The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 113 We are fighting the apprentice battlefield, right?

Chapter 113 We are fighting the apprentice battlefield, right? (Two updates!)

What is the essence of the scarlet poisonous mist?
Yi Xia didn't know.

He just swallowed the poisonous mist in the air freely.

Under Yi Xia's suction, the scarlet poisonous mist turned into strands of blood-red air.

From a distance, there is a distorted sense of snakes winding in the sky.

But this scarlet poisonous mist is not a natural creation after all.

With Yi Xia's devouring, the concentration of poisonous mist around here became much thinner.

The surviving elf civilians below staggered and fled.

Occasionally, they would look at the blood-colored human-shaped light group in the sky, with some complicated expressions in their eyes.

The scarlet plague - the poisonous mist that Selkan-ha walked in, completely destroyed their homeland and maimed their compatriots.

While feeling angry, they are also deeply afraid of the power that belongs to the plague.

And Yi Xia, who also seemed to use this kind of power, became quite complicated in their eyes.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't care what they thought.

He was immersed in a steady stream of poisonous mist, and Fei's power was constantly improving.

Compared with the fog in the poisonous swamp, the concentration and intensity of the scarlet poisonous fog are much higher.

It's just that this amount seems to be a bit uncontrollable...

Just when Yi Xia thought that he could break Fei's protoss power to level 2 here in one fell swoop.

He found that unconsciously, the surroundings suddenly became brighter.

The originally dense blood mist was now as thin as the wisps of green smoke from a farmer's cooking.

Yi Xia suddenly opened his eyes, and in the lingering flames, there was a figure of a ferocious monster roaring and roaring!
More! !

In the next moment, he moved the cloud head.

Follow the intensity of the poisonous fog, and fly to the area where the fog is more scarlet...



At the same time, the main battlefield of the Scarlet War
The fight between elf warriors and cultists has entered the fierce battle stage.

Thousands of warriors kept chopping together.

In terms of the scale of war in the Extraordinary World, this can only be regarded as a small war.

But even so, the tragic and bloody scenes are still enough to make individuals feel their own insignificance.

It was the impact of two lakes, and how could a grain of sand change anything?
Felice Tovani kept shooting with a crossbow.

On the side, a specific construction robot is loading the crossbow bolts that have been fired.

"There is no need to enchant arrows, ordinary bows and arrows will do."

"They also have knights in heavy armor, those who need to use enchanted arrows."

Looking at the armor-piercing crossbow loaded by the construction robot.

The elf archer next to him seemed to be unable to bear it any longer.

"Relax, my friend, this is enough."

Felice Tovani smiled, and handed her a bundle of enchanted arrows.

Elf Archer: ...

Big dog!
The comprehensive network players standing on the other two sides couldn't help but twitch their eyes when they heard the movement.

Today they can be considered to have seen the krypton guy among the online players.

They were curious about Felice Tovani's purpose.

This broken dungeon, what output can match his consumption?
However, none of them mattered.

Although not as delicate as Felice Tovani's crossbow.

But in terms of long-distance replenishment, everyone has their own means.

As for going out to charge?

We are all still apprentices, and we are very compelled by this.

Even Felice Tovani, who is a Kryptonian, isn't lying here honestly and shooting?
Once caught in the meat grinder of the battlefield, it will not be possible to get out in a short while.

Even the integrated network players of the opposing camp hide behind the siege units and attack.

Comprehensive online players fighting each other passionately?
That's not the normal way to open the apprentice battleground.

Of course, if there are more players from the chaotic evil camp on the opposite side, it may be another style of painting,
And at this moment, an elf archer suddenly warned:

"Where the sun shines, there are unknown units flying!"

Immediately, several integrated network players raised their heads one after another.

Then, they heard the howling wind.

In the next instant, the blood fog on the entire battlefield changed significantly!
"That is?"

Felice Tovani looked at the blurred humanoid creature in the sky surrounded by sunlight and blood mist.

Countless blood mist was attracted and swallowed by him.

The sunlight barely penetrated the thick blood mist gathered around him, leaving a mottled and hideous figure on the ground.

For a moment, Felice Tovani seemed to hesitate.

"We're fighting the Apprentice Battlefield, right?"

Felice Tovani and other comprehensive net players fell into a daze.

Of course, this did not affect the soldiers who were fighting fiercely.

They have already killed red eyes, and only a very narrow area of ​​vision remains.

At this time, only one will shines in their violent thoughts:
Hack that bastard on the opposite side!

On the other side, the scarlet frontline base camp covered in thick blood mist.

Scarlet Plague-Selkan-ha slowly raised his head from the unknown potion that was "bubbling" with blood.

Yi Xia, who was staring at the sky, gradually distorted a touch of extreme anger on his rotten face.

"He's blaspheming the great Scarlet!"

Scarlet Plague-Selkan-ha said in a low voice.

The next moment, its furious voice resounded throughout the scarlet front:

"Kill him and bring me his head!"

"I will crush its soul and soak it in scarlet slag!"

"Let it howl a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

Scarlet Plague - Selkan Ha's body erupted with a strong, tyrannical aura.

In a daze, the rotten marks on its face became more festering.

But it can't leave here, it knows its role in this war.

"Quiet your great anger and I will bring it to you."

At this time, the scarlet leader who rushed over said so.

Afterwards, the scarlet leader fetched his own weapon.

It was a broad sword with countless dense pits!
"Scarlet crushes everything!"

In the next moment, the aura of magic blessed its body.

Thus, it was able to fly directly into the air.

Floating into the air at a not so fast speed.

Although the momentum is not very satisfactory.

But in the eyes of the scarlet leader, there was gradually a glint of tyranny and cruelty.

It will let this blasphemous scarlet bastard know what real cruelty is!


It looked at the humanoid body wrapped in blood mist, and growled like this.

And at this moment, he seemed to have noticed the scarlet leader.

The humanoid turned slowly.

He looked at the scarlet leader floating towards him, sparks seemed to linger at the tip of his nose.

In the next instant, the eyes of the scarlet coach were surrounded by flames!


The red flame seemed to purify everything!
The scorching power directly penetrated the scarlet leader's body!
Soon, the flames dissipated.

I saw the scarlet leader holding the big sword tremblingly, his body was covered with scorched or red marks from burns.

But it's just futile:

When the scarlet leader's gaze returned to normal from the impact of the burning flame particles.

He opened his eyes and saw the fire coming from the pavement again...

(End of this chapter)

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