next day
Time does not follow the influence of people's will, but moves forward icily.

When the nine o'clock in June is gradually bright and even fiery, sprinkled on this land of China.

Belonging to another voice, announced the beginning of a "war"...

Chi Qia sits in his seat in the examination room.

As the bell rang for the official start of the exam, the entire exam room fell into a kind of silence.

Under Chi Qia's gaze, each examinee has already entered into the struggle with the examination paper.

There was no special situation, which made Chi Qia somewhat relieved.

As a person with sufficient authority in this industry, it is not the first time that Chi Qia has served as the chief invigilator.

Of course, the last time was a few years ago.

And at that time, he was not the chief invigilator.

Invigilating the college entrance examination has never been an easy task for the traditions of this area.

It corresponds to duties great enough to be sacred.

Excessive force or failure to perform duties will lead to serious enough consequences.

It stands to reason that late negotiations are also "veteran qualifications" in this regard.

Otherwise, he would not have been assigned to this examination room, which may have a certain special nature to a certain extent...

For all those who participated in this exam, it can be relatively fair here.

The special meaning of this examination room does not lie in the basic concepts corresponding to the examination.

Rather, it is about everything that a candidate who takes part in this exam personally bears...

Although Chi Qia signed a series of dense confidentiality regulations.

But to be honest, he didn't know which candidate he identified as the "chosen child" in his heart.

He also doesn't need to favor anything for this, but maintains the sanctity and fairness of this exam with a sufficiently dedicated attitude.

However, this undoubtedly increased a little pressure on late negotiations.

Although he is not so afraid of the situation.

But if it can not appear, it is undoubtedly a better situation.

On the other hand, this series of reasons also endowed Chi Qia with another kind of little fun in this exam, which is not familiar to outsiders.

While controlling his eyes so as not to affect the examinees, he carefully pondered every student who took the exam.

Chi Qia tries to find out the "chosen child"...

But every candidate seems to be full of decisive and confident will.

This made Chi Qia realize:
Perhaps some protective adjustments were made when dividing the examination room and seats.

Chi Qia is not a local, he was transferred from a long distance from other places to serve as the chief invigilator.

Therefore, after looking around, Chi Qia didn't find anything.

He felt that, just from appearance and temperament, every candidate here seemed to satisfy his imagination of that unknown candidate.

This made the next few hours interesting.

While this duty is sacred, it is also somewhat dull.

There are sufficiently serious disciplines and regulations to limit delayed behavior.

There was no sound outside, and the city seemed to enter a rare tranquility with this exam.

Perhaps as the saying goes:

The whole world is watching you...




On the blood-red ground, Yi Xia reached out and grabbed a certain huge beast from the cave full of lava.

Although it uttered with all its strength, it didn't seem to be that full of deterrent roars, and it was struggling frantically.

But it was still unstoppable, and was pulled out of the cave full of magma.

Then, accompanied by a loud bone breaking sound, this unknown beast completely fell silent.

Yi Xia looked at the beast in his hand.

Under the not-so-gentle sunlight of Zhujuan Kingdom, his eyes filled with endless flames could clearly see the heels and feet of this ferocious beast.

It looks like a dragon with a wide outer beak.

Although Yi Xia doesn't know exactly what kind of grievances and hatreds this ferocious beast was born from.

But what he can be sure of is - this thing should taste good.

It was Yi Xia's relevant induction after tasting countless creatures' keen sense of smell.

At least the other party has one or several material qualities that Yi Xia has eaten and thought are good...

Remembering that Earth is in the stage of the college entrance examination these days, Yi Xia prepares to return to Earth after the college entrance examination is over.

In fact, as he had thought before, he didn't want to give this little promise with the girl any extra color.

But what Yi Xia knows is:
With his current size.

Even if he doesn't show much concern about it, it is bound to have some impact.

But the world can never pursue absolute perfection.

Of course, for Yi Xia, this exam is more of a carrier for what he once agreed with.

In the mountains of Liucheng, in the sky of the earth...

The big witch's eyes were filled with endless fire, watching the hard work of that little figure every day and night...

From the perspective of Yi Xia who has experienced so many changes, the so-called talent may have a certain influence.

But it's still blind to just look at this thing at all.

Perhaps more importantly, there is that stubborn determination and the will and persistence to put this determination into practice...

What Yu Yijiao or some other existences think is different.

In fact, the trial has already begun...

This exam is just the final stop to end this trial.

Just like the stamens that have experienced frost, rain and storms, they bear heavy fruits in this midsummer day.

In this way, Yi Xia briefly dealt with the beast in his hand, and then threw it into the item backpack.

Just like the foreword, he plans to stay a few more days in this time and space in the land of Zhujuan.

In fact, after hunting all the snake cultivators on the bright side of this time and space, Yi Xia started the operation that he has gradually become familiar with:
He scours for ingredients that taste great on his own.

And the summoned bean soldiers searched for the elixir for him.

And at this moment, Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire suddenly caught a rather strange existence.

If we only talk about the physical form, the size of the other party is not enough for Yi Xia to notice the other party on the vast expanse of land.

But in another field, the glimmer of light reflected from the opponent's body reminded Yi Xia of a certain grand concept that he had contacted before.

That is—the breath of reincarnation?

Yi Xia looked at him curiously.

And as if awakened by the sudden increase in temperature around him, the other party suddenly raised his head and looked in that distant direction.

Then, without too much cover from the clouds, he was able to see the great witch standing on the ground.

So, with the sudden shortness of breath, the other party fell down...

Yi Xia:?
On the first day of the college entrance examination, let's go!
——from the bald head

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