Chapter 1012 Evil God's Proclamation and Emptiness (One more update!)

Yi Xia Qingtian's body stared at the phantom of the evil god in front of him.

Yes, this appearance like a colossal planet is naturally not the real body of that evil god.

He just invested some divine power to condense a small part of his consciousness here.

Not even the incarnation of the evil god.

Yi Xia stood on the continental shelf of the collapsing planet, not knowing where this evil god heard his rumors.

But judging from the feel of the "throwing" of the bait this time, maybe it has something to do with the dark existence he just solved?

As for the battle against the void that the other party said?
With a thought in Yi Xia's mind, he probably thought of the intention of the other party's actions.

From the opponent's divinity, Yi Xia sensed the power of war.

Therefore, when He tries to start a war of sufficient scale, it is also within the authority revealed by the war...

Compared with the God of War series in the Domain of God of War that Yi Xia was familiar with, this God of War of the evil faction, which is full of tyranny and cruelty, undoubtedly has more cunning and insidious elements.

However, what the other party is trying to gain is also what Yi Xia needs.

After confirming that the other party was only sending a projection, Yi Xia looked away slightly disappointed.

On the other hand, Yi Xia was quite curious about how the other party planned to challenge the void.

In the cognition of many mortal things, the void is regarded as a symbol of a certain geography or even a dark force.

And just like what Yi Xia has come into contact with before, it is the chaotic and truly boundless chaotic realm that is against the chaos of the multiverse.

It's just because it doesn't have such a clear material concept as many planes and time and space.

Therefore, people always regard it as a realm that is not very far away.

But in fact, the many fights in the Twisting Nether that Yi Xia was in before took place in completely different realms.

If you compare it with the related concepts of the material world, it is a different time and space.

Therefore, Yi Xia didn't know which realm of the void this evil God of War was planning to help him fight against?
In this way, after a short pause, Yi Xia agreed to the deal proposed by the evil god Oswalser.

Yes, in Yi Xia's view, this is a deal.

Under the premise that it does not involve humans and the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, Yi Xia is not an absolute dark clearer.

Before that, he also had non-violent contact with some beings in the dark realm.

Just like, Yi Xia destroyed the minions of the evil god Oswalser, but did not kill Leticia and its dark treant army.

Although the latter's assistance with bait is of course not out of good intentions.

But it does give some credit to that.

Of course, the reason why Yi Xia was able to let it go was also because the aura of killing and death lingering on it did not originate from humans, but from other creatures.

For intelligent life other than humans in foreign lands, Dawu always appears to be more indifferent on a certain level.

Only when it is easy to do, I will help a group out of my own will and moral inclination.

In terms of Yi Xia's current size, this is already enough goodwill.

In this way, the ferocious face of the evil god Oswalser reveals a trace of passionate will:

"Then, powerful alien giant, enjoy this feast of destruction with your will!"

His dark voice echoed in the starry sky.

Thousands of creatures have been able to know the will of the evil god.

As a result, Fallen Redemption-Soul Tearer-Flander could see that Leticia's complexion, which was feared by countless dark beings, suddenly changed.

"Are you afraid?"

Under the grand curtain of communication between the giant god and the evil god, Flander, who still remained calm enough, looked at the other party and said.

Leticia's face immediately became colder when she heard the words, but after looking at Farland and his legion, she returned to normal.

"Of course, not everyone can be as 'lucky' as you and your brothers, and can always be involved in such a magnificent event."

"Or maybe this time, you can continue to write the legend?"

After Leticia finished speaking, she jumped up and landed on a thick tree man.

She is ready to evacuate...

Although the evil god Oswalser has activated his law of war, she cannot escape through more convenient space power.

But what will happen at the center of this war is something that Leticia can't predict.

However, it is undoubtedly too extravagant to completely stay away from this war.

Leaving aside the evil god Oswalser for the time being, he was obviously eyeing her and the "iron can" opposite her.

How can such a battle, which is considered a masterpiece for the evil god Oswalser, have no audience?

The evil god represented by Leticia and the forces represented by Flanders are two representative and symbolic figures in this magnificent time and space.

What's more, the evil god she believes in has already begun to pay close attention to this realm...

But even such a violent evil god did not let Leticia try to join the war.

The Lord of Tyranny and War, after his minions are destroyed, is just a dangerous existence that sends the next projection to try to find a compromise solution.

A character like Leticia is too small.

What's more, it was obvious that the other party was not planning to attack her because of Leticia's previous behavior.

Then, Leticia will undoubtedly play a more important role under such circumstances.

What else can bring more attention than showing off in such a big screen?

Even if it's just a backdrop for the audience...

Leticia is going to follow the evil god's guidance and stay away from this planet.

She is going to the nearest human settlement nearby...

Because in the revelation of the evil god, the existence of Qingtian is a human being, and he is the most extreme racist among human beings...

At least for the realms of darkness and evil, this is undeniable.

Although I don't quite understand why the human race can always produce such extremely powerful beings.

But Leticia is still willing to follow the evil god's guidance.

Just like the evil god she followed, she has a hard-to-know secret cognition about these mortal things.

Leticia also understands the temperament of the evil god she follows—he may be cunning, vicious, and insidious, but he is never lacking in curiosity about these novelties and magnificence.

Just like in some taboo records, the monster whose mind has been polluted by distorted power will chat freely about evil gods in the dirty mud.

These evil gods are more likely to be attracted by those truly "fresh" concepts during the long and cold years.

In a sense, this is also the reason why some novel works and inventions are more likely to attract unknown attention under such a background.

And with the announcement of the evil god Oswalser, in the vast space outside this planet, some chaotic cracks are filling...

"Who is calling the void?"

(End of this chapter)

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