Chapter 988
He Luochuan can be regarded as one of the lesser-known directors among the major-name directors.

No director would offend a popular actor—except for those who have a great background.

Now that Zhou Yun's status has soared and he is the top among domestic actresses, He Luochuan is naturally more enthusiastic.

"I didn't expect you to remember it." He Luochuan said with a smile, "We also almost wanted to cooperate a long time ago. I didn't expect that there would be a chance."

"Fate." Zhou Yun nodded, "Thanks for your hard work. The weather is so hot and you have brought the big guys to film."

"In this line of work, whether it's hard work or not, I choose by myself." He Luochuan said, "But you, why would you come to guest-star in a drama? I heard that you were coming, so I thought they were fooling me."

"If you want to continue your relationship with the director, you have to cooperate once more." Zhou Yun said very face-to-face in front of everyone.

But He Luochuan laughed, and said, "Come on, I'll take good pictures of you with such a face."

Everyone is tacit.

In fact, why Zhou Yun came to "Three Thousand Worlds" this time, everyone has more or less heard the rumors.

Because of this, they admired Zhou Yun quite a bit.In order to help Wang Jing take over this drama and let Wang Jing be able to star in it, Zhou Yun is willing to come to this drama as a guest star, which is really good enough for Wang Jing.They have seen too many conflicts and competitions in the showbiz. It is rare to be able to be alone and not hurt others. To Zhou Yun's level, they dare not even think about it.

Zhou Yun entered the group, and the producer of "Three Thousand Worlds" immediately brought the director and several leading actors to set up a dinner together, which was regarded as a welcome for Zhou Yun's arrival.

There are really a lot of big names who came to guest star in this drama, and Zhou Yun alone brought in three people, Zhang Hongyu, Gu Huaichun, and Wen Xi, to guest star in this drama.Even so, Zhou Yun is also the biggest one among them.Not to mention, Zhou Yun is also an investor in this drama, and her agent Zhou Lan is one of the producers of this drama.

A proper and powerful person is not just an actor.

Zhou Yun asked everyone to introduce each other.

"I know all the actors, but I can recognize the faces of all the teachers, but I can't remember the names. There are some faces and names that don't match up." Zhou Yun said proactively at the dinner table, "This is the first time I have joined Xianxia. The crew of the play don’t know how to shoot, and they don’t have any experience, so please take me with you.”

Producer Luo Song immediately said: "Oh, you are the queen of the movie, and you still ask us to take you, how can you, you should take us more."

Zhou Yun: "This is a technical job. I heard that a lot of green screens will be shot, because there will be a lot of special effects in the post-production. Seriously, this is really not an area I am familiar with. Wait, I don't have action scenes, right? "

"No." Luo Song said with a smile, "Don't worry, your team has communicated with me, and we have communicated with each other about the special areas that need to be communicated in advance."

"That's good, I'm afraid I won't be able to learn the movements temporarily." Zhou Yun smiled, "How long have you been filming?"

"It's been more than a month." Luo Song said, "Xiao Jing and the rest of the actors have worked hard. It's such a hot day, and they have to wear such thick clothes to act in the sun when they are out on location. The prickly heat is covered."

The unit that Zhou Yun filmed was in a film and television town.

She plays a water demon hiding in a small town.

Most of the scenes are studio shots, and there are relatively few exterior scenes.

But like Wang Jing and his five-person protagonist group, there are only five filming locations involved. In addition to studio shooting, there are also five real locations to go.

In the hottest month before, they stayed in the mountains. Not to mention the heat, the environmental conditions were poor, and there were many mosquitoes, which made them suffer a lot.

Zhou Yun immediately looked at Wang Jing and the five of them: "Thanks for your hard work."

Among the five-member group, Yu Sitian is the most popular.

A "Left Hand" at the end of July gave her a chance to return to the sequence of the movie Xiaohua.

It was also nominated for the Lingjun Award for Best Actress, and her status immediately rose.

Zhou Yun has worked with all five of them and is familiar with them.

Except for Yu Sitian, the other four respect Zhou Yun very much.

Cheng Shenlu said with a smile: "The hard work must be worth it."

"Of course, "Three Thousand Worlds" is getting a lot of attention online now, and major predictive analysis companies have listed it as a drama to be exploded." Luo Song immediately said, "There are too many readers of the original book, and they are all waiting for this drama. There are still many readers who are resistant to the adaptation, anyway, please don’t argue with these people online, I know some people’s comments will be very extreme and very ugly.”

Zhou Yun smiled, "Actors like you are veteran actors who have experienced many battles, everyone can hold their breath."

It is true that Cheng Shenlu, Yu Sitian, Zhou Jianfeng, Xin Zhike and Wang Jing all had their overheated moments. Who hasn't been attacked by some extreme black fans?

After dinner, Zhou Yun went back to the hotel, and Cheng Shenlu went back in her car.

In the car, Zhou Yun asked: "Shen Lu, I heard that your manager didn't want you to act in this drama before. You didn't feel too embarrassed, did you?"

"Sister Xiaoyun, I'm fine. I've just joined the group. I was filming the sequel to "Under Dress". In a few days, I'll go back to do some roles. My role there isn't over yet." Cheng Shenlu said, "She didn't pick up these two plays for me, but I wanted to act them myself, so she has some opinions and wants me to act in other plays, but I don't care what she thinks, I I know what choice is best for me, but I am a little embarrassed to be involved in the show now."

"Do the crews on both sides know?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I know." Cheng Shenlu nodded, "I communicated at that time, because "Three Thousand Worlds" was in a hurry to start work, and the pressure was very high, so I communicated with both parties. I spent some time coordinating, and then I was allowed to catch up with "Three Thousand Worlds" and finished filming the scenes on Daling Mountain, otherwise I would have to find a way to re-shoot my scenes later."

Zhou Yun: "There is no other way. You are so popular now, you can't do without you. It's good that the two sides can coordinate the time. It's just that you have worked hard on both sides."

Cheng Shenlu said: "I'm not afraid of hard work, Sister Xiaoyun, I learned a lot from you when I filmed "Under Dress" with you. In fact, in the past two years, I have been deeply touched. When you become popular, everyone greets you with a smile. Everyone has various things that come to you under the banner of being good for you, but you don’t know how many of them are really good for you, even if it is A win-win situation where everyone gets what they need is hard to come by. I don’t like my current agent. I’m telling you this in private. Someone told me that she also accepted the benefits of others in private and agreed to some jobs for me outside. I don't know anyone else I can trust."

(End of this chapter)

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