Chapter 1256 The Cursed Undead - Eve Dunz (Two updates!)

Meanwhile, somewhere in the multiverse

Heartbreaking pain...

Evertonz dragged his dying body, staggering across the barren land.

The storm with rough gravel scraped across his scarred chest, bringing bursts of stabbing pain like a knife.

Invisibly, it was as if something was cutting off his flesh little by little.

In ancient times, there was probably a little crystal hoarfrost in the sand and gravel of the ocean, which brought a more scorching experience.

The brilliance from the distant stars above the head seems to have become extremely close at this time node.

In this desert, not many creatures dare to face such brilliance.

They often choose a more eclectic way to find living space in this fiery hell.

But Evertonzi ignored the suffering.

Under the sun exposure, his body has shown severe dehydration.

Maybe in the next moment, he will completely collapse in this desert.

Until the blazing brilliance was dimmed, and coldness reigned over the world.

And at that time, Everton's body would be a meal for some lucky man...

Not every creature is willing to be forced to obtain this grace.

More existences, in different forms in various dark corners, are closely watching this lifeless stranger.

They don't have to be scavenging vultures.

But the hot yellow sand will ruthlessly deprive the vast majority of lives.

Therefore, such prey is also rare in many cases...

Finally, Evertonz staggered and could no longer hold on.

He fell heavily on the ground, his sun-dried face embedded in multiple hot yellow sands in an unfriendly way.

Ah, the pain...

Eve Dunz's soul was whimpering.

The cold death came as expected...

But when the final fate that belongs to all things is about to fall on him fairly.

Some kind of dark power suddenly erupted, and Everton opened his eyes again from the hot yellow sand...

Death rejected him again...

This may be a curse...

Everton's cloudy gaze passed through the hot soil in front of him in a trance.

The weird legend that belonged to the desert seemed to appear in front of his eyes in another form.

He saw his brothers again...

Only, unlike him:
They ushered in a peaceful death.

But he has to bear this endless curse...

Sometimes, being the only survivor doesn't necessarily mean good luck.

Evertonz staggered to his feet.

The blazing light always enveloped him.

The broken body, which has been traced back countless times from the cold death, started to sail slowly again.

Evertonz has heard that in the depths of this desert, there is a group of evil believers who are trying to get their hands on the void.

They might be able to bring him his due death.

That's what Eve Dunz expected.

If not...

Then there is no need for them to exist...

And at this moment, Eve Dunz suddenly found something blocking him.

Evertonz lowered his head, not even bothering to look.

He tried to go around the opponent, but found that the shadow moved with him.

Then Everton opened his arms and bared his chest:
"Eat it, it will be a little salty..."

Everton said hoarsely.

However, the opponent did not continue to move.

Then, a strange cold voice sounded:

"I've heard your story, cursed undead-Evedunz..."

That voice was so evil, as if the brilliance of the stars above his head had also become much more obscure.

Eve Dunz raised his head slightly upon hearing this.

His cloudy eyes stared at the strange existence in front of him.

The opponent was shrouded in shadows, and Evertonz could barely see that the opponent was probably a humanoid creature.

And in the boundless darkness, a pair of scarlet vertical pupils proved their inhumanity.

"You want to seek death?"

"Maybe, I can give you the answer..."

The other said so.

And in the next moment, Eve Dunz, who was originally as slow as an old man, suddenly disappeared in place!
The wind was howling, and the falling yellow sand proved the broken body that had been trampled on it.

And above the shadows, a dilapidated and withered face suddenly appeared:

"You said it, then you better have it!"

Evertonz stared at the shadow in front of him.

Those shadows were like bloodthirsty maggots, biting directly towards Evertonz under stimulation.

The next moment, Everton's dilapidated face was instantly covered with countless bloody holes.

But soon, those disappeared flesh and blood were spat out by the shadow at a faster speed.

It's like, it's a taboo thing that can't be contaminated.

"Of course, I came here with sincerity."

The existence in the shadows stepped back a little fearfully and said.

Evertonz did not push forward, but stood still.

The face that had been devoured by flesh and blood made Eve Dunz look extremely hideous at this moment.

And the blood that kept gushing out dripped into the scalding yellow sand.


deep pain...

The injuries on his face and the extremely harsh environment made Evertonzi's breathing gradually become rough.

It seemed that he was going to confess here again.

But seeing the presence in the shadows, they quietly moved further away.

It knows what it is facing.

But if it works this time...

All the dangers and taboos involved in this will be insignificant.

"Have you heard... that ancient legend about the void?"

Under the gaze of Evertonz, the existence in the shadows slowly spoke a name full of taboo words.

"Using you as a sacrifice, I will try to summon that ancient existence."

"If successful, you as a sacrifice will receive the death you desire."

Beings in the shadows, so said.

"It is... strong enough, but not strong enough to take me away..."

Eve Dunz pondered for a long time after hearing this, and then he said out of breath.

"Yes, but what if it follows...?"

"You know—nothing lasts forever, and neither do you..."

"And the so-called 'eternal' things are not as long-lasting as they expected."

The existence in the shadows is said in a rather obscure form.

Everton knew that the other party was trying to bypass the perception of an existence.

But does it really work?
Eve Dunz suddenly smelled a certain dampness—that is the unique smell of the cold sea of ​​death...

"You're right……"

Evertonz nodded stiffly.

But not so right:
Because, He heard...

And on the other side of the multiverse

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire looked at the newborn's weak and malicious.

That was the weak malice that shouldn't have attracted him.

But it was like the buoy that suddenly became volatile.

Although tiny, under the invisible thread called "fate", some kind of deep and huge shadow looms...

 Overcome pain and be extraordinary!

  ——from the bald head

(End of this chapter)

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