I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 989 Saying goodbye to the manager

Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Huh? Your agent is still doing this kind of thing outside?"

"Yes." Cheng Shenlu said, "So you understand why she doesn't want me to take on "Three Thousand Worlds", right? I really didn't understand why she asked me to take on some scenes that looked weird. She always Tell me those scenes are good, they're going to blow up, when in fact, they're not like that at all."

Zhou Yun: "In this case, have you told your agency? Are you not going to change your agency?"

"I'm afraid that if I change an agent, I don't even know the other party's way." Cheng Shenlu said, "I think I still have to find a more suitable agent before I dare to show my cards and change the current one." .”

Zhou Yun: "Actually, Shen Lv, based on my own experience, including considering your current situation, you are actually not afraid of an agent who lacks experience and ability, but an agent who has his own selfishness and does not consider you. , It’s terrible for you, the damage will be very far-reaching, I suggest you change it early, even if... you work harder and make more decisions by yourself, it’s better than staying with this person by your side, pretending to be a tiger outside under your banner, Even bluffing."

Cheng Shenlu's eyes widened slightly.

"Although I haven't heard any negative comments about you, I'm afraid... how to put it, I'm afraid that your current agent will use your name to engage in some improper transactions outside and sell you. I don’t know, the premise is that the news you told me is true.” Zhou Yun said, “This situation has happened before, and many actors were cheated by their own managers and management teams, which caused a lot of trouble. negative impact."

Cheng Shenlu: "I'll go back and think about it seriously."


Zhou Yun took a look at Cheng Shenlu, who was much more mature than when he was filming "Under Dress" two years ago, and his face no longer showed the coquettishness and fearlessness that newcomers are used to.

Looking at Shenlu now, Zhou Yun can see from her the state he just finished performing "Questioning the Heart". He is full of confidence in his future career, but he is also more cautious and humble.
Zhou Yun realized that as she grew older, and the more people she met in this industry and the longer she stayed in the industry, she paid more and more attention to the matter of chance.

Because of the nature of her work, it is actually difficult for her to meet many people for a year.

She doesn't have a fixed working environment, and she doesn't have any friends who can continue to know.

Except for her own team members, almost everyone is constantly changing from film to film.

Therefore, for people like Cheng Shenlu who have worked with her and have known each other for longer, Zhou Yun will pay more attention to them from the bottom of his heart, hope to see them better, hope to see them go on in this industry for a long time go down.

Cheng Shenlu used to be reckless, trusted the people around him, made mistakes, and offended Zhou Yun.

But Zhou Yun finally forgave her, not caring about it, because her mistakes almost came from unintentional.

Now, several years have passed, Zhou Yun has watched Cheng Shenlu become more mature, and listening to her talk about the difficulties and problems she faced, Zhou Yun is more aware that no one's growth is smooth sailing without any setbacks .

Zhou Yun asked Zhou Lan about Cheng Shenlu's manager, and wanted Zhou Lan to help him find out if Cheng Shenlu's manager was doing something selfish outside and treating Cheng Shen as she expected. unfavorable things.

Zhou Lan's connections in the broker circle were not comparable to Zhou Yun's.It is much easier and more convenient for Zhou Lan to learn some information than for Zhou Yun.In any case, Zhou Yun is a public figure, and for the group of brokers, he is the object of service.And Zhou Lan is a colleague, a colleague who understands the hardships and sufferings of the job of a broker.

After one night, Zhou Lan inquired about some news.

Just as Zhou Yun expected, the information Cheng Shenlu got earlier was correct, her manager was indeed playing tricks.

It is said that a film and television company promised that as long as Cheng Shenlu was willing to star in one of their plays, her agent would get a seven-figure kickback.This is much more than she usually earns.

"After Cheng Shenlu became popular, many people came to her for filming and cooperation. This is still an obvious interest. There are many unrevealed interest replacements that I can't think of." Zhou Lan said, "I also heard that she Her agent was quite dissatisfied with her, and she complained several times in front of others, saying that she was selfish and had many ideas, and used her agent as an assistant. It's cruel, anyway, it's all kinds of things, but if Cheng Shenlu really plans to change her agent, then she has to make good preparations. I don't think her agent is a person who can get together and break up easily. The manager has been with her for so long, how could he not have any black material in his hands?"

Zhou Yun frowned.

"Can't you even get together and get together?"

"It's fine if Cheng Shenlu is not popular. If she is popular, she is not the cash cow of her manager? How difficult it is for a manager to bring out a popular artist like Cheng Shenlu, you may not know, but I will tell you Said, this is really very, very difficult, no agent will let go easily, even if two people break up, there are many people who are still tied together for the common benefit."

Zhou Yun: "If Cheng Shenlu is determined to separate from her manager, her company will not allow her manager to do too much."

"I don't know about that. It depends on the situation where her agency is between her and her agent." Zhou Lan said, "Her agent is very capable, otherwise she wouldn't have acted in a movie that has never been played before." The deep law of the play was stuffed into the main play, and it became an instant hit."

Zhou Yun: "This matter sounds quite difficult."

"Yes, although Cheng Shenlu has become popular, her situation is quite special. She has been taken by her current manager since her debut. Even if we know that Cheng Shenlu can become popular, it is actually more due to luck. She was blessed by the drama "Under the Dress", and she was able to play "Under the Dress" because she successfully won the role through her own audition. Up to this point, her agent and management team have contributed a lot. There are so many newcomers every year, why does Cheng Shenlu stand out? The more people in this industry, the more aware that for current artists, the management team It’s more effective than before.”

"Why do you say that?"

"Because the agency model was immature in the past, the impact of agents on actors' careers was more in the life and assistant style. But now all walks of life are more professional, and many channels and resources are in the hands of agents. For example, why did Cheng Shenlu get the chance to audition for "Under Dress"? Can all actors get the chance to audition for this drama?" Zhou Lan said, "Cheng Shenlu himself has to admit that , without the help of her agency, she would not be able to gain a foothold so quickly." (End of this chapter)

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