The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1039 A mortal thing looking for a great witch in a foreign world

a mortal...

Of course, it shouldn't be considered such a pure mortal thing.

There may be some extraordinary power, but it is only limited to apprentices?

Compared to why the other party is looking for him, Yi Xia is more curious about another question at the moment:
How did he find a way to deliver a message to himself.

In the living room of Liucheng's residence, Yi Xia took a gourd mint witch medicine from the void, while watching the news from the pigeon and migratory bird newspaper:

Great Witch-His Excellency Yi Xia:

Please allow me... (abbreviated the long greetings and polite words)

In short, a mortal from the star of a thousand peaks-Fabbribi (a small and medium-sized extraordinary world with a few legendary existences), is looking for you in his country.

From the most barren border town to the most prosperous capital of thousands of peaks...

Until this mortal thing set foot in the most majestic city-state in the area.

There, or as expected, Fate bestowed upon this obstinate mortal a promised gift:
He happened to meet an adventurer who was acquainted with our newspaper.

After hearing your name in amazement from a mortal, the adventurer accepted the mortal's commission—in exchange for a poem praising the will of the warrior.

And now, following the entrustment and request of this friend, we will inform you of the deeds and pleas of this mortal thing.

——Pigeon and Migratory Bird Newspaper (Main Publisher: Wojh Plane) - Lori Akweiler

Yi Xia looked at the message displayed on the retina.

He wasn't too surprised that there were mortals from other lands who were tracing traces of their own existence.

In the many adventures that have passed away, he has more or less interacted with the existence of many foreign lands.

Yes, maybe it's the redemption and goodwill that came easily.

Yes, maybe a few words or two words of interaction and contact.

And those experiences may have allowed his name and image to be passed down in those worlds.

Therefore, it is not so unreasonable for some mortals to try to find him after knowing his name.

Relatively speaking, the great witch who is more frequently in contact with the void than most of the existences in the material world has a more generous cognitive concept in this regard.

Yi Xia didn't know why the other party was looking for him.

But out of affirmation of this stubbornness and stubbornness, Yi Xia is willing to take some time to get in touch with the other party.

For strength?

For wealth?

Or is it salvation from some evil or curse?
Many possibilities and answers emerged in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless flames.

Maybe for those foreign gods, they are used to such believers?
But in the spiritual feedback given by Yi Xia's perception, he felt that the other party probably did not have these "vulgar" reasons.


Maybe, a bard?
The powerful power of reasoning that disregards the ordinary meaning given by the legendary perception supported by the blood of chaos made Yi Xia's eyes appear thoughtful.

In this regard, he may know some truths...



In the tavern, which was not as luxurious but spacious and warm enough, Branlavich Corrado was leaning against a corner by the fireplace.

The cold wind blowing from the Frostwhispering Ridge outside is raging on this barren land.

The icy cold wind seems to completely sweep away the warmth of everything.

No matter how strict the protection is, it will not be able to last for too long in such bad weather.

Some passing knights could not make it through such extreme weather.

They sat dully on the other side of the tavern, and under the warmth of the fireplace, they untied the icy armor that had solidified.

Although it is barren and bitterly cold, it is still within the effective jurisdiction of this human kingdom.

It's just that if you go further north, it's hard to say.

There is the border area between humans and the northerners.

In that area full of valleys and hills, there are a large number of bandits and monsters.

The winter storm cannot affect there.

Therefore, even if they know that they only need to survive this icy journey to reach a relatively warmer area, no one is willing to leave.

Until the heavy snow is completely over, the subsequent frozen journey will return to normal again.

Corrado carefully baked his package by the light of the fireplace.

Inside was his most important item:

His musical instruments as well as his father's relics.

Those yellowed scores may be sundries that no one cares about.

But in Corrado's heart, it was a trace that could prove his existence better than his father's remains.

It is the continuation of his father's thoughts and consciousness. In those emotional words, Corrado seems to be able to read everything his father has experienced.

Those twists and turns of the past, those touching encounters.

The young bard, under the sleepy warm firelight of the tavern, began some reveries.

The long journey left dark and tenacious marks on his body.

The tempering of the long journey has even damaged the luster in the corners of his eyes.

Heavy snow and cold wind trapped his body in this tavern.

But there are always some things in this world that cannot be limited:

Such as human courage or radiant soul.

Or, the young bard, looking back on those ancient and past pasts...

It was a chapter that came out gently in the throat, and weaved graceful notes at the fingertips.

Corrado has this talent:
At an early age, he was already able to complete most of his father's works.

But not that one...

Corrado thought of the movement found among his father's belongings.

That was what my father called "the last legacy."

Compared with gold coins or other material wealth, it is more like an old bard's earnest expectations for his descendants.

Maybe some reason is missing, maybe some prudence is missing.

But after Corrado found the father's last legacy, he decided to practice his father's will.

To go to that unknowable agreement...

This is the romance and pursuit that bards should have.

As for, maybe this will touch the ancient gods or some kind of taboo?

Young troubadours lack the kind of recklessness and courage that should belong to a young life.

Like all young people full of determination and vigor, Corrado felt that he could face all shadows and glooms calmly.

He also practiced this cognition personally.

Perhaps it was the shelter given by fate. So far, even though he has set foot in such a vast area, Corrado has never encountered any enemies that are too outrageous.

Perhaps, the world is colorful, but for the description of those dangers and taboos, there is always a need for more artistic portrayal elements?
Corrado thought so.

And at the moment when his thoughts were racing, the snow outside seemed to have stopped?

Because, "it's dawn"...

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