The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1094 The Way of Divination?Xia Wu Scratching His Head.jpg

Chapter 1094 The Way of Divination?Xia Wu Scratching His Head.jpg (One update!)

Tije-Kano is the Earth that departs at sunset.

After fulfilling such a long-cherished wish, there are still more complicated matters waiting for her to deal with.

For example: trivial matters about her Tower of Destiny, research projects that have not yet been completed, the fate of the home kingdom, and... how to explain to her parents how the time went...

Tijie Kano, who still retains enough humanity, is obviously quite troubled about the last thing.

Like a young student, she complained to Yi Xia that she had become a legendary character, but she still had to find a way to appease her parents.

From this aspect, legend or not, depending on the path, not all can give greater help in this aspect.

Naturally, Yi Xia couldn't provide Tijie Kano with a better opinion on this.

But it's kind of fun to say...

The fiery setting sun shone on the hills of Liucheng.

Yi Xia bathed in the twilight and stretched lazily.

The children at the foot of the mountain are playing.

Occasional laughter and shouts sounded, and I didn't know what they were happy about.

The feathered man next to him made a drink with the big witch.

No wine boy needed:

For Yi Xia today, although driving things with thoughts is still quite an unfamiliar field.

But in this world, he naturally doesn't need to do so.

With just a thought, the witch medicine came out in response.

It is not driven by power or controlled by thoughts, but the rules flow naturally and go smoothly.

In a sense, if we say that the gods of foreign lands are the human incarnation of rules.

Then the big witch is the evolution of the rules corresponding to human nature.

At first glance, there seems to be no difference between the two.

But in reality, you can see the difference.

For the big witch, whether those gods from other lands still belong to the real living beings is not a doubt that can be confirmed immediately.

Maybe, it will be derived into some kind of obscure philosophical question?
And under such fiery twilight, Yi Xia took out a turtle shell and fiddled with it in his hand.

Unlike Yi Xia, Yuren, who can sit freely out of thin air, raised his head from the recliner, and looked at the object in Yi Xia's hand quite curiously:
"Is this a gift from that guest?"

Yi Xia nodded, and then said with a sigh:

"It's a good baby..."

As Yi Xia said, after Tijie Kano left, he had been studying this inheritance wonder for a long time.

It's hard to say, this is the final reward for Tijie Kano's destiny.

It was the one who sent it to Yi Xia with the help of Tijie Kano.

This inherited strange object is not inferior to Yi Xia's previous witchcraft that was favored by the consciousness of the earth plane and deflected.

The level of divination is put aside for the time being.

For Yi Xia, what he has always been most concerned about is naturally the growth of blood.

And this inherited rare item has a considerable bonus in the growth of bloodlines.

Ten times the growth bonus based on the professional level...

Even the 220 times extra speed that seems frightening at the moment can only be applied to the natural blood growth speed.

But for Yi Xia who often needs to hunt in various time and space at present.

Such a huge natural growth bonus, accumulated, is also a considerable income.

After all, Yi Xia's natural bloodline growth rate has already reached a considerable level with the addition of many related abilities.

And through the addition of this object, it doesn't seem to be such a distant future that one year's Taoism can equal another's thousand years.

As far as this aspect is concerned, Yi Xia can vaguely perceive the concerns of the elders in that distant time and space through such a cold outline of the outside.

He may have heard about Yi Xia's deeds of hunting back and forth in various time and space.

Therefore, such objects were sent.

In this way, even if Yi Xia doesn't go hunting.

Even if he stays on the earth, he can get enough natural blood to grow.

Perhaps it is not quite appropriate to give a related metaphor:

Just like an elder, he can't bear to watch the younger generation go out and do business and struggle to make a living.

So he asked someone to send a few buildings for rent collection?

Apart from this, the other two characteristics of this strange object are also top-notch.

Aside from the fortune-telling that has been left aside for the time being, its natural armor bonus for a limited area.

For Yi Xia, it is also a solid guarantee for defending the family.

Because the bonus of this thing is based on the adaptive enhancement of Yi Xia's maximum health...

As we all know, in terms of vitality, Yi Xia has always been a rather prominent attribute.

As Yi Xia, who hunts outside all year round and fights against the crowd, his priority is often to improve his survival ability.

As the core element throughout Yi Xia's development, Wutang has greatly promoted Yi Xia's growth in vitality.

For now, even in the existence of the same size specification.

Considering the infinite nature of the multiverse, Yi Xia felt that his vitality could not be said to be absolutely at the top of the sequence, but at least it belonged to the first-class.

Therefore, the strengthening of the natural armor of this legendary wonder is very practical for Yi Xia.

After all, it needs to be considered that Yi Xia is now a derivative of the concept of earth material.

In the foreign time and space, these limited effects can also exert a certain effect...

And in the end, it should also belong to the most important and core divination characteristics and inheritance of this inherited strange object in theory...

About this aspect...

Xia Wu Scratching His Head.jpg
As we all know, in terms of divination, Yi Xia did not give too much deflection from the beginning to the end.

It was also when ordinary means failed to work that he would try to find a solution in this field that seemed obscure to Wu Ji.

And with Yi Xia's legendary achievements and the continuous growth of Chaos bloodline.

Although at present, his "ordinary means" can already handle most of the problems...

As far as divination is concerned, Yi Xia is not that unfamiliar.

He currently has several related abilities.

Of course, that level might not be too much of a problem for ordinary witches.

It is only at the level of the great witch, and whether there is an essential difference between it and the layman's is perhaps a question worthy of further investigation...

That is a completely different direction from Yi Xia's style and bias.

It requires a more deliberate, calm mind.

And Yi Xia, named Xia Wu, has already verified his style of acting to a certain extent...

From this point of view, this inheritance wonder can also be regarded as the persuasion bearer of the great witch's version?
Playing with the turtle shell in his hand, Yi Xia thought silently.

Maybe if you have free time in the future, you can spare part of it to study in this area?

In fact, his resistance to this aspect has been strengthened, but it is much more prominent...

In addition to the boundless expanse full of wildness, wilderness also has fortune-telling related to fate throughout.

While Yi Xia was thinking, Yuan Xian and others on the other side were gathering people to heat the hot pot.

This is the first gathering where all the integrated network players on the earth are present except Yi Xia...

(End of this chapter)

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