Chapter 1216 The Land of Hospitality in the Spirit World (Two Updates!)
Chaos realm beyond the earth

The huge Wuding cauldron floated in the void like a star.

And under it, there is a blazing fire that lingers around.

If you look at it often, if you have bad eyesight, maybe you will mistake it for the epitome of a star?

It's just that this "star" is now churning with huge waves.

Countless large pieces of flesh and blood that had been simply chopped up a few times were churning in the cauldron.

As everything stated:
"High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods..."

For these ingredients, which basically came from the wild, Yi Xia didn't think they needed any sophisticated cooking methods.

What's more, those ordinary cooking methods are also difficult to have an effect on it.

For example, the spices commonly used in mortal cooking, it is difficult to take effect on these materials.

Of course, for the current Yi Xia, the taste given by those plants is not needed to cover the lack of ingredients themselves.

Those missing ancient ingredients are not in Yi Xia's consideration this time.

There are ingredients with their own delicious characteristics, so why waste so much energy?
For the boundless realm corresponding to the wild, Yi Xia thinks that a rough cook like him might be able to get a good job?
In an area that is not far away from this, there is the breath soil suspended in the void.

Due to the inherent characteristics of the soil, its extraordinary energy did not spill into the void.

And the water vapor that evaporated from the Wu Ding was attracted by it instead.

Under the interaction of thunder and thunder, heavy rain fell on the land there.

Dou Bing, who was thrown by Yi Xia to Yushan for further studies, has not yet returned.

Yi Xia reckoned that even if the goddess taught her carefully, she might not learn it so quickly.

But left and right are not too much delay.

For Yi Xia, the construction of Xiyang itself is a long enough plan.

Yi Xia didn't expect that such a boundary could be completed in a short period of time.

And really speaking, in comparison, his current progress in the construction of Xi'an has been considered to be developing rapidly in this field.

After all, no one has such convenient conditions and abundant resources as him.

Thinking of this, Yi Xia observed the meat situation in Wu Dingzhong, but at the same time thought of a friend of the Archdruid.

Speaking of it, I don't know how the other party's land reclamation is doing.

Yi Xia will not forget those beings who have had friendship.

He still remembered the kindness that the other party had given back then.

At that time, he got a lot of rare seeds and crops from others.

Yi Xia was going to send a batch to the other party after the batch of elixir he had planted in Xiyang had been harvested.

As for green fruits, flat peaches and the like?
Some fruits can be given away, but fruit trees are not very suitable.

It's not because Yi Xia is stingy with these things.

It's just that the environment required by such a spiritual creature is not as "ordinary" as those powerful ones said.

Or in other words, the so-called "ordinary" refers to the existence of such a level.

The real and objective situation is:

For most areas of the multiverse, these spirits are difficult to grow.

Survival does not necessarily mean inability to survive, but whether it results, or even gradually declines, is another matter...

But then again, Yi Xia is still thinking about tomorrow's banquet venue.

Although the area that was built before was in the world of the Entredo spirit blood people.

But that's not completely fixed either.

Before that, he was preparing to continue in the world of Entredo Spirit Blood.

But just today Yi Xia had new considerations about this.

Judging from the current situation, he may still need a stable enough reception area.

Then, the world of Entledo Spirit Bloodman is also good.

But to be honest, it's not on Earth after all.

In terms of his current size, especially when there may be more or less seniors coming in the future, it seems somewhat inappropriate.

Maybe, create a place in the earth spirit world for reception?
Yi Xia thought about it.

The chaotic land boundary on the periphery of the earth is not impossible.

But for now:

Yi Xia looked around at the surrounding chaotic realm with his pupils filled with endless fire.

In addition to the fact that the land evolved from the soil is exuding a clear and peaceful atmosphere.

The entire realm of chaos is shrouded in a certain atmosphere of destruction, despair and death.

Those, of course, emanated from the remains of the void monsters thrown by Yi Xia in the more distant chaotic realm.

Although during this period of time, Yi Xia did not continue to "add bricks and tiles" to this.

However, for Yi Xia who has temporarily decided to withdraw from the time and space derived from the wild and continue to hunt in the void.

One thing that is certain is:
The number of these wrecks will increase steadily in the future...

And to entertain guests in such an area, for those seniors, it may be quite acceptable.

But for other existences, it may not be so friendly.

After all, Yi Xia got these to scare away those void monsters who didn't know the situation.

Its strength and intensity are naturally conceivable.

In this way, Yi Xia quickly made up his mind.

Of course, he is not going to build it himself this time.

Now that you are ready to do it, do it once.

While paying attention to the situation in Wu Dingzhong, Yi Xia used his consciousness to open the multiverse trading center for integrated network players.

He is going to buy a mansion directly from it.

Compared with the multiverse trading center of integrated network players who often trade planes, this kind of trading items is relatively common.

And as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, dense information about traded items quickly appeared on his retina.

To Yi Xia's surprise, the price of the mansion he was looking for exceeded his expectations.

After Yi Xia took a brief look, he found that the price of this type of mansion ranged from 10,000+ to hundreds of thousands of comprehensive network disaster coins.

Referring to the price of a small plane, that's about it.

Of course, this may be related to the fact that he added too many related requirements?
Of course, Yi Xia didn't think it was too expensive.

After all, such a mansion as he needs is obviously not something that can be easily achieved in ten and a half days.

Yi Xia took a rough look.

In terms of his usual preferences, Yi Xia first cleared those mansions that looked rather complicated inside.

Afterwards, Yi Xia's eyes finally fell on a mansion with a huge square.

According to the seller's note, the square is used to place magic circles, and there are many related magic circles available.

There are detailed explanations of Taiji, Liangyi and other related magic circles.

Yi Xia was noncommittal about this.

He thought it might be better to carve a picture of the earth?
On the other side, Cang Zhong is waiting for the test results in the office...

(End of this chapter)

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