Familiar water mansion, unfamiliar location...

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and he looked around curiously.

This is the main hall of the Dragon Palace here.

It's not like Yi Xia hasn't been here before.

It's just that the Dragon Palace already occupies a huge area, and it has the means to expand the space.

Therefore, even one of the side halls has an unfathomably vast area.

What's more, is it the main hall as the axis?

It was different from the specifications of Yi Xia who came to the banquet before.

Accompanied this time, besides the old dragon king who is the ruler of this place, there are also a group of extraordinary aquariums.

The old Dragon King and Yi Xia introduced them one by one.

These are the undoubtedly key characters of this Dragon Palace.

Of course, in addition to the aquarium, there are also some strangers.

According to the introduction of the old Dragon King, these are the great talents in the world who came to assist him in the early years.

When Yi Xia heard what the old Dragon King said, he looked at these people curiously.

As a human being, running to assist the Dragon King naturally has its own merits.

As for why these people came to assist the Dragon King instead of the forces in the world?

Yi Xia didn't even need to ask this question.

He already smelled some breath from the other party...

I'm afraid it's like Shang Chuan who married a dragon girl...

Speaking of which, in the realm of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, this kind of operation is still classic enough.

Although it looks old-fashioned, it is not durable enough...

Of course, Yi Xia belongs to the players who don't like this.

While pushing cups and changing cups, the atmosphere gradually warmed up.

When not in a fighting state, Yi Xia was quite gentle.

And those present may have their own strengths, but they will definitely not be short of sophistication.

Otherwise, the old Dragon King would not have arranged a banquet here.

As for the old Dragon King himself, there is no need to mention it.

As an existence in charge of such a huge dragon palace, its wisdom and thoughts needless to say.

Therefore, even Yi Xia is not very good at dancing.

The atmosphere of the whole banquet was still very lively and extremely harmonious.

Ao Li looked at Yi Xia, probably recalling some past events.

At that time, the old Dragon King intended to match her and Yi Xia, and Yi Xia's answer is still vivid in Ao Li's memory.

Only such people can become the witches of future generations.

She is also talented and has made some achievements for Dragon Palace.

Otherwise, she would not have been selected by the old Dragon King from many dragon girls.

But now the situation has changed, although it is not such a long time, it seems to separate everything into two completely different paths.

Ao Li is naturally satisfied with his husband-in-law.

Although there is also the color of political marriage in the extraordinary version.

But the beginning of everything was pure and dreamlike romance...

For the dragon girl who was born in such a dragon palace, this is already lucky enough.

Since I have received such grace, I should bear it.

If each of them has their own will, how can such a lengthy Dragon Palace be stretched?
After thinking about it again, Ao Li whispered next to Shang Chuan.

Shang Chuan nodded slightly, then exchanged glances with Ao Liu, and stood up:

"The great witch has no time to spare, but she still came to my wife's wedding."

"A certain person is so grateful that he has nothing to repay."

"And drink this wine."

"If the great witch has some kind of mission in the future, we, husband and wife, will work together and go through fire and water for the great witch."

Seeing this, Yi Xia smiled, but also picked up the wine glass and got up:

"It doesn't have to be."

"What's more, your father-in-law and I are old acquaintances, so where did you send me?"

"Sit down and drink."

So the banquet continued until late at night.

As the protagonists of the big wedding here, Ao Li and Shang Chuan couldn't stay for long.

After bidding farewell to Yi Xia, he sent two more dragon girls to accompany him.

The old Dragon King is always here.

It naturally knows the priority and the secondary.

What's more, the wedding banquet has already been listed.

Knowing that Yi Xia was scheduled for today, the old Dragon King naturally made arrangements.

If you can't cope with this change, how can you command and coordinate this huge Dragon Palace?
While talking and laughing, a soldier came to report.

The old Dragon King listened carefully, his expression unchanged, then looked at Yi Xia who seemed to be a little curious about it, smiled and said:

"It was a coincidence that the big witch laughed."

"It's nothing serious, it's just that there is a wild student by the sea."

"I don't know where I heard the news of my little girl's wedding, and she was clamoring to come here to beg for a few glasses of water and wine."

"Because he has learned some sage's knowledge, he has a poor reputation in the world."

"Xia Bing couldn't hold him back, so he came to sue him."

Yi Xia nodded upon hearing this.


The study of saints?

Yi Xia was a little curious.

But it seems that there are many messy things that Dragon Palace has encountered.

In this regard, Yi Xia did not express any opinion.

If there are evil dragons that harm people, he will definitely take care of them.

But Yi Xia would never pay attention to finding troubles by himself, causing conflicts and being liquidated.

What's more, even after listening to it roughly, Yi Xia knows that there are many articles in it.

If it was really just an ordinary thing, I'm afraid he would have been sent away by the shrimp soldiers long ago.

The Longgong family has a big business, so there will be no shortage of food and drinks.

Just thinking about it, there must be something else hidden in it.

"It's him again?"

"It's not a matter of course, it's abominable to bother about such a big event as the Dragon Girl's wedding."

Sure enough, one of the generals at the table frowned when he heard the words.

Yi Xia glanced at him, and then at the old Dragon King.

Seeing Yi Xia looking at him, the old Dragon King just said the inside story:

"Although that person has a mortal body, his predecessor was a star in the sky."

"The old dragon once had some remarks because of the disagreement with the government order."

"I'm afraid that now that I know that the great witch is coming as a guest, I deliberately made trouble, trying to make me lose face in front of the great witch and many guests."

"The old dragon knows that the great witch has always been straightforward, so he didn't want to say too much, lest the great witch and him create a rift."

Only after hearing the words did Yi Xia understand.

The reincarnation of the stars in the sky?

To be honest, Yi Xia didn't want to get involved in this kind of dispute.

But the other party doesn't seem to understand his temperament that much...

Eye drops?
Yi Xia looked at the old Dragon King:
"I know your temper, and you have a foundation, so let me go and see how that crazy student is."

After saying that, it turned into a flash of fire and went away.

Seeing this, the general who made the noise before hurriedly stood up and confessed to the old Dragon King:
"Young general was indignant for a moment, so that this misfortune happened, please ask the Dragon King to punish him."

Seeing this, the old Dragon King comforted him and said:
"The great witch knows my temperament, and I also know your roots."

"You have always been jealous of evil, so how can you get used to such dirty people?"

"You stood up for me, how can I add crimes to you."

Then, it looked around at the crowd:

"Dragon Palace is huge, and it is inevitable that there will be many storms."

"An ignorant person has gained a bit of destiny, so what?"

The old Dragon King shook his head:
"It's always said to be calculating, but can the big witch also be able to calculate?"

"If you have evil wisdom but don't know the big picture, this time there should be such a calamity..."

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