The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1284 Love with different dimensions is always rebellious

Chapter 1284 Love with Different Dimensions Is Always Rebellious (Two Updates!)
Finally, after thinking about it for a while, Asbiji looked at the girl in his arms.

It looks from the past to the present.

The human beings that are as bright as stars in the distance are waiting for its answer:

"I want to exchange it for your shelter—my wife and I hope to get a quiet place to live in your territory."

"If you need it, I can also serve you."

Asbigi gives its options.

After Yi Xia finished listening, she couldn't help but look at the other party.

He knew that at this moment the spirits still feared his power.

Still, Asbigi's desire to sell the box was real.

As for the asylum the other party seeks?

Judging from the previous chasers, it did cause some trouble.

As for the cause of the trouble, Yi Xia can probably guess.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Yi Xia looked at the other party:
"I can offer you two options: one is a remote and small plane far away from the world, where my people live. There is no dispute in it, but it is too small and lacks resources."

"One is a planet located in the material universe, where the lord has an eternal contract with me, and there are rich products, but sometimes there may be some turmoil."

"You can choose one of them to live in."

"My eyes stay on it, no one will trouble you there."

Yi Xia said so.

As he had told Asbigi, this was the area of ​​immediate sanctuary that he could offer.

As for Earth?

Yi Xia does not completely reject aliens entering the earth to live.

It's just that if you want to go through "regular channels", then the consideration of civilization pedigree is a must.

As for those non-evil aliens who entered the earth by other means.

In Yi Xia's eyes, they are objects attached to one of the human beings.

Maybe there is a kind of humanoid temporary residence permit?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Yi Xia would not bring alien races to Earth.

Even a heroic spirit like Yuren passed the test of Sanyang decoction when he first entered the earth.

Yi Xia doesn't necessarily think that all alien races entering the earth must follow the order of the extraordinary civilization of the oriental pedigree.

But if its civilization pedigree is contrary to the earth.

Then it's a different story...



Facing the choice given by Yi Xia, Asbigi fell into deep thought.

Of course Yi Xia could see that in another timeline, it was asking about the girl in its arms.

It looks like they are negotiating?
Regarding this, Yi Xia was not in a hurry.

The Chaos Void embraces everything, which also means that it will not take the initiative to hide anything.

As for the non-void life, when they set foot in the chaotic void.

That thin skin of flesh and blood can't actually restrain anything.

The fluctuation of thought, the recall of memory...

These will leave traces in the void.

This is also the reason why many related prophecy-type abilities that have no directional goals in the multiverse can often get answers.

Of course, the Void does not deceive.

But whether the truth must correspond to the truth needs to be judged by the prophet himself...

So even at this time, Yi Xia didn't pay special attention to the conversation between the two cubs.

Under the relevant chaos law of Chaos Void, he also knew about the past of these two little ones.

A love story between a rebellious time spirit and a rebellious human girl...

To be honest, Yi Xia actually quite understood the rage of the universe ruler.

Looking at it from another angle, if it is substituted into the vision of ordinary things.

Then it is probably:

A story about a human being and a paper man falling in love, and even preparing to grow old together...

For outsiders, it's actually just a matter of fun at most.

But for the parents who dote on the other side, that's another matter...

Time spirits are advanced cosmic beings born in time series.

The life gap between it and ordinary humans is no smaller than the gap between ordinary humans and paper people.

The difference is:

Ordinary human beings cannot cross dimensions to live with paper people.

But the time spirit can choose to constrict the timelines on the other two sides of his own, in order to fulfill his love.

Of course, the specific situation must be far more complicated than this.

Although Xia Wu, who was mixed in the chaotic void, said that this did not make it fluctuate.

He waited for Asbigi and the others to discuss the results.

And this wait was not as long as Yi Xia expected.

Soon, Asbiji came back to his senses and looked at Yi Xia:

"I choose the first world."

Then, it carefully loosened the box.

And in the next moment, it automatically fell into Yi Xia's hands.

Yi Xia nodded, and then with a thought, he informed Deng Sesa of these matters.

Naturally, he would not let the other party squeeze together with the Entreido spiritual blood man.

The land that Yi Xia opened up before is still lying there.

This time, they just gave it to the other party.

Deng Sesa, the elder of the Entredo spirit blood man, was stunned for a moment after receiving Yi Xia's message, and then made an extremely excited promise.

At the same time, through Yi Xia's rare link, it briefly reported to Yi Xia the work of the Entredo Spirit Bloodman during this period.

If we say that at the beginning, the work of the Entredo spirit bloodman for Yi Xia was more like a kind of service for peace of mind.

So now, they expect to have a closer connection with this powerful lord who already has his own reputation in the multiverse.

There are not so many such generous and powerful lords in the infinite time and space of the multiverse...

At least the Entledo Spirit Blood people don't think that they can still have such good luck to meet a second one.

Therefore, now the Entledo Spirit Bloodman has even temporarily given up the exploration of spells in other fields.

At present, the main magic research of the Entledo Spirit Bloodman is aimed at better completing the current key work—that is, the task assigned by the great witch.

This has somewhat attracted some prejudice and even fear and hostility.

However, as far as Deng Sesa personally thinks, these are irrelevant.

If some of them are too loud, it will also report to the great witch.

Now the Entledo spirit blood people are not the rootless ducklings they used to be.

They have backers!
In fact, if it wasn't for worrying about reporting too frequently, it would cause Dawu to feel disgusted.

Otherwise, Deng Sesa would have reported every day.

It is not without reason that it can become the elder of the Entledo spiritual blood people...

After listening to Deng Sesa's report, Yi Xia looked at Asbiji and said:

"My people will help you build your home and fields."

"If you need anything, you can also go to Dun Sesa directly, it will know what to do..."

(End of this chapter)

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