The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1044 Comprehensive Network Plane Incident: A Time and Space Brigade Visited the Plane...

Chapter 1044 Comprehensive Network Plane Event: A Time and Space Troupe Visited the Plane... (Two updates!)
Yi Xia looked at the fleet in front of him curiously.

He was still thinking about whether he was about to throw another pole, when he suddenly sensed the space-time fluctuations around the earth.

Just like human hair, it can capture the information of flying insects trying to get close.

As a derivative of the concept of earth matter, Yi Xia's perception in this aspect is actually more acute.

Because compared to the internal regulation of the earth, this is his job.

Therefore, at the first moment when he noticed the relevant fluctuations, Yi Xia focused his attention on burning.

And at the next moment, a message from the other party appeared in Yi Xia's will:

"Gold coin and copper coin caravan, core guarantee, multiple services..."

After reading the other party's message, Yi Xia couldn't help but fell into short thoughts.

how to say……

Inexplicably, I was living in a remote home in a remote area, but I accidentally heard the sound of an electric horn saying "Sold out" coming from outside the window...

This is undoubtedly a very fresh experience for areas that have not been visited by such mobile trucks before.

Therefore, even Yi Xia, who has become accustomed to multi-generational multi-products such as the Multiverse Comprehensive Network Player Trading Center, couldn't help but feel a little curious.

As the villagers know, most of those mobile trucks sell some "waxed goods" with a long shelf life.

But during the gap between the next rush to the market, the minivan delivered to the doorstep can also be somewhat competitive.

Of course, on the other hand, most of the new things come from the countryside where the holidays are limited.

Such unscheduled visits can also bring about alternative spiritual needs.

As a big witch who is currently in a certain sense of "countryside", it is natural to come to join in the fun.

Speaking of which, the scale of this caravan does not seem to be large.

As far as Yi Xia looked, he could only see less than twenty flying vehicles.

Among them, there are also some that appear to be used to carry staff.

However, it is also understandable:

If it was a real large caravan, it probably wouldn't come to such a place.

Yi Xia is not sure about the cost and profit of this kind of space-time transaction.

It just feels like it doesn't look like it can make money...

While Yi Xia was still looking at the caravan curiously.

Knowing that there was suddenly an extra person on his deck, Nordes broke out in a cold sweat.

It is different from what many people imagine to travel through time and space always in a certain state of silence.

Although the information released to the outside world may also attract unknown attention and risks.

But its larger meaning is to deepen their anchor point at the level of order.

Gold and Copper Coin Caravans...

This sounds rather rough, and there is no lack of duplication of names, which is the result of generations of Nords.

If he could travel through time and space so recklessly, he might not be able to engage in activities like time and space merchants.

Of course, in a sense, the fields involved by space-time merchants like Nordes cannot be completely counted as commercial fields.

To a certain extent, it also has some adventurous ingredients.

And when Nordes didn't know how to speak, a certain mechanical life standing on the deck came to talk to Yi Xia according to the established rules:

"Gold coin and copper coin caravan, core guarantee, multiple services... ZE7 trading robot is at your service."

This mechanical life said so in a gentle and polite voice.

Its interior is loaded with mods similar to language comprehension.

Therefore, even ordinary utterances can be understood by others.

And as it talked with Yi Xia, its head like an old monitor projected details of many commodities.

at this time.Other beings in the fleet have noticed this unknown being that suddenly appeared on the ship.

After all, at such a tense moment, any slight change will be noticed immediately.

What's more, there is still one more person...

When traveling through time and space, all units and items on the fleet are planned.

It's not necessarily to prevent losing something, but to worry about something more...

The alarming cases of bringing unknown beings in the space-time realm to the material world with sufficient order to cause extinction disasters have never been news.

The transnational transportation of the ordinary material world is still worried about the invasion of viruses or alien species.

Not to mention the voyage directly across time and space?

In a certain oppressive atmosphere, Nordes was the first to react.

He didn't dare to use a deeper vision to observe the reality of this unknown existence.

After suppressing the uneasiness and other mixed emotions in his heart, he first bowed to the other party:
"Hello, distinguished guest, I am the owner of this caravan, Nords."

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Nordes smiled and asked kindly.

Although he doesn't know what the other party is, since the other party wants to act as a client, Nordes will naturally not carry out more radical operations.

Well, in this regard, he is willing...

"I'll just see for myself."

Yi Xia nodded towards him, and then checked the details of the shops projected by the trading robot.

"A high-level magic crystal...Adamantine mineral...Human?"

When seeing the names of some goods, Yi Xia's eyes suddenly focused.

Seeing this, Nordes hurried forward to explain:
"It's not slaves, it's some refugees from the lost world. They entrust me to find a new home."

Afterwards, taking a look at Yi Xia's expression, Nordes continued:

"The gold coin and copper coin caravans are caravans that follow the ancient laws of time and space merchants. We do not engage in slavery and other commercial activities related to human trafficking."

"You can view the details of these details, which have details about these commissions."

Then, Nordes pointed to somewhere in the fleet:
"As you can see, they're all there and we're not treating them unfairly."

Seeing this, Yi Xia nodded.

Because some guys who once invaded the earth, he was always in a state of relative disgust for the caravans with the nature of slave trading.

Although in the multiverse, this may not be such an evil act.

But this is the earth where the great witch is, and meeting him in a foreign land is another matter.

Sensing the nervousness of everyone in the fleet, Yi Xia didn't look too much.

These commodities are basically of no value to him.

In contrast, the value corresponding to the appearance of the caravan itself may be greater?
This means that the earth has completed the breakthrough from 0 to 1 with respect to the business activities related to the multiverse dimension?
Although for now, Yi Xia has no idea of ​​increasing his trading volume to a considerable value...

After getting a general understanding of the nature of the caravan, Yi Xia turned and looked at Nordes:

"I am Yi Xia, the Great Witch of this world."

"My civilization is still in the development stage, and I may not be able to complete business activities with you for the time being."

Upon seeing this, Nordes immediately said that the timing of their visit was inappropriate, and he would come again at a more suitable time.

As for how that would fit the timing?
Nords didn't know, but this had to be noted.

If he or the next captain meet again unfortunately, there will always be an excuse...

Although Nordes did not open a deeper field of vision, he is a space-time merchant after all.

This means that he has a strong enough ability to identify relevant treasures.

For example, at least he will not really recognize the ring-like object in the opponent's hand as a ring...

(End of this chapter)

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