Yi Xia stared at the giant beast in front of him with eyes filled with endless fire.

Perhaps the elements of the multiverse miracle possessed by Evertonz played a role.

The giant that was caught with him as bait was unexpectedly difficult.

Fortunately, this guy was also lost by greed at this time.

It bites Yi Xia firmly, even if it is knocked dizzy by Wu Fan, it is not very willing to give up.

Of course, just like the combat intelligence it showed before.

Even if it has rough skin and thick flesh, it is unwilling to resist Yi Xia's offensive.

It began to try to pull Yi Xia in the void.

Compared with its stocky body, the more prominent power of this void behemoth lies in its powerful taboo ability.

Although it was Yi Xia's first fish, it was the one that caught the fish.

But based on Yi Xia's current observation, this guy should be feeding on the dreams of intelligent life.

It's just different from those cuties who feed on dreams in the ordinary material world.

This guy belongs to the top hunters who feed on dreams.

It greedily devours the entire dream world of the material world...

It doesn't care whether some complex existences such as the material world or the lower plane will be mixed in.

Judging from its initial attempt to devour Yi Xia, this guy obviously has a good appetite.

Layers of chaotic dreams unfolded before Yi Xia's eyes.

Naturally, it is difficult for the forbidden ability of this giant void beast to take effect directly on Yi Xia's body.

However, it is difficult for Yi Xia to stop the changes in the surrounding chaotic time and space.

He is not good at this aspect of power.

Of course, if it's about physical rectification or purification, Yi Xia has some experience.

And when Yi Xia traced back the malice locked by Jai Zi, breaking open layer after layer of chaotic dreams.

He suddenly discovered that living creatures began to appear in the chaotic dreamland in front of him.

Inducted into a deeper chaotic dream?

Or, what kind of moth is this guy going to toss?

Yi Xia temporarily stopped his violent offensive.

Yazi's malicious lock, ignoring all prerequisites, clearly pointed out the existence of the other party for Yi Xia:

Right after this chaotic dream in front of his eyes...

But, where did the living creatures come from this chaotic void?

When Yi Xia cast his blazing eyes on those creatures as small as dust.

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, went straight through their flesh and bones, looking at the more real self in the soul.

In the next moment, a little understanding appeared in Yi Xia's eyes.

A group of unlucky cultists brought by this void monster...

Yi Xia didn't pay attention to how this group of unlucky cultists ended up in the battlefield between him and the Void Behemoth.

And the next moment, Yi Xia, who had seen the facts and was about to break open this layer of chaotic dreams, suddenly felt the force of some rules.

It was like a veil falling on him.

Although it is faint, it can be clearly perceived.

The relevant panels corresponding to the comprehensive network are concentrated into a certain type of prompt information:
"Comprehensive network reminder: It is detected that the character is affected by the dream rules, and the assimilation judgment is in progress..."

"Comprehensive network reminder: the judgment is successful, the character is immune to the assimilation of the rules..."



The dense test information surfaced in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness with another reminder.

This made Yi Xia realize that the giant void beast was probably planning to use these cult members to activate some kind of taboo ability.

There are quite a lot of flowers...

Perhaps it is the reason that it feeds on dreams, so that this Void Behemoth is not as far away from the material world as its twisted kin.

Therefore, under the same influence of order, it has gradually acquired a certain stable chaotic order.

And with Yi Xia's discovery, he began to notice the chaotic dreams around him.

He found that these chaotic dreams were undergoing some unknown and distorted changes with the sharp fluctuations in consciousness of the cultists below.

At this time, these cultists who could have been almost ignored were suddenly given a sufficiently colorful role.

Their consciousness fluctuates, making them seem to be the triggers of taboo spells one by one.

They gave this chaotic dreamland another strange vitality that Yi Xia could not describe.

It tries to assimilate Yi Xia and become a part of this twisted world.

And before that, those chaotic dreams that Yi Xia smashed.

It seems to be a kind of self-sacrifice and recognition:
Snooping means approval, and destruction corresponds to the same position...

In this madness, there is a cycle of its own.

Yi Xia couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

This grotesque display full of chaotic laws is enough to shock the existence with relevant knowledge.

And Yi Xia's words:
Xia Wu thinks this is wonderful, and he plans to use the Wu Banner to test its strength...

Using logic and other laws that belong to order to deal with this kind of chaotic variant is not Yi Xia's field of expertise.

And as the prefix of his bloodline indicated.

In the chaos, there are endless answers to questions.

And the most loyal response of power is also an indispensable part of this infinite solution.

The next moment, Yi Xia suddenly threw the Spring and Autumn Halberd in his hand!

It roared and turned into a black light, disappearing from Yi Xia's sight.

And the next moment, when it returned to Yi Xia's hands, a certain force of rules lingered on Yi Xia's body.

[An abundant spring].

Yi Xia ignored the power of assimilation that seemed to be growing stronger.

He was going to kill this rather noisy prey with one blow.

At the same time, it is also an actual combat training of weapon combination.

In the blink of an eye, the Spring and Autumn Halberd that had just returned to Yi Xia's hand roared out again.

And that exuberant power of rules was suddenly aroused!
This layer of chaotic dreamland was suddenly pierced through a distorted wound, from which the derivation of chaos collapsed.

It was at this time that an inconspicuous and cold concept quietly appeared with the disappearance of abundant power.

[Falling Autumn].

Chaotic dreams, distorted rules, malice locked by Yazi...

Everything became clear and clear in Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire.

The violent power of chaos surged out from Yi Xia's body.

As if the stellar engine was slowly starting, a terrifying power accumulated in Yi Xia's arms and waist!
The praise of tendons and bones, the combination of strength and skills.

turn around……

smash it down!

The rules of chaos suddenly shattered and collapsed!
In the chaotic gap where time was stagnant, Qingtian's body waved down the weapon in his hand towards the void in front of him with a simple posture.

That instant turned into countless folds of chaotic time and space, witnessing the rage of this power.

At this moment, the differences between substances are pulled to the same equivalent.

In an instant, everything returned to orderly nothingness!

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