The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1084 The Expedition Ends, Brilliant Treasure House

Chapter 1084 The Expedition Ends, The Brilliant Treasure House (Two Updates!)
The number of void beings that Yi Xia has come into contact with probably exceeds most existences in the multiverse.

But even so, he had never encountered such a void life before.

Of course there might be.

Just because it is too weak, its chaotic will cannot be observed by Yi Xia.

Most of the time, they are ashes that show nothing under the witch's banner.

Beware of the influence of chaos on the will...

Yi Xia thought thoughtfully.

Before that, he was more concerned with threats and corruption at the level of evil.

It now appears that chaos has its own other dangers...

The great witch shook his head, the expression on his face shrouded in endless brilliance was a little subtle.

Speaking of which, Nathramwas the Faceless thwarted his plans for a hunting spree.

But on the other hand, it gave him extra help.

Naturally, it was not out of the good intentions of how to help Yi Xia.

Judging from the madness and chaotic logic shown by the other party at present.

This guy just thinks Yi Xia's step-by-step hunting is too boring.

Therefore, it would rather strengthen Yi Xia's fishing elements than prevent Yi Xia from continuing such "rule-based" expeditions.

It seems like something this guy would do...

Although it was only a short contact even with the concept of mortal things, Yi Xia already had a very deep understanding of this void life.

This kind of "altruistic" chaotic performance made the big witch couldn't help but give him a rather solid look...

Shaking his head, Yi Xia thought about it.

In the next moment, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, new prompts appeared on his retina.

The space in the item backpack was about to be filled in Yi Xia's repeated fights.

Even without the obstruction of the Faceless Man-Nathramwas, Yi Xia was going to stop for a while and make some witch soup.

However, under the influence of the current blessing of chaos, the efficiency of hunting through void coordinates will inevitably be damaged.

Yi Xia doesn't have too many high-quality void coordinates on hand.

That being the case, Yi Xia decided to simply end this expedition first.

He has been away from Earth for some time, it is time to go back...

Too frequent fights made Yi Xia's breath a little restless at the moment.

Although those elements of killing and destruction are all contained by the concept of "killing stars" overseas.

But the feedback from death and battle still made Yi Xia's breath no longer so soft.

Although in the cognition of most alien creatures, they have not witnessed the soft side of the Great Witch...

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: A fluctuation in the player's consciousness has been detected, please confirm whether to end the expedition and open the relevant settlement?"

Yi Xia glanced at the reminder message that appeared on the retina, and then made a confirmation with a thought.

And as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, numerous relevant reminders appeared on his retina:

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: Confirmed success, expedition settlement is in progress..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: The basic chaos experience related to the settlement of killings, the addition of killing-related proportions has been added..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: The settlement of killing income is completed, and related derivative events, tasks, and additional related rewards are being settled..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: The comprehensive settlement is completed. Based on the total amount of chaos experience you have accumulated so far, the quality of your expedition event reward library is: multiple legends/limited uniqueness!"

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your related chaos experience income and related exchange ratios, you have obtained 87 Brilliant Legendary Exchange Reward Coins. You can exchange any treasures that meet the exchange conditions in the prize pool by consuming Bright Legendary Exchange Reward Coins."

"Comprehensive network reminder: This expedition treasury will only be opened after the expedition is completed, and will be permanently closed after the exchange is completed. The Brilliant Legend exchange reward coins that have not been exchanged in time will be returned as Chaos experience in a relevant proportion..."



Yi Xia glanced at the dense reminder information refreshed on the retina.

Afterwards, Yi Xia focused his attention on the expedition prize pool.

Because the wreckage of Chaos Faceless Scale is too large, and Yi Xia's item backpack currently has insufficient space available.

Therefore, he can only temporarily put it aside.

Yi Xia is going to cook a pot of thick soup after dealing with the related income of this limited expedition event.

In this way, under the gaze of Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, a treasury of expeditions shining with some kind of brilliance was refreshed on his retina:


Brilliant expedition treasury:

Remaining disposable exchange currency: 87 Brilliant Legend exchange reward coins (can be exchanged for lower-level related award coins at a ratio of 1:10)
Vault Reward Options (sorting rules are skewed based on character-related awareness needs):

1. Chosen by Chaos:
Exchangeable times: 1/1
Brief description of the reward: All growth speeds of the chaotic bloodline of the character will be increased by 100% (this increase is the only multiplication factor)

Currency required for exchange: [-] Brilliant Legendary Exchange Reward Coins
2. Eat!eat!eat! :

Exchangeable times: 1/1
Brief description of the reward: For every different kind of void life devoured, the character's income from devouring void life or related products will increase by an additional 5%.

Currency required for exchange: 260 Brilliant Legendary Exchange Reward Coins or [-] Legendary Exchange Award Coins

3. Void skin:

Exchangeable times: 1/1
Brief description of the reward: The income of character killing experience -10% (exclusive to life related to the void), the backpack of the character's items will gain space growth based on the income of the character's killing experience (the maximum will not exceed the maximum size of the character * the life level of the character).

Currency required for exchange: 160 Brilliant Legendary Exchange Reward Coins or [-] Legendary Exchange Award Coins



99. The Immortal Rod of Eternal Death-*** (real name is blocked, cannot be viewed temporarily):

Exchangeable times: 1/1
Brief description of the reward: Chaos faction artifact, huge bonus to chaos spellcasting...

Currency required for exchange: [-] Brilliant Legendary Exchange Reward Coins



Yi Xia looked at the densely packed reward information refreshed on his retina.

The sorting of the expedition reward treasury this time is unexpectedly worry-free.

Yi Xia didn't even need to do more screening on this.

After Yi Xia locked his eyes on the first option, he had already made a decision.

As described in the relevant screening rules given by Zongwang.

As for the first reward, it was undoubtedly what Yi Xia needed.

100% additional bloodline boost...

And the follow-up multiplication calculation coefficient explanation gives its unparalleled value.

This means that it can boost Yi Xia's accumulation of many bonuses including Wisdom Gu by 100%.

For other existences, it may not have such a significant effect.

But for Yi Xia, there is no need to elaborate.

And perhaps it is also because of the correlation between the currency it needs and the total amount of Yixia currency.

The Chaos Artifact, which should have a constant value, was left at the end of the treasury.

In this way, Yi Xia did not hesitate, and directly carried out the relevant exchange...

(End of this chapter)

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