Chapter 1181 Zhang Luo's private land (a new update!)

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless flames stared at the newly born earth in the void in front of him.

Needless to say, there is no need to repeat the significance of Xiran in the value concept of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

As a fetish that can generate a supernatural land that can grow unlimitedly from a theoretical level.

It can be said that the resting soil is the ultimate pursuit of the existence of the natural and cultivation related sequences of most long-lived species.

Yi Xia's expectations for this were not too high.

It would be good to be able to plant some spiritual herbs that he could use.

Yi Xia didn't plan to put the "Three Mountains Elixir" obtained in exchange before.

Just put it in the boundary generated by the soil.

The "three mountains and panacea" are not isolated mountains, they can be completely separated from the surrounding environment.

The supernatural soil generated by the breath soil can also benefit the growth of its elixir.

Of course, now, the initial area of ​​the soil is still slightly smaller.

If the "Three Mountains of Spiritual Medicine" were directly thrown on top of it, it would probably look a bit stretched.

So after looking at it for a while, Yi Xia thought about it.

In the next moment, a list of related products from the Multiverse Trading Center of Comprehensive Network Players appeared on his retina.

In addition to the natural growth of the soil, it can also be accelerated by investing in related rare materials such as broken world crystals.

Yi Xia had searched for this before.

World Broken Crystals range from the cheapest tens of thousands of comprehensive network disaster coins to hundreds of thousands of comprehensive network disaster coins, all for sale.

Actually speaking, Yi Xia was quite curious.

He also caused the collapse of some small worlds during the hunting process before.

But in it, Yi Xia didn't perceive anything special.

Or maybe he has seen this substance called "World Broken Crystal" before.

But there was no such concept at the time, so I didn't notice it.

This is probably another way to unlock the wealth endowed by knowledge?

Of course, fortunately, it is not such a precious thing...

Yi Xia speculates that not all world destructions can give birth to broken world crystals.

And Yi Xia looked at the list of related products refreshed on the retina, just like what he searched before, there was not much change in price.

Yi Xia thought for a while, and first bought a dozen broken world crystals to test the waters.

Following a series of purchase reminders, Yi Xia's item backpack has more than a dozen broken world crystals of various shapes.

Is this the broken crystal of the world?
Yi Xia took out a broken world crystal from the item backpack, and his eyes filled with endless fire revealed a little enlightenment.

From the appearance alone, none of the world shattered crystals that Yi Xia bought are the same.

Among them, those that look like metal minerals occupy half, while those that present different forms such as liquid, gas, or even pure energy divide the other half.

Yi Xia looked away thoughtfully.

For Yi Xia, he was naturally able to peek into a more unified core through the different material forms of these broken and crystallized worlds.

He remembered the taste of the broken crystallization of the world...

That was indeed a strange and new concept.

It seems that he has never encountered it before.

But it's normal to think about it.

Under normal circumstances, even with hunting, Yi Xia would not always lead to the destruction of the world.

Yi Xia usually doesn't bother to pay attention to those scattered prey that are fleeing.

What's more, it's the whole world.

Of course, there are also times when Yi Xia really doesn't like it, so he will set a fire and wait a little longer.

But that's all.

However, Yi Xia wouldn't just smash open every dark world he encountered in order to obtain the broken world crystals.

After all, he now has more stable and cheap acquisition channels...

Afterwards, according to the method on Xi Soil's comprehensive network panel, Yi Xia directly catalyzed the world's broken crystals with mana, and injected them into the land that Xi Soil evolved.

The shattered crystallization of the world, based on Yi Xia's current cognition, he thinks it is a part of the dissipated energy carried by the shattered concept of the corresponding world.

In other words, there is nothing wrong with viewing it as a special high-concentration limited energy crystal.

Of course, the world shattering crystallization cannot be applied to the general energy demand gap.

As a broken conceptual product of a complete world, even if it is just some broken fragments, its personality is beyond doubt.

And only the level of needs such as the soil can be used more smoothly.

Otherwise, a series of extremely complicated limited conversion processes are required for reconciliation.

And with the investment of broken crystals of the world, the land evolved from the soil began to expand rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A new prompt message also appeared on Yi Xia's retina:

"Comprehensive network reminder: Invest in territory-limited promotion resources-the world is broken and crystallized successfully, and your personal holding territory-the land area of ​​​​the soil will gain permanent growth: 1km → 000km (supernatural limited magic soil elements, specific conversion Please click here to view the data information with awareness)..."

Yi Xia looked at the reminder message that appeared on the retina.

And the current earth has also expanded several times.

Of course, for Yi Xia at this moment, it is still a hard place to stay.

If you look at the area alone, such expenses are undoubtedly too large.

As far as the multiverse is concerned, in fact, the cost of a broken world crystal whose price is in the middle stage is already enough to buy a small and medium plane.

But if one considers the supernatural properties of the land it is derived from, its value is difficult to estimate for a while.

Yi Xia didn't care too much about this.

After seeing that the intuitive effect of the broken world crystals was not bad, Yi Xia directly injected the remaining broken world crystals into the land evolved from the soil.

Soon, from Yi Xia's perspective, the land, which seemed quite small, finally began to have some weather that could be used as reclamation and carrying.

Yi Xia's expectations for this are not at the moment.

After feeling that it might be useful, Yi Xia took out the "Three Mountains Spiritual Medicine" with a thought.

Immediately, three small green mountains flew out from Yi Xia's broad palm.

The mountain rises when it meets the wind, and becomes round when it sees the sun.

In a short time, it turned into three towering mountains, standing on their feet, and straddling the land transformed by the soil.

Immediately, if there is a spiritual energy gradually rising like a mist, adding a bit of ethereal artistic conception to the mist.

Yi Xia also smelled a certain familiar fragrance, took a closer look, and indeed saw a fruit tree like an ancient pine on one of the big mountains, with many green fruits growing on it.

That was the fruit that the old Taoist used to treat Yi Xia back then.

Yi Xia could feel that this was not the limit of change for these three mountains.

It's just that the current scale and strength of the soil are still unable to carry its evolution to the limit state.

After all, it is not only related to the occupied area, but more factors need to be considered.

Yi Xia didn't know how many mountains like this there were on the old Taoist side.

But if you think about it carefully, it is by no means an infinite number.

From this point of view, the other party really valued his apprentice "Zhu Longzi".

I just don't know whether the other party can realize something from the millennium of suppression and achieve success.

Yi Xia was running his mana while thinking.

Afterwards, there were sparks in the void, turning into humanoid armored soldiers.

After they bowed towards Yi Xia first, they turned into streamers and flew to the mountain.

Yi Xia first asked them to pick some green fruits for him to give Yuren and others a taste, and second, sent these bean soldiers here to take care of them.

It's not to defend against the enemy, but to avoid any mistakes.

In this way, Yi Xia took some spiritual objects out again.

These are the elixir that can be used to brew mint witchcraft, which Yi Xia took from the wilderness.

And just when Yi Xia was in the chaos, making arrangements for his "Private Land".

In Liucheng, Earth, Cang Zhong's heart skipped a beat when he saw Yan Mo who came to his door to say that he had important matters to report.

He still knows a little bit about this guy's temper.

If it wasn't a big deal, the other party wouldn't come to him.

But it is rare for him to be quite clear about Dawu's recent movements.

With some doubts and uncertain thoughts, Cang Zhong took Yan Mo to his office and sat down...

(End of this chapter)

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