Actually, I have always felt that among the movies you are making now, "The Female Killer" is the closest to your heart." Wen Bing said, "You always give me a feeling, how can I say that you can talk to this The world is friendly with each other, but you seem to always hold a kind of ruthlessness, in a certain world, to break with this world."

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded.

Does she have it?
She didn't think she had, but she didn't dare to deny it.
After seeing Wen Bing, Zhou Yun went directly to the crew of "Three Thousand Worlds".

This crew is truly an all-star cast.

Haichi used a terrible budget to produce this fairy tale drama.

Five well-known actors played the leading role, Zhou Yun and other big stars played the leading role in the unit copy, plus some important supporting roles, Haichi also recruited star actors, the lineup of this show can be said to be the most in terms of the number of stars in recent years part of

This is Zhou Yun's first time filming a fairy tale drama.

Although the role she played has nothing to do with Xian Xia.

The director of "Three Thousand Worlds" has a relationship with Zhou Yun. It was He Luochuan, the director of Huang Zhong's "Book with the King" before.At that time, Huang Zhong had been teasing Zhou Yun, wanting Zhou Yun to act in "Book with the King", but Zhou Yun had other choices at the time, and he didn't particularly want to act in this play. Xu Siyao starred in this drama.

And this show was broadcast in a mediocre way, not a hit, but it didn't explode either.

However, this did not affect He Luochuan's status.

When it comes to making Xianxia dramas, He Luochuan is definitely among the top three most popular director candidates in China.

Over the years, he has filmed too many Xianxia dramas, with high and low popularity, but the standard is very stable, and none of them are surprising.

Zhou Yun greeted He Luochuan, and said with a smile: "Hello director, we finally cooperated."

He Luochuan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Zhou Yun to remember that he almost wanted to cooperate with her before.

In the field of drama series, especially Xianxia dramas, the director's right to speak about casting is actually not as big as the producer's.

Generally speaking, the producer has the greatest right to speak, and the producer has the final say on which actors to use.He Luochuan regretted passing by Zhou Yun back then, and he also felt it was a pity later.Unexpectedly, after so many years, this time there is another chance. (end of this chapter)

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