The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1170 The final decisive victory in the exotic epic legend division!

Chapter 1170 The final decisive victory in the exotic epic legend division! (Two updates!)


When the emerald green shade appeared in front of her eyes again, Yudina let out a breath of foul air slowly.

And after breaking away from the relevant space-time rules of the space-time arena, her injuries have all healed.

Of course, damage at the legendary level doesn't just stop at the simple concept of "damage".

Unless the vitality is strong to a certain extent.

Otherwise, those damages that have been suffered will still be more or less affected.

Some are brief, perhaps like seeing phantom pains described as kicking spikes straight into nails.

Some are not necessarily so lucky.

Even the most serious ones can cause permanent damage.

Of course, this kind of situation will not happen in competitive activities with comprehensive network as a guarantee.

It's just the former, but it's hard to avoid.

It's like even a comprehensive network player will still have some heart palpitations caused by death after the death of a copy with a resurrection mechanism.

But now, Yudina could feel a faint pain in her eyes.

It's as if not long ago, I mischievously looked at the stars for a while...

It's better to be my hometown...

Yudina leaned on the chair woven from tree rattan, sensing the peaceful atmosphere around her, and squinted her eyes comfortably.

Until now, she still finds the fact that "Yi Xia is the guardian of the plane" somewhat difficult for her to accept.

How can there be such a guardian!
Yudina muttered to herself.

And not long after Yudina returned, a new reminder message suddenly appeared on her retina:
"Comprehensive network reminder: Please note that you have a new friend communication request (personal note: special attention list), please deal with it in time."

just know...

Yudina was not surprised by this, and then she directly accepted the communication with her consciousness.

The next moment, the sister's inquiry full of desire for knowledge came from her ear:

"How? How? Did you win?"

"I didn't have time to go into details just now, I saw that guy's information is really outrageous."

"If you say that you are half of your peers, is this a civil war?"

Yudina: ...

Facing the inquiry of the sister who seemed to have activated the legendary magic haste, Yudina was speechless for a moment.

Probably after finally realizing that she might need to temporarily silence the other party to speak out, Yudina heard the other party cough lightly tactically, and Yudina said helplessly:

"Tried a little and then I gave up..."

"Try hitting?"

After hearing Yudina's reply, the sisters were obviously a little puzzled.

"That's how long it took..."

she continued to ask.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought of something.

"Wait, I remember that Space-Time Arena seems to have a statistics system launched by the Comprehensive Network Players Organization."

Afterwards, there was a rare calm in the communication.

"So, why don't you watch the battle directly?"

Yudina couldn't help complaining when she saw this.

"I can't help it during the service, it's not like you don't know about void life."

"Maybe when I watch the battle, they will jump out and make trouble."

Upon hearing this, the sisters on the other side of the communication suddenly got excited.

Obviously, she hated those void lives.

Yudina is naturally aware of this.

As a distorted realm corresponding to the chaotic concept of the multiverse, the pressure and terror the other party endured was by no means as easy as she said in the communication.

"Ha, they didn't slack off this time, they will issue a statistical report after the battle..."

And at this moment, the voices of the sisters came from Yudina's ears.

"let me see……"

"Wait, 89 arrows?"

"Are you addicted to nature's gift?"

In the communication, Sister Yudina's tone was full of strong doubts and disbelief...



"Comprehensive network reminder: You have defeated the opponent in this round (the first round of the Alien Space-Time Arena/accumulated winning streak: 2), you can choose to receive the current accumulated rewards or continue to open the match."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on the relevant competition system of the Space-Time Arena, your winning streak has met the relevant requirements, and you will be transferred to the exotic epic legend competition area after the next match is successful (for specific competition area details, please click here to view with awareness )..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: The exotic epic legend competition area will provide a varying number of spectator positions (based on the overall scale of the battle), and players can get 10%/20% of the comprehensive network disaster currency income of tickets sold for spectator games, which can be converted into time and space competitions field points (limited to one-way redemption only)."

Only one game away...

Yi Xia thought as he looked at the relevant prompts refreshed on his retina.

At this time, he has consciously chosen to continue the match, and even chatted with Yudina for a while.

But it seems that the matchmaking in the last round is not as fast as before?
Yi Xia was not too impatient about this.

Judging from the communication with Yudina, most of the opponents he matches are also existences of the same level with the same winning streak.

Yi Xia didn't know how many related integrated network players participated in the Space-Time Arena in this timeline.

However, considering the proportion of players in the legendary comprehensive network and other factors, this number should not be too many.

Because the space-time arena, after all, is not the kind of super-large event that directly covers the entire multiverse level.

In fact, so far, Yi Xia has never encountered such activities.

No, these activities must have such strict personal requirements.

Rather, it is often aimed at those related civilizations that have completed a comprehensive connection with the comprehensive network.

Regarding this, Yi Xia's attitude was noncommittal.

How the earth's civilization develops is up to the creatures in it to choose.

Yi Xia will not interfere too much in this regard.

From Yi Xia's point of view, taking the route of cultivating immortal civilization or taking the route of mechanical ascension is normal.

The relevant elements of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree cannot be completely covered by such superficial elements alone.

At least from the perspective of Yi Xia's previous contact with many related existences of extraordinary civilizations of the Eastern lineage.

There are also some related civilizations that are quite "deviant" in the eyes of people on Earth today.

The so-called ridicules such as "electronic Buddha" and "punk Guanyin" may have corresponding worlds in the infinite time and space of the multiverse.

Of course, Yi Xia felt that this was somewhat abstract.

And while Yi Xiabai was boredly waiting for the matching result.

On his retina, a new reminder message suddenly appeared:
"Comprehensive network reminder: the match is successful, and the character is being sent to the exotic epic legendary arena..."

It's time to start...

Yi Xia held the Wu Banner, his eyes filled with endless flames showed some fluctuations.

Let me see who my opponent is this time...

(End of this chapter)

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