The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas


1311 Chapters Ongoing Status

"First, a small bottle of demon essence..."

As Yi Xia spoke, he took out a small bottle of Coke from his booth and poured it into the crucible in front of him.

Behind the barrages such as "unimagined road" and "outrageous" that are


"First, a small bottle of demon essence..."

As Yi Xia spoke, he took out a small bottle of Coke from his booth and poured it into the crucible in front of him.

Behind the barrages such as "unimagined road" and "outrageous" that are swiped on the mobile phone screen fixed next to it.

Yi Xia added a plant called "Blood of Grom".

Of course, some people in the barrage call it a more frequently used name in the country - "chunya".

As the plants fell, the liquid in the crucible seemed to have special effects.

From the black liquid with unknown bubbles, it gradually rendered a creepy green...

"It's pigment, he added pigment in it!"

"It seems more appetizing than bitter gourd juice?"

"Then Gul'dan, what's the price?"

The barrage began to move frantically, but Yi Xia was already grumbling.

He lay comfortably on his reclining chair, looking at all kinds of passers-by outside.

The sun was shining and there was something sweet in the air.

Is it milk tea?

Or big white legs?

Yi Xia squinted, the sun above his head was round like a pie full of temptation.

This can't be eaten...

Yi Xia licked her lips subconsciously, and there seemed to be some remnants of a star left there...

This is the story of a witch...
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