Chapter 1252 The Lord of Fire and His One-sided Believers (Two Updates!)

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have reached the chaotic void-deep sea..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have found a complete super-large taboo area in the chaotic void, and your related taboo perception gets a 10-point chaos bonus (based on your related chaotic bloodline, this bonus is only in the positive direction of 0~10 range fluctuations).

"Comprehensive network reminder: You have peeked at the secrets of the chaotic void, and your relevant chaotic elements have gained 1 point of permanent enhancement."

"Comprehensive network reminder: Based on your related chaotic bloodline, you are immune to the related chaotic effects of the chaotic element..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: You killed the legendary evil lord Gremiz, you completed the eternal soul's long-cherished mission [Void offal!], and you obtained the relevant rewards of the long-cherished mission..."

"Comprehensive Network Reminder: You killed a legendary unit, and you gained 55 chaos experience points (killing contribution ratio: 700%...)"

Yi Xia glanced at it quite unexpectedly, and the relevant prompt information refreshed on the retina.

Afterwards, he raised the witch banner, and a thoughtful expression appeared in his eyes filled with endless fire.

That thing just now was a legendary lord?
It seems a little weak...

But soon, Yi Xia noticed some information from the relevant reminder information on the integrated network.

In fact, he didn't pay attention to this legendary Lord of Evil Thoughts.

After all, it was just as described by the concept of this deep chaotic void area.

Here is the deep "sea area" in the chaotic void...

Looking around, Yi Xia could see the boundless deep darkness surging.

And even the scorching light behind him can only illuminate an extremely limited space within his field of vision.

This place belongs to the original place of the Void Behemoth.

Countless void behemoths, like fish schools in the ocean of the material world, are densely active in this chaotic space.

If Gremitz hadn't chosen to flee so decisively, Yi Xia would not necessarily have followed it.

But the other party wants to escape?
Yi Xia instantly became interested in hunting.

At this point, regardless of strength or species, this nature is probably common among predators.

Yi Xia grabbed Gremitz's body with one hand.

Throw it into the item backpack first...

Afterwards, Yi Xia stared at the deep sea in front of him with eyes filled with endless fire.

Now is the hunting time!



somewhere in the multiverse

Praise the Lord of Fire, your fiery will shines on the crowd;

Dark gleams reduced to ashes at your will;

Please enlighten me to face evil and thorns;

Because of your majesty and strength, dispel our difficulties and dangers...

"Claire, is your ceremony complete?"

The teammate asked in a low voice, causing Claire to slowly open her eyes.

As before, she did not feel the attention of the Fire Lord.

According to some senior priests in the clan, the Lord of Fire rarely pays attention to their prayers.

Because the Lord of Fire is a powerful ancient god from a foreign time and space, he does not need human belief.

Therefore, naturally they will not listen to the prayers of unilateral believers like them.

But even so, the belief in the Lord of Fire has continued from generation to generation.

Because the villains are always afraid of the victims who shout the Lord of Fire, and dare not commit enough cruel evil deeds.

After all, on the back of the earth, the huge traces that still remain to this day clearly show the true remnants of the Fire Lord.

Until now, no dark life dared to set foot there.

Even if there is only a barren Gobi, even if there is no visible spark there.

But when evil beings get in there, they always fall wailing.

Bright flames ignited from their bodies, and their mournful wailing was enough to make any dark being with a determined mind feel terrified.

It is precisely because of the real existence of the Fire Lord.

Even if He did not respond to the actions of believers

And on the other hand:

It has been found that for powerful and evil beings that are more taboo, the name of Fire Lord is even more useful than some good gods...

Even if it's just a call with no fluctuations in divine power...

Because of these reasons, the belief of the Lord of Fire has been passed down from generation to generation.

Claire is the fifth generation fire priest in her village.

Now, under the order of the lord, she will help the team in front of her go deep into the jungle.

Because there, it is said that a group of evil believers have recently taken over.

They destroyed a nearby village, much to the chagrin of the lord.

This team was hired by the lord with a lot of money.

In the face of darkness, armies aren't always all about helping...

Claire silently put away her ritual utensils.

The belief ceremony of the Lord of Fire is not as harsh as other good gods.

Because in itself, it is just a very basic divine ritual.

The Lord of Fire has never paid attention to his followers...

Of course, it is said that at the very beginning, someone claimed to have sensed the gaze of the Lord of Fire.

It was indescribably hot, as if the flesh and soul were going to burn in the fire of judgment.

But until later, no one felt this kind of unrealistic attention anymore...

The old priest told Claire that the man might indeed have been watched by the Lord of Fire.

Because according to the information obtained from the context of history by these old priests, it can be inferred:

The Lord of Fire was probably a little curious, why these mortal creatures were always chanting his name, so he took a look...

As for why the fire master didn't watch it again?
The old priest said it was also normal.

Fire Lord doesn't need their beliefs, and certainly doesn't pay attention to them.

But they couldn't separate this unilateral belief...

"Even if the title of Lord of Fire is no longer feared by those evil beings."

"But child, you have to remember: we first sacrificed to this powerful ancient god, not because his name would shelter us, but because he has already saved our world once..."

Claire followed behind the team, silently thinking about the old priest's teachings.

The old priest is a devout Fire Lord believer.

In Claire's memory, he always cheerfully told people about the ancient legend about the Lord of Fire.

Speaking of which, it's not such a distant story.

It's just a few generations in a hurry...

"I feel the evil breath, right in front!"

The team suddenly stopped.

A priest of a good god frowned and said.

Claire didn't feel it too much, and her combat ability was more based on the psionic energy mainly based on flames.

As for magic?

As I said before, the Lord of Fire will not pay attention to their one-sided believers.

Therefore, naturally there will be no so-called divine arts.

But even so, there is still a short but strong enough tradition in this world:

The more profound the evil is, the more it is necessary to bring a fire priest with a firm belief...

(End of this chapter)

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