The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1199 The daily opening method of the soldier master

Chapter 1199 The daily opening method of the soldier master (a new update!)

In fact, Yi Xia has always had a doubt:
Is there some kind of connection between the derived concepts of these oriental pedigree extraordinary civilizations in different time and space?

Just like the self in the parallel time and space that may exist, when the level and dimension of the creature exceeds the usual limit.

What is the state of these derived concepts?

For Yi Xia who has not yet experienced this field, he is completely unfamiliar with it.

Because until now, his power has improved slightly in the dimension of the multiverse, but he has never perceived his own related derivative concepts.

Of course, this is also very normal.

Even if there are theoretically unlimited derivatives in a time and space, not all creatures have the "same" self.

There should be some kind of basic operating logic of the pan.

But as far as Yi Xia is concerned, he obviously doesn't understand the mystery.

And now, judging from the performance of the military master in front of him, it also verified part of Yi Xia's previous speculation about this to a certain extent.

It seems that these derivative concepts of different time and space do have some way of connection.

Even, maybe there is a chat group or something that often jokes together...

At least as far as the current situation is concerned, the real situation is similar...

And after all the insults against the current military master, along with the restless breath of time and space in the void, Yi Xia heard countless time and space military masters greet him cordially...

Overlapping and difficult-to-segment sounds, accompanied by the noise of time and space, hovered in this void.

It is also like countless identical but subtly different voices, constantly calling in your ears. ,

To be honest, for ordinary people, the scene in front of me is somewhat superficial.

However, Yi Xia seemed quite calm.

Naturally, he couldn't respond one by one, but smiled and bowed towards the void.

Although speaking of the relevant experience of hunting in the void, it is difficult to maintain such a good state.

However, it is precisely because of the frequent contact with the scene of distortion and chaos that far surpasses the material world, that Yi Xia has enough significant unconventional coping experience in this regard.

"Okay, don't be like a group of snakes, let me lose my place in front of the witches of future generations."

The military master in front of him said so with a rare and rather proud gesture.

It is difficult to assess how unique an individual is in terms of intelligence and thought, derived from the true concept of such a grand being.

It's just obvious that they have the concept of "self".

They don't think so completely that the "self" in other time and space is the whole self.

Yi Xia watched this scene thoughtfully.

He previously thought that the memories of these space-time derived concepts were all common.

After all, the one from Changyang Mountain seemed to be like this.

But now it seems that it is not always the case?

Otherwise, the current military lord would not need to ask in this way.

Of course, Yi Xia felt that the other party might not just ask?

And something more or less ostentatious?

To be honest, the current scene makes Yi Xia feel like a promising junior who has been away for many years and is the first to visit after returning to his hometown, happily dialing up the subtle sense of sight of other elders...

Fortunately, soon, these sounds that seemed a bit pale in terms of noise disappeared.

Because in the endless voice that is difficult for mortal things to hear, the soldier master has already got the answer.

So, he put down his wine glass and looked at Yi Xia who was directly opposite:

"It's not that far away, but we all have our duties, so it's hard to get out."

"It's not hard to find, though."

After finishing speaking, the soldier master looked around, and took out a piece of burned white animal bone from the fire.

He didn't see how the soldier master cast the spell, so he threw the animal bone that was full of fire at Yi Xia.

"It's right here, you just go straight."

After throwing it away, the soldier master said so.

As soon as Yi Xia took the animal bone, he immediately sensed the breath of time and space contained in it.

Speaking of it, this animal bone is not a good material.

Especially, in terms of bearing space-time information.

For Yi Xia, who has enough experience in this area because of some previous experiences, he naturally knows the power of it.

This made Yi Xia's original impression of the military master gradually begin to change.

Or - rich?
After all, for the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, the records related to the ancient times are always concise in language and subtle in meaning.

Being able to give such a relatively lengthy record has already verified the current position in the historical process of the time axis of the corresponding multiverse.

It's just that more details will inevitably be lost in the past time and space...

Looking at Yi Xia who put away the animal bones, the soldier master thought for a while, then looked at Yi Xia and said:

"I have heard that there are many worms growing there, whose shape exceeds the mountain, and I don't know how it tastes."

"If you have time to go here, just get some and have a taste with me."

"It's fine if you don't have time."

Speaking of the military master, it was probably just a temporary idea.

The warlord of this time and space doesn't seem to have any airs, nor is he as overbearing as some legends have fabricated.

It's just that he didn't see his appearance in battle, so Yi Xia felt that this might just be his side.

On such a wild and boundless land, such a name full of deterrence and oppression has been left behind, and it has existed for many years.

How could it be that, like what he has come into contact with now, it is only kind and even kind?
He lost to another even more outrageous existence.

But it doesn't mean that in this space-time or the concept corresponding to this ancient chaotic era, he appears to be quite insignificant.

In fact, after visiting this one, Yi Xia is also going to visit the legendary Human Sovereign.

That should be another, more legendary and confusing complex character.

After all, to be honest, the existence corresponding to the related skills that Yi Xia has acquired so far was ultimately defeated by that person.

Of course, maybe it's not all due to the pure power level difference...

In this way, Roshan kept filling the bonfire.

The explosion of grease was like countless cannons bursting out.

Perhaps only a vast land like the wild can bear the feast of such a majestic life.

After all, even those who are as big as a kun can roam freely here.

This is the land of dreams where all the miracles of flesh and blood life of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree finally end up...

Of course, if the affixes of humans are removed, there will be more or less an increase in the difficulty level of survival...

At the same time, Eleni stood in the darkness, tremblingly looking at the two huge luminous bodies above her head.

To be honest, Eleni is not like a child, who thinks it is luminous colored glaze.

In a trance, she saw the illusion of a more magnificent life.

Therefore, Eleni was able to substitute it more naturally.

So, she was able to know:
Those are a pair of huge vertical pupils...

(End of this chapter)

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