Chapter 1189 Old Dao Lu Fen (One more update!)

Seeing this, the old Dragon King took the lead in raising his wine glass and smiling slightly at Yi Xia:
"The old dragon did something wrong, and today's incident made the big witch laugh."

Seeing this, Yi Xia shook his head:

"I know that immortals and gods have dirty things, but I just don't bother to care about them."

"Although my acquaintance with the Dragon King is late, I also know the nature of the Dragon King. Naturally, I am not such a fool."

"If you're a bastard, you don't need to say much, just drink it."

As a result, the previous harmonious atmosphere seemed to be restored at the banquet.

It's just that the weapon was used in the end, and a reincarnated star fell down.

Therefore, some older aquariums are still somewhat timid.

They have seen the world and know the pros and cons.

Easier said than done.

Although I knew in my heart that at this time, they should show enough calm and enthusiasm.

But the instinctive fear inspired by the remaining murderous aura of the chaotic bloodline is hard to dispel in the club for a while.

The inheritance of blood is like the iteration of genes.

In addition to the new taboo concepts, those that have been classified through lengthy and cruel trial and error are far-reaching and dangerous enough to be related to individuals and even groups.

It has always been in the blood, giving the strongest reaction.

For these aquariums who often have ancient blood, the preserved inheritance from their ancestors has become a kind of burden at this time.

So they complained even more about the evil XingXiu in their hearts.

Although everyone saw Yi Xia coming out of the burning, he came back hot.

During the turmoil of Qi, it is natural to move the sword.

And the ending of that bastard is already self-evident...

It should be common sense that the body dies and the Tao disappears.

Whether or not a true reincarnation can be preserved depends on the will of the heavens...

According to the stereotype of the aquarium, it is not difficult for them to guess the miserable end of this guy.

Most likely there will be no chance for them to take revenge...

After all, it was a pretty good job, really!
The movement of Yi Xia and that Xingxiu on the surface of the sea will naturally not escape the eyes of the immortals who participated in the banquet.

However, as if it had never happened, the banquet continued and the singing and dancing continued.

Even the immortal elder who had already said that he had left the banquet sat for a while longer with an excuse.

The great witch, defending one side, is admired by all living beings.

But this encounter has also made many existences suddenly recall:
Although this witch of later generations treats people and things, he is still gentle.

But if I really provoke him, I'm afraid it won't be much softer than the one from Bu Zhoushan...

After all, time and space flow, and the surrounding world is boundless. Until now, there has been such a witch of later generations.

Seeing this, Ao Li and Shang Chuan escaped with excuses.

It turned out that they were accompanying a real king from another world.

Seeing this, the real gentleman also smiled and said that he doesn't need to accompany him, just buy more good wine and food.

Afterwards, the two hurried back to the main hall. Seeing that the banquet was bustling with excitement, they secretly looked at each other before heaving a sigh of relief.

Since Xia Wu is still willing to eat here, at least he didn't take his anger out on Dragon Palace.

Although Ao Li knew Yi Xia's temperament, he felt nervous after hearing the situation for the first time.

Fortunately, seeing that the atmosphere was still harmonious at this time, he smiled and asked the maid to add two more chairs to sit with the two dragon girls who had come to accompany him before.

While talking and laughing like this, a Shui tribe suddenly caught a glimpse of the shrimp soldier who was coming to report, and his face froze.

At this time, the big witch was on the side, and it didn't dare to use its mana to investigate.

It's just that he quickly winked at Xia Bing, then stood up and apologized, saying that he almost forgot that there were some rare treasures in his own Shuifu, and he was taking them to share with everyone.

"What's the matter?"

The aquarium pulled the shrimp soldiers aside, and asked with a serious face.

Seeing this, the shrimp soldier whispered something in its ear, and the aquarium just nodded.

Turning around and thinking for a while, he pointed to the banquet side towards Xia Bing:
"Hurry up, this matter cannot be delayed."

Xia Bing just trotted over in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the inner hall, all the eyes on the table were cast over, and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

Seeing this, the old Dragon King asked directly:

"What's the matter?"

Under tremendous pressure, Xia Bing managed to finish his sentence:
"Q...Qi report to the Dragon King: A group of people begged to see him outside the hall, saying that...he wanted to come and plead guilty to the great witch."

As soon as Xia Bing finished speaking, everyone looked away immediately, with different expressions.

Although the shrimp soldier did not say who it was.

But how can someone with such a simple mind be able to sit here on such an occasion.

It's just the words of other soldiers, and several people already know the identity of this Taoist.

Besides that guy's master, who else has to touch this bad luck at this time?

The other party probably still doesn't want to come, but he has to come...

So, the old Dragon King looked at Yi Xia:
"Great Wu, I know this Taoist, and I'm afraid he's that guy's master."

"This man's name is Lu Fen. He is a true cultivator who has attained the Tao. Although he practiced in the wild, he is not shallow."

"I have nothing to do with it, and I only heard that he has a wonderful way of making good fortune, and he has the ability to turn stone into gold."

"That guy is his third generation disciple."

"Since this person said that he would come to plead guilty with the great witch, he also asked the great witch for instructions."

The old Dragon King's words lowered his attitude a bit.

After all, this is its territory, and it is also the dragon king for many years, and it is also a well-known existence in all worlds.

It is not necessary to ask whether to let a Taoist in.

Seeing this, Yi Xia smiled at the old Dragon King:

"Why should the Dragon King be like this? It's because of birth."

After thinking about it again, Yi Xia shook his head:
"It's a trivial matter, so I don't need to worry about it. I will be the master of the Dragon King and let him come over."

Seeing this, the shrimp soldiers hurriedly bowed away.

As early as before, Prime Minister Gui had given instructions.

It's even smarter.

At this time, I will not look specifically at the face of the old dragon king.

Prime Minister Gui has always been meticulous in this regard.

Seeing the shrimp soldiers go straight away, Yi Xia looked at the old Dragon King and said with a smile:

"The old Dragon King had a quarrel with that bastard, but this Taoist didn't stand up for his good apprentice?"

Upon seeing this, the old Dragon King immediately said:
"That's not true. He devotes himself to cultivating in the meditation, and doesn't care about world affairs."

"I also know from the mouths of other immortals that there is such a teacher."

Then the old Dragon King shook his head:
"Everyone says 'tiger father and dog son', such a pure Taoist taught such a bastard, in the eyes of the old dragon, he probably missed it."

When Yi Xia heard this, he glanced at the old Dragon King quite unexpectedly, and probably had some preliminary thoughts in his mind.

He didn't intend to make a fuss about this, so how long should he delay.

Therefore, Taibai came here at his command, and Yi Xia saw that he had no dissent, so he received an apology from the emperor here.

As for its mastery?
In fact, Yi Xia didn't intend to get too entangled.

If the other party wanted to seek revenge, wouldn't it be pure to just make a wave at that time.

Not in all cases, Yi Xia will get to the bottom of it and make a clean one.

To be honest, even though Yi Xia has killed countless people up to now, it has only happened once in this respect.

While talking with the old Dragon King, Yi Xia saw a man with white hair and a childlike face, full of shame.

When he entered the inner hall, he bowed to Yi Xia first:
"The old Taoists are not strict, and they have no way to discipline them. They even asked the big witch to come down..."

(End of this chapter)

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