The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1280 "Skull Crusher Bandits" High Priest

The Patriarch of the Void - the High Priest of the "Skull Crusher Bandits" - Romu Athed was a little melancholy at this moment.

Just like the multiverse, it contains all kinds of civilizations and rules.

And the corresponding chaotic void, of course, has countless creatures thrown into it.

Some, because of the inclusiveness of those who come from the void:

Driven by hatred, desire and many other aspects, he chooses to throw himself into the void.

And some, because of the twisted and powerful power of the void.

Romualathad does not belong to these two categories.

Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as the way to open up the failure of "failing to start a business and returning home to inherit a million-dollar business".

It turned out that Rom Athed was studying at a local mage academy.

Belongs to the promising traditional legal order.

But bad luck, just in time for the time-space interaction between the two planes.

War broke out, and Romualathed was conscripted into the army by the kingdom.

The traditional path of a mage is temporarily unavailable, so the path of a war mage is not bad.

That's what Romualathed had planned at first.

But obviously, the twists and turns of fate are always far beyond the imagination of mortals.

During the war, Romualathad stumbles upon a princess of a hostile civilization.

The mage's cold rational thinking warned Romualathed to pay attention to the reason why the other party appeared here and the changes around him.

The military value of the war spell, told Romualathed what he found:
A walking third-class combat exploit, even higher...

So Romualathid made his choice:

He gracefully removed his military uniform, and then, as if under a spell, he fell in love without hesitation.

If the story ends here, it would be a tortuous but romantic war third-rate love story.

But obviously, everything is always changing...

The blazing love will eventually burn out the throbbing.

Romualathed eventually left the princess.

But he couldn't choose to return to his hometown.

At this time, the war between the two civilizations has become intense.

So, in order to survive.

With nowhere to go, Romualathed followed a group of deserters and formed a bandit group on the border of civilization.

In order to make it full of deterrence and threat, they named it "Skull Crusher".

It wasn't until later that someone told Romo Asede that the bandits would not call themselves bandits...

Because of his mastery of spells and his experience in war, Romualathed quickly became the core of the bandit group.

Then, he encountered the suppression operation of the civilization in his hometown...

The bandit group, which did not have so many ambitions, ushered in its destruction in a short time.

As a deserter and a bandit, Romualathed, who was captured, was arranged to be executed in his hometown city.

Maybe he died at that time, and Romualathed felt that he might still leave a legendary name in his hometown.

People always like to myth or glorify things that are dead or gone forever.

Unfortunately, fate is not like this...

Romu Assed poked his head out from those distant memories, and he looked at the group of men in black robes who were still whispering in front of him:
"You still haven't come up with a plan?"

Romualathed said casually, but the surroundings instantly became silent.

People bowed their heads, expressing their submission and shame to the high priest.

But in the next moment, the head of a man in black suddenly exploded!

The ferocious blood and residue instantly made the surroundings filthy and ferocious!

No one dared to move, and even when the filth splashed on them, they were silent.

Romualathed looked at them, but his thoughts went back to the distant past.

He did not die in that execution.

His father, whom he hadn't seen since he was born, brought someone to rescue him.

It's just that looking back now, it's hard to say that this was a redemption...

In the end, he hadn't waited for him to complete the classic scene of patricide.

His fanatical father was forever lost in the void of chaos.

And as the only surviving and rational blood descendant of the other party, Romualathed took over the Void Church that his father had lived in, and turned it into something that completely belonged to him.

Since taking charge of the Void Sect, Romualatherd has seen too many eyes.

He saw what was full of desire or longing, he saw what was full of fear or pleading.

Fresh or dry, rational or mad.

People come into contact with the Void Sect passively or actively for various reasons.

Romualathed didn't like these guys.

They don't know exactly what they are longing for, and they also don't know what they are facing.

Bunch of idiots...

There are too few good players, but good players are always full of all kinds of troubles...

Thinking of this, Romualth shook his head helplessly.

He closed one eye and lay down lazily.

Then the face above the neck comes to life:

"The High Priest has rested."

He looked at the crowd and said.

"So can anyone tell me: where is 'he'?"

A black robe stood up with his head bowed:

"Deputy Priest, according to your will, we bought a prophet association."

"The latest news they brought: The other party has just completed a hunt, and a high-level legendary Vasiliep giant beast has been captured."

The head on the neck blinked, as if thinking quickly.

"Is it us grazing?"

"No, it's in the wild. The other party hasn't discovered our grazing area yet."

The head on the neck did not speak after hearing this, and the scene was a little depressed for a while.

After a long time, it seems to have made a decision:
"Their plan was successful - now, they are safe."

"But we can't, the Vasilip behemoth will not leave the opponent's hunting range."

"We need to find a new way..."

And at this moment, it seemed to think of something.

It tried to move forward, but stopped suddenly after pulling its neck.

The eyes that suddenly became cold looked at the many black robes from the neck:

"Has all the targeted knowledge of the Vasilip behemoth been instilled?"

Another black robe heard the words and hurried out to report:
"It's been done, but not to the desired effect."

"Chaos distorts the consciousness of these behemoths. Even if we try our best to instill knowledge into them, they will soon be distorted and assimilated."

The head on the neck moved slightly when he heard the words, which was a kind of recognition.

Then, it started thinking.

Soon, a long memory emerged in its consciousness:

"Have you found that place?"

"Not... not yet, but there are already clues - the diary left by a group of crazy void travelers mentioned there..."


Hearing this, the head on the neck fell into deep thought.

And at this moment, it suddenly looked at the many black robes and asked:
"How many people did my father kill this time?"


A black robe said calmly.

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