Chapter 1276 The Legendary Bait is Out! (Two updates!)
Yi Xia naturally didn't pay too much attention to the changes in the spirit world.

After instructing Yuren again, he left the earth.

I just got a legendary bait that can be called a fishing level, and I always feel that I have let down this gift of the multiverse if I don't take two shots.

Of course, now, Yi Xia can't directly reach the planet where Xia Deng is physically.

Although it seems that he can move safely in human form on the earth.

But that was not his real body.

It's more like a conceptual projection.

As a derivative of the earth's material concept, Yi Xia can move freely in any corner of the earth.

But in other material worlds, there is no such convenient thing.

Whether in witch body form or human form.

For many material worlds in the multiverse, Yi Xia's current state is an unbearable burden.

The world Shaden lives in is theoretically acceptable.

It's just that it's still a bit inconvenient to come in.

Although Yi Xia can also go directly through the portal.

But generally speaking, it was prepared by Yi Xia to help Xia Deng solve his troubles.

Therefore, Yi Xia is temporarily staying in a certain void boundary as a transit.

It turns out that this is the lair of a group of some kind of cultists or dark forces.

Of course, now, together with their lair, they have turned into molten magma under the great witch's magnificent body...

Here, Yi Xia summoned Evertonzi over.

The fiery breath, like the breath of a red dragon, swept across this lonely land suspended in the dark universe.

The hot magma, like the remnants of a flame erupting, flowed wantonly on the ground.

And the burning Qingtian figure stood behind the flame.

Destroying all of this makes it seem extremely small.

Everton looked at the purgatory-like scene in front of him.

Even though he had been mentally prepared for this, he still couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

Everton knew clearly the reason why Yi Xia summoned him.

Time to work...

Of course, this is also an attempt at death.

In that void full of endless possibilities, there may be some forbidden life that can bring him a cold death.

In this regard, Eve Dunz is not so sure.

"Big witch."

Everton looked at the majestic burning figure and said so.

With Xia Deng's words and deeds, he now knows how to deal with the current one.

Yi Xia nodded to Eve Dunz, who was looking at the relevant information sent to him by Xia Deng.

For Yi Xia now, those ordinary legendary battlefields don't have much hunting significance.

And in the true sense, almost all legendary multiverse wars do not suit Yi Xia's needs.

Simple killing or destruction is too simple for Yi Xia.

But now, after so long of system construction, Yi Xia has made multiple excavations of the benefits of the void level.

Of course, with Yi Xia's current demand increasing.

Those space-time information such as void invasion, which were quite attractive before, no longer have such outstanding value.

In fact, from this aspect, some crazy ideas related to the Void Sect seem to have been realized to a certain extent.

At least now, it's not just in time.

Yi Xia also doesn't go hunting specifically, some Void believers who can only correspond to a group of prey with relatively low nutritional value.

What Yi Xia needs now is a deeper chaotic coordinate that is full of powerful void life like the Void Inner Sea.

And such chaotic coordinates, unilaterally pushed through the comprehensive network, are actually quite limited.

After all, even legendary characters on Zongwang rarely take risks in this area.

Through the form of the contract and the follower link of the war lord template, Xia Deng has obtained a certain degree of improvement in the investigation authority and the deflection of comprehensive network information push.

But even so, his current team has not always been able to find such high-value chaos coordinates.

Now the arrival of Evertonzi obviously solves this problem to a certain extent.

Of course, this is only one aspect.

Shadden was not satisfied with this, although he recognized Eve Dunz.

But he also knows:
It is difficult for a business with an individual as its core to last long.

Maybe one day, he will reach the end of his life.

And until then, he will do his best to play his role well...



Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, looked at the many chaotic messages that appeared on the retina.

It is different from the previous war information with clear annotations related to the integrated network.

This kind of chaotic coordinates often originates from a thrilling exploration by some void adventurers, or an unexpected taboo prophecy.

Based on the chaotic nature of Chaos Void, it doesn't have a clear direction.

In many cases, the comprehensive network's description of these information is always only based on the statements of those providers.

Even, sometimes, there is not even a statement from the provider.

Prior to this, Shadden would never have collected such "messy and useless" information.

But now, there is a more flexible anchor point of Evertonzi.

These chaotic messages are endowed with sufficient value.

Because generally speaking, this kind of chaotic information will not be in such an outer region as the chaotic void.

Of course, based on the relevant characteristics of Chaos Void, this is only based on "normalization" considerations.

Yi Xia didn't feel much about it.

His unique "fishing technique" makes him absolutely not capable of air force.

However, it is not so sure whether the anchor is a small fish pond or an ocean raging with rough waves.

Yi Xia has no experience in using "live bait".

He did some research on this before looking at Eve Dunz:

"Remember to close your perception, my breath will protect you."

"But if you come into contact with too much void breath at once, I can't guarantee whether you will be affected."

"I'm not sure yet whether your miracle can reset this kind of pollution that may involve a conceptual level."

Yi Xia said calmly enough.

Eve Dunz heard this, but he didn't care about it.

If the power of the void can pollute him, it means that it must be able to change him more thoroughly.

It's just that he hasn't encountered such a situation so far.

Even though he had come into contact with the distorted existence in the void with a sacrificial ceremony, he still maintained his original appearance.

So, after Evedonz said he was done with preparations.

In the next moment, Evertonzi felt something he had never experienced before:
The chaotic time and space suddenly presented a chaotic and crazy gesture in front of his eyes.

He saw countless worlds passing by before his eyes.

The afterimage of matter, the illusion of the astral world...

At this moment, time seems to have lost its meaning.

Maybe momentarily, maybe forever.

After Everton's naked eyes barely regained normal vision again, he saw the enveloping black hole.

Oh, I was eaten?

Everton quickly realized this.

then you are screwed...

(End of this chapter)

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