Chapter 1009 Scorching Light - Javadreira ([-]rd watch!)
A... library?

And a... void life with a brain?
Yi Xia looked at the individual and the area where the bait was anchored this time in surprise.

To be honest, this is undoubtedly somewhat different from Yi Xia's expected style of painting.

It seems that the use of this legendary spell may not be so dull...

Yi Xia thought so.

He suddenly felt a little bit more like the fun of fishing in the mortal stage.

When the fishhook and bait are thrown on the unclear water surface of the back bay at the door of the house, the floating movement can always attract people's emotions.

Every time the pole is lifted, it is an unknown exploration.

And with Yi Xia's attention, he was able to see clearly that unknown realm.

It was a magnificent library that existed on a huge floating island.

Its architectural style has a bit of the elf style that Yi Xia is slightly familiar with.

Of course, as we all know, Yi Xia has never studied deeply in this area.

If it is a topic of discussing which civilization or population's buildings are resistant to natural disasters, Yi Xia has more authority to speak.

The locked void life exists in this huge library.

Yi Xia's attention also drew a response from the library.

Soon, under some kind of buzzing and operation, a huge blue figure appeared above the library.

After endless time and space, the other party bowed to Yi Xia first:
"With the supreme truth and eternal wisdom, I greet you, show my favor and bless you..."

"A powerful existence, I am Scorching Light - Javadreira, the guardian spirit of this ancient library."

"The great legendary mage Valerie Tiffin, entrust this place to me."

Its voice passed through the boundless time and space, and finally echoed in Yi Xia's ears with the refined voice of an anthropologist.

Yi Xia looked at the other party, his gaze intertwined with fiery power undoubtedly cheered up the guardian spirit suddenly.

For creatures like it, it is no longer necessary to know its essence from the evaluation of things given by others like ordinary things.

In the eyes that were intertwined with sufficient weight, the scorching light Javadreira perceived the innumerable blood, death and destruction.

But at the same time, it also "sees" the pure and burning essence of the great witch from the tyrannical power.

A mighty guardian of a...distinct, absolutely human alignment?

In the spirituality of the scorching light-Javadreira, countless information and wisdom are intertwined and shining.

It needs to determine the intention of the other party.

"My name is Yi Xia."

After Javadreira revealed his identity, Yi Xia also responded to the other party.

In this brief gaze, Yi Xia has already seen the other party's shining essence.

Maybe not a noble guardian of justice, but there is no shortage of lofty beliefs and wills.

Generally speaking, it still belongs to the category of Dawu for intelligent life that can communicate.

"Then His Highness Yi Xia, I need to explain to you."

Having said that, Javadreira's majestic body stretched out his palm and shot it into the void.

In the next moment, a ferocious feline life that exudes chaotic essence under the brilliance of Javadreira was caught.

Of course, the other party did not resist, but was still held by Javadrela in an orderly manner.

He even tried to lick Javadreira's palm obediently.

But Javadreira ignored it, looked straight at Yi Xia and said:

"This is a void life captured by Mage Valerie Tiffin thousands of years ago."

"It has served this ancient library for thousands of years, and it has also been transformed in the process, gaining reason and order."

"It has not owed human blood, nor has it attempted to distort any orderly civilization."

"Of course, it still has the ever-changing chaotic nature of the void..."

Having said that, Javadreira looked at a certain feline life trying to reveal his clear eyes:
"For example, it has inherited the cowardly performance desire of human beings to survive..."

Yi Xia, on the other hand, stared at this scene with great interest across endless time and space.

To be honest, Yi Xia is absolutely no stranger to life in the void.

Of course, referring to the infinite possibilities in the true sense of the void, it is undoubtedly an exaggeration to say that we fully understand it.

It can only be said that compared to all the void life that Yi Xia has come into contact with so far, this void life accidentally discovered by fishing is indeed quite special.

Can monsters born in the twisting void really grow brains?

This and those void existences with chaotic rationality from birth are two completely different concepts.

A simple and rough understanding is:

One is that there are some mutants with human nature in the beast, and the other is that the beast can understand human language through a certain sense of learning and growth.

Of course, referring to the region of void life, there may not be a degree of chaos of a repeating individual.

It may be somewhat difficult to reproduce it.

From this point of view, is it somewhat legendary?

In this regard, the big witch can only express void knowledge +1...

As for the facts stated by Javadreira, Yi Xia also agreed, and he did not feel any false and embellished elements from it.

So, Yi Xia smiled at Javadreira:

"Needless, I'm not an Avenger of the Void, I just happen to have some culinary interaction with them."

Afterwards, Yi Xia looked at the magnificent library behind Javadreira.

To be honest, Yi Xia also spent some time in the multiverse.

But this library can be said to be the most magnificent library Yi Xia has ever seen.

And in it, Yi Xia could feel many obscure and difficult concepts.

Clearly, its physical grandeur is not without its corresponding solid core.

"Is your place open to the outside world?"

Javadreira heard this, but did not hesitate:

"What Master Valerie Tiffin practiced—any existence that truly wishes to gain wisdom and pursue the truth can push open the door of this library at any time."

"Since its longing will is the shining key, we will not refuse all orderly creatures to come to study."

"Of course, Chunche's power is another one..."

"This is what Master Valerie Tiffin revealed: Power is also an interpretation of truth—in a more practical way..."

Yi Xia nodded upon hearing this.

"I'm also a spellcaster."

After all, he showed Javadre his spell book.

Seeing this, the majestic guardian spirit seemed to have fallen into a slightly lengthy silence.

Then, it nodded:

"Then, please allow me to leave - there are still some scholars in this library, and my appearance has somewhat disturbed their reading."

Yi Xia withdrew his gaze when he heard the words.

It's like a fisherman chatting with passers-by in the gap between fishing rods.

In this way, the great witch waved the witch banner again...

(End of this chapter)

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