Chapter 1174 You have awakened the real terror... (Two updates!)
What will it be?
Yi Xia doesn't care...

That's not his area of ​​expertise.

Although it has not been found that Surprise has the intention to hide again, Yi Xia is no longer ready to play cat and mouse games with him.

In the Epic Legend Division of the Space-Time Arena, the battle area is indeed wide enough.

But now, these taboo beings, which are constantly being reborn, destroyed, and gradually become stronger under the devouring witch fire, seem to be an important part of the opponent's plan.

Then the battle field is restricted to a certain extent.

Of course, the opponent can also choose to re-open an area.

But that's for later.

No matter how Surprise chooses, there is nothing wrong with compressing the opponent's space first.

Yi Xia's experience is also rich enough in how to deal with this kind of spell-casting enemies who are not willing to confront him head-on.

So, in the next moment, under the gaze of Surprise, Yi Xia waved the witch banner in his hand.

After the movement of casting spells, which was much faster than in the extraordinary stage, the thick fog filled the air!
However, what surprised Yi Xia was:
Surprise didn't dodge, but was still engulfed by the fog!

Judging from the opponent's previous actions, Yi Xia felt that Sepress should have collected information on him.

As for the ability of the fog, he had already used it in battles in other space-time arenas.

So far, no one has escaped safely after the operation.

For a while, Yi Xia couldn't understand what Surpress was thinking.

Of course, with the long-term experience of dealing with void life and many chaotic existences, Yi Xia has never thought too much about this aspect.

The disorder imposed by Chaos allows these related beings to behave far beyond the comprehension of orderly beings.

And since the other party seems to have something to rely on, if they directly step into the "decisive circle" drawn by Yi Xia.

Naturally, Yi Xia followed advice like a follower.

The next moment, in the billowing mist, Yi Xia's majestic figure disappeared straight in place!
He didn't know what Surprise was planning or preparing.

But in the fog, under the witch banner, all living beings are equal!
Under the mist, Surprise still stood where he was.

His cold eyes stared at the chaotic mist in front of him.

It really is a dangerous enough force...

After noticing the gradually chaotic rules around him, Surpress soon realized.

The reason why Yi Xia's opponent in those materials seemed quite limited after being surrounded by thick fog.

But also as he judged:
Here, the elements of chaos are further strengthened!

Come, offer my death!
Let me be the opening of this great elegy!
Surprise held out her hands in a gesture of hugging.

And the next moment, the Wu Banner like a pillar of heaven completely covered the area he was in!


In the thick fog, all violent sounds were torn apart in the chaotic time and space.

And Sepress's tiny body was completely annihilated under the continuous magic light!
It was also at this moment that Yi Xia suddenly felt something like stagnation!

As if stuck in a quagmire, the surrounding time and space began to slow down gradually!

"Essibel's curse? Where did this guy get that madman's relic?"

In the stands, Giorgoli couldn't help but said aloud.

To be honest, he has not received any business activities from relevant organizations so far, so naturally there is no need to explain too much about it.

But just like the space-time arena did not separate all the spectators.

In Giorgoli's view, an arena without comment is like a living thing without a soul.

What's more, for this kind of legendary battle, every little-known point is undoubtedly a secret.

Even Giorgory couldn't possibly know everything.

And now he happened to meet someone he barely understood, so Giorgoli would naturally not miss this opportunity.

Show off?

No, this is called fair sharing of one's knowledge and awareness of the truth...

Therefore, after making a sudden noise and gaining the attention of everyone around him, Giorgoli just opened his mouth and continued:
"The curse of Ercibel - a mad product of a mad god, it is said that the prototype is a very delicate but short table knife?"

"It is said that it can absorb the destruction and death around it, and endow things with the forbidden power of reversing life and death."

"Of course, if it is completely successful..."

Giorgory looked down at the arena:
"As far as I know, this thing should only be a semi-finished product now."

Then, Giorgory suddenly thought of something.

"Yes... no wonder..."

"This guy came here just to get the artifact that complements Ercibel's curse."

"Because right now, it only lacks a 'life' artifact..."

Giorgory said so.



It worked!
Surpress looked at the endless chaotic realm like a sea of ​​fire in front of him.

At this moment, he is no longer the humanoid appearance that he was before.

Instead, it was completely distorted into a cold monster:

The blade like a blade is his arm covered with dark scales.

And the torso that was once slightly emaciated due to the erosion of death.

Now it has completely turned into a hideous and dark body full of explosive power!

The characteristics of human nature are completely separated from Surpress at this time.

Now, he looked more like a twisted monster from the depths of the Chaos Void.

Staring at the sea of ​​flames in front of him and the dark stars above his head, there was no fear in Surprise's cold and gradually mad eyes.

Everything was already in his plan!

He grinned his twisted mouth full of spikes, and let out a maniacal laugh:

"What a fiery will..."

"Ah, I forgot, the power from Chaos Reversal is suppressing you."

Surprise's smile was wild.

This is also one of the costs of the ceremony:

That artifact is not complete enough...

Correspondingly, its power at a more tyrannical level is even stronger.

"It seems that you can't answer me."

Surprise stood beyond the chaos.

He naturally knew that the other party's spirituality was powerful enough.

But so what?
Now, under the suppression of the ritual, the overly powerful elements of chaos began to reverse towards order.

This kind of huge oppressive force caused the other party's spirituality to be greatly constrained.

And how can such an opponent defeat him who has a body transformed from a divine weapon?
The next moment, Surpress suddenly swung the blade in his hand towards the chaotic sea of ​​flames in front of him!
In this way, the boundary of chaos is torn apart in an instant!
A fiery breath flooded towards Surprise in an instant!

Surprise didn't move forward, and his originally crazy will suddenly became dignified.

Wait, what is that?

Under the frenzied gaze of Surprise who forcibly suppressed his consciousness:

He saw that the enraged sea of ​​flames began to expand!

And after that gloomy day, a giant who was originally hidden in the chaos, exuding a scarlet aura of tyranny and killing far beyond the limits of Seprise's perception and understanding, suddenly opened his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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