
The material level of a habitable planet exploded, suddenly bursting out a destructive brilliance that has not been seen for thousands of years in the overall dark sky!
And the huge bang, conveyed by the escaping dense matter particles, was brought to a distant realm far beyond the imagination of ordinary things.

The tyrannical flames are the wail of planetary destruction.

At this moment, it was as if a new small star was born!
No matter how deep the darkness is, it is impossible to reveal its hideousness under such brilliance.

And the body that is as weak as a flesh and blood life evaporates instantly in this incalculable high temperature!

Solid rock, or soft flesh and blood.

In such cases, there is no essential difference.




The wailing of the living beings is just the unbearable imagination of the witnesses.

Desperate prayers are but trembling illusions of bystanders.

The noise mixed with infinite light and heat is the chorus of melting, evaporating, and rising of billions of substances!

Yi Xia held a witch banner and stood in the fiery deep space.

Shock waves intertwined with particles of planetary matter whizzed past his side.

The witch fire lingering around Yi Xia's majestic body seemed to be buzzing.

They burn past the remains of those substances.

Looking at it from a more magnificent view, it seems that Yi Xia has a burning cloak and a fiery red cloak on his body.

This is the lair of a void sect somewhere.

They found a habitable planet in this dark corner.

On it they built their dark kingdom.

They plundered, enslaved and swallowed up civilizations.

Countless creatures suffer eternal torture and curse in this dark kingdom.

There is no normal existence of reason and life that can escape this terrifying land by chance.

The indescribable twisting and corrupting power made this place seem to have completely fallen into the void of chaos.

Here they sing of the void, here they proclaim terror.

The struggle and resistance of all things will be reduced to powerless and futile paleness here.

Rational deprivation is the praise of the madman.

The distortion of flesh and blood is the carnival of the fallen.

With their corrupted limbs, they left traces of decay on the distorted earth.

With their crazy consciousness, they burn the sound of despair on the rotting sky...

Of course, that was the scene that belonged to this planet a few hours or more short time ago.

And now, here, there is no other planet that can be more pure and clean than it.

Fire is the best purification and redemption of darkness...

And under one of Yi Xia's snake-like arms, a large number of creatures were crawling in the land-like palm.

It was an extra arm derived from Yi Xia's original left hand.

And now, it has become the last place of salvation for those who have not yet been twisted.

They may be lucky:
After just completing the transformation from a freeman to a slave, the Dawu traced the void coordinates and came to this world.

But even such a brief contact caused many of the creatures to have alienated organs.

They have not yet completed their corruption into the Void Stance.

But such a mutation will make it easier for them to receive attention from the void later.

Of course, at this moment, outside of this exploding planet, there are no extra eyes...



somewhere in the multiverse

The spiral building with a dizzying posture stands at the junction of clouds and mountains.

The cold wind blowing from the distant frozen sea formed a huge cloud barrier above the distant mountains.

The brilliance of the stars is refracted between the buildings and the cloud barriers, forming blurred and charming halos.

From a distance, it seems that this building stands in the light and clouds.

Semused wiped the moisture from his face, and he missed the days when he was studying in Gobi.

At least there, it doesn't need to perform visceral maintenance every few days.

For rock people like Semusedo, too much moisture is always uncomfortable.

This is Samway Burton.

A school of magic with unique achievements in the extraordinary fields of magic, psionic energy, and void.

Semusedo was a student of this academy.

It came here to seek a more excellent spiritual power.

Of course, for some well-known reasons, it failed to report the psionic faction that had stricter restrictions on bloodlines and resources.

Instead, he joined the relatively remote Void Academy.

A series of subsequent experiences also verified the correctness of Semusedo's decision.

It invests a greater proportion in the acquisition and research of psionic knowledge through the resources obtained from the relatively flat competition of the void faction.

Although this led to Semusedo's mediocrity in his main studies.

But Semusedo thought it was worth it.

Serious people who study the void?
Those that are dangerous and taboo.

Even just thinking about it may bring unknown risks to the fringes.

Only those who have a more lofty or stubborn belief in this will embark on this bumpy road for various reasons.

According to a long-held saying at Samway Burton's College of the Void:
"Falling into madness is the right path for void scholars..."

From Semusedo's point of view, this is also true.

Get in touch with such a taboo and twisted concept for a long time.

Even if there is no accident by luck, it will lead to some alienation to some extent.

Some may be benign and have no impact on life and study.

Others may be so bad that they may even require specialized treatment and purification.

It is precisely because he has seen so many alarming examples that Semusedo can remain sober enough in this regard.

Although in some respects, the power of the void is indeed much easier to use than psionic power...

In a sense, this is also the reason why the void faction has always existed in this magic academy.

It gives some individuals with more radical, but not dark and evil purposes, a chance to fulfill their long-cherished wishes.

Speaking of which, this also caused the relationship between Samway Burton and some local paladins to be quite tense.

Once there is any movement in Samway Burton, such as research accidents and the like.

Semusedo could always see the group of heavily armed paladins at the foot of the mountain.

Shaking his head, Semusedo put away the moisture-stained sheepskin.

It likes this kind of leather with its own smell.

It's always better if it's freshly peeled.

Because it still has oil, it can help it resist the erosion of water vapor.

It's just that the students of other colleges don't seem to agree with this, and they also stereotyped it as "alienation of the void"...

Semseto didn't care about that.

It walked slowly towards its own academy.

Today is the day to accept the graduation thesis, and it has been preparing for it for a long time.

Although it may not be so brilliant, it can still satisfy the instructor.

And just after stepping into the academy, Semusedo noticed many strange eyes.

Semusedo's heart tightened, and he hurriedly checked his state, and found that the worst situation he was worried about did not appear.

"I have traces of alienation?"

Semusedo, who was puzzled, stopped a familiar classmate and asked.


The classmate shook his head first, then paused and said:
"But it's worse than that, your 'thesis' exploded along with Senior Siren's..."

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