The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1274 A true genius only needs a simple way of teaching

Chapter 1274 A true genius only needs a simple way of teaching (two more!)

The night is getting darker, and a round of clear moon shines on the land of this world.

Yi Xia sat in the courtyard, looking at Yi Jiao beside her.

Many great witches at this time have already left.

They were able to take time out of their busy schedules to come and watch the ceremony, which already exceeded Yi Xia's expectations.

And too much entanglement is obviously not practical.

At this time, apprenticeship has been completed, for this first apprentice in the true sense.

Yi Xia thought about it, he didn't have much experience in this area.

However, it was just like what he had said to Yi Jiao during the apprenticeship ceremony.

He is not prepared to impose too many constraints on the other party.

As long as you walk on the right path, everything else is trivial.

"I'm not good at many things, but I'm especially good at the art of fierce fighting."

"I also know some spells, which can make fire and wind, and make some plagues."

"The 'calling toad' I told you before is the technique of poison poisoning."

"What do you want to learn?"

Yi Xia looked at Yi Jiao with eyes filled with endless fire and asked.

In this regard, he has never had any idea of ​​directional training.

Yi Jiao wanted to learn whatever she liked, so she let her go.

As for the road problem?

This is not in a hurry.

When Yi Jiao heard this, she couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

According to traditional thinking, she should learn Yi Xia's most outstanding aspects.

But the art of fighting and killing?

Yi Jiao looked at herself subconsciously, it seemed that she didn't have such slender arms either.

I don't know why, but when I was apprenticed to the teacher just now, many great experts who came to watch the ceremony felt that she was "quite slender"...

This made Yi Jiao even have some kind of illusion. Could it be that she really looks so weak?

Of course, the art of fighting and killing doesn't sound like a rank she can handle anyway.

As for spells?

Yi Jiao was actually very interested.

What is the purpose of her own practice, Yi Jiao is actually not so clear now.

When she was ignorant, she ran into Yi Xia who was summoning Yin Ling to throw garbage.

So, got the promise.

It can be regarded as unintentional, a coincidence.

Looking back now, Yi Jiao always feels a little dreamy.

At that time, she just thought that "it is enough to learn a spell and automatically throw away the trash."

Thinking about it this way, Yi Jiao feels that learning magic is not bad.

And make the fire call the wind, make some plague...

It sounds like it is also a concept that spells can include.

Yi Jiao didn't know why Yi Xia had to mention it specifically.

When she saw Yi Xia finished speaking, she looked at her speechless, knowing that this was probably a kind of trial?
As for the poisonous technique...

Yi Jiao originally thought that messing with snakes and insects seemed a bit unacceptable.

But after thinking about it, isn't Yi Xia's fat toad pretty good-looking?
Thinking about it this way, the technique of Gu poison seems to be good...

As a result, Yi Jiao couldn't help but fell into a tangle.

But looking at the tangled Yi Jiao, Yi Xia took out a bottle of peppermint medicine and drank it.

In fact, he didn't have as many thoughts as Yi Jiao thought.

If Yi Jiao wanted to ask him, he would say it.

However, this is not no question?


"...Can I learn poison and spells together?"

Yi Jiao, who was tangled for a moment, asked in a low voice.


After hearing this, Yi Xia said casually.

Yi Jiao:?
With constant contact, she suddenly noticed a certain subtle characteristic of her master.

It seems that the subsequent practice will not be as she imagined.

"Many roads, thousands of supernatural powers, you just try it at will."

"It's just what I'm good at, and I can give you some answers."

"The days are still long, how can you be sure of the future with so many beginners?"

Yi Xia looked at Yi Jiao who had a confused expression, and said with a smile.

If you just stay in the extraordinary field, then the most suitable one is the undoubted limited talent.

But if you set your sights on a more magnificent field and use legend as the initial division.

So the so-called "good at" or "fit" is actually not that important or absolute.

Yi Xia didn't intend to give Yi Jiao such a heavy mission or responsibility.

In other words, it was after a more lengthy time...

What he can give Yi Jiao may be slightly more opportunities to make mistakes.

As for whether she can achieve something, it depends on her own good fortune.

Yi Xia never thought that he would be able to teach such outstanding apprentices.

There is no such thing as hereditary in legends...

And substituted into the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree, those who "ascend to heaven" or rely on pills, treasures, etc. to "fly up in the daytime" have only completed the strengthening of life.

In other words, on the extraordinary promotion route established by the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree, he has received the promised reward.

Its essence has not achieved self-sublimation in the true sense.

Or it can be called "god", but "immortal" is far from the Tao...

After Yi Jiao heard this, she didn't think any more.

She felt that with her energy and talent, it was not easy to learn both of them well.

As for the others?
Yi Jiao has no plans at all right now.

Seeing that Yi Jiao had already made a decision, Yi Xia handed her a pamphlet.

This is what he bought directly from the comprehensive network player multiverse trading center.

Those basic knowledge don't need to be taught by him.

Yi Jiao's talent is not bad, or it can be said to be outstanding enough.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to see the spell in her mortal body at that time.

In Yi Xia's opinion, it is not troublesome to teach a real genius.

More trouble, maybe after I really taught my skills...

"Choose a favorite practice method and practice first, these are for laying the foundation."

"If you want to refine Gu, ask Sean to take you to the spirit world—remember to bring that toad with you..."

"I've put all the training materials in my study, you can use them anytime you want."

"As for spells? The spells I'm good at are all marked in the book. If you want to learn, you can also prepare first."

"If you have any doubts, write it down for now. I often hunt outside, and I will ask you one by one when I return."

"When you finish this book, you will probably have some heat."

"I'll check on your progress when the time comes."

Yi Xia said so.

He didn't know how other great witches taught their disciples.

But in Yi Xia's view, what he needs to pay more attention to is to pay attention to the changes in his xinxing and correct them.

As for the practice itself?

In this field, it is more about the individual.

Solve confusion when there is trouble, solve trouble when there is trouble.

As long as the behavior is correct, other things are indifferent to Yi Xia.

Of course, the civilization pedigree cannot be distorted, this is also the benchmark condition for being a great witch disciple.

It is also the first time for Yi Xia to be serious about teaching his disciples.

He didn't seem urgent about it.

As he said, the days are still long...

And Yi Jiao took the thin-looking booklet.

Just when she was trying to open the other party, she looked at an unknowingly long directory that appeared in front of her like a projection.

Yi Jiao suddenly widened her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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