Chapter 1146 Treatment of Xi Soil and Temporary Return (Two Updates!)


Like a waterfall, the mint witch medicine poured into Yi Xia's big mouth from the container above the sky.

Now, he has left Xiang Liu's lair.

Back to the swamp where he had sent the bean soldiers to collect the elixir.

Now that the hunting is over, it's time to get busy.

As for Xiangliu's lair, which was burned by the witch fire and still had a strong enough filthy aura?

Those were handed over to the teams sent by the various tribes for purification.

Yi Xia didn't have the time to bother with these things.

The main thing is that he didn't spend too much time on the methods in this area...

But look, for this level of filth.

Even Yi Xia's Wuhuo couldn't complete the perfect purification.

After all, it is Xiangliu, a special existence in the relevant legends of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree, with words reserved for its characteristics.

You must know that there are not many monsters and beasts with the ability of filthy sequence in this boundless world.

But the only one who can become famous by this is Xiang Liu's experience.

Therefore, Yi Xia was not surprised by this situation.

If it was really easy to deal with, Dayu wouldn't have to deal with it so much.

In short, it can be regarded as broadening the horizon...

At least now Yi Xia knows that the relevant records of Xiangliu are not too fabricated...

From this, Yi Xia thought of the two integrated network players who used to use the blood of the blood of the willow blood to study the war machine.

Yi Xia didn't know if they would succeed.

But even if it succeeds, it's probably not a good thing.

Especially in such a derived time and space...

Yi Xia felt that these two guys would probably get beaten.

Which attracts more hatred to be killed on the battlefield or to be dropped on such a thing?
Yi Xia felt that it was something worthy of in-depth exploration.

The battle between Yi Xia and Xiang Liu lasted for several days.

However, the Dou Bing, who had received relevant orders from Yi Xia before, did not stop because of this.

They collected all the elixir in this vast swamp.

It's just because Yi Xia didn't return as scheduled.

Therefore, these elixirs are all piled up in the area in the center of the swamp.

A few thousand meters further down there is the lair of Xiangliu's blood descendant.

The accumulation of these elixirs made the extraordinary energy around him extremely active.

Even, in some regions, there are corresponding substantive manifestations of alienation.

But even such abnormal energy fluctuations did not attract any existence worth mentioning.

In a large area centered on the center of the elixir accumulation, there was always a certain state of silence.

At least after Yi Xia's return...

At this time, Yi Xia was sitting beside the mountain made of elixir.

The fighting in Zhuolu continued.

The thundering war drum seemed to become the manic theme music of this vast world.

Since he just had a fight with Xiang Liu, Yi Xia is not going to make Wu Tang for the time being.

Although speaking truthfully, Xiang Liu's filthy characteristics would not affect Yi Xia who was fighting with him.

But based on the relevant cognition and senses from the mortal period, Yi Xia is going to wait for some time to talk about it.

Even the elixir, Yi Xia didn't go to get it by himself, but asked the bean soldiers to use magic to move it into his item backpack bit by bit.

Yi Xia's current item backpack is still large enough.

Having nothing else to do, Yi Xia, who drank a gourd of mint witchcraft, began to think about where to put the soil.

If you throw it directly into the material world of the earth.

Considering the growth of the soil alone, it seems inappropriate.

What's more, for the treatment of the area derived from the soil, Yi Xia is planning to use it as private land.

Plant some upgraded elixir seeds of peppermint witch potion or something.

As for the spirit world on earth?
Yi Xia thought about it, and felt that something was wrong.

Mainly, the characteristics of the spirit world are still in a moldable state.

Throwing the soil into it, of course, can improve considerably at the moment.

However, the future of the spiritual world, which bears the spiritual needs of hundreds of millions of beings in the material world of the earth, is obviously limited.

After all, if it's just Xiran, it can't bring a world back to the level of barbarism.

On the other hand, the wild environment may not be completely suitable for the development of the current earth civilization.

For weak creatures, wildness is not such a gentle land...

Even Yi Xia set foot in this wild land after becoming a legend.

It may not bring the supreme blessing first, but a more rapid and violent disaster...

In this way, there are not many choices left for Yi Xia:

Either find another space in the spiritual world of the earth, or simply throw it in the chaotic realm outside the earth.

No matter where it is, it is beneficial to the earth as a whole, and it will not interfere and influence the civilization of the earth too intuitively.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Xia finally decided to place Xi Yang in the chaotic realm outside the earth.

On the one hand, he now often makes witch soup there.

Dexian wants to brew some mint witch medicine, and then he can pick the freshest materials conveniently.

On the other hand, the intuitive influence on the earth's material world is also reduced to a minimum.

At least until the derivative area of ​​the soil has not reached a sufficient scale, it will basically not affect the material world of the earth.

And Yi Xia also considered another point:
If and when one day, the civilization of the earth's material world will eventually go to inevitable destruction.

Then the world derived from this side of the land is the last harbor that Yi Xia gave them...

As Yi Xia, who has witnessed the decline of many civilizations and the destruction of the world, he naturally knows that there is nothing eternal in the multiverse.

Perhaps as hot as he is at this time, he will eventually be destroyed as scheduled in a long time like heat death or an unpredictable short time.

As the great witch who carries one side, and also the only great witch on his earth, Yi Xia needs to take these into consideration.

Of course, this is just Yi Xia's extra consideration.

For now, in terms of survivability, Yi Xia thinks he is quite impressive.

So, until late at night.

The bean soldiers worked hard for a long time, and finally transported the mountain of elixir to Yi Xia's item backpack.

Afterwards, Yi Xia thought about it.

He has been away from the earth for a while, and Yi Xia is going to go back, and also take a look at this competition.

Considering the value of the innate treasure, Yi Xia should at least go to see if there is room for manipulation.

In the next moment, with Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuating, his majestic figure disappeared into this world.

And sensing Yi Xia's disappearance, the originally shaking drums of war seemed to suddenly become wilted.

In other words, tend towards a more "Zhongzheng peaceful" posture.

After all, as a derivative time and space, they don't know how many reincarnations they have gone through in such a fight...

(End of this chapter)

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