Chapter 129 Burning! (One update!)

In the depths of the mountains, towering trees block out the sky.

The winding green vines filled the last few gaps.

The ground was covered with clammy and rotting leaves.

Occasionally, you can still see a bay of cold stagnant water.

This is a bird's paradise.

But now, the cruel and bloody fighting broke the tranquility of this place.


A huge monster snake bit it with one bite, and a rat man who had no time to react because of a hind leg injury.

Its cold vertical pupils, which are no different from ordinary snakes, are full of violence and blood at this moment!

The Ratman, who was not completely dead, was constantly squeezed by the esophagus of the monster snake.

Its bones whined overwhelmed.

And the other rat people who escaped by chance in the distance looked at the vicious snake with eyes full of hatred.

They didn't launch an attack, but turned around and ran away after confirming something.

The monster snake seems to have noticed something.

But it was too late.

The next moment, a sharp pain came from its abdominal cavity!
The severe pain and the imminent death drove the demon snake completely into madness!

And at this moment, the "light-blocking layer" outlined by the tree crown and vines above the head was violently pulled away.

The bright sun shines down from above.

The demon snake's pupils trembled violently, and the sudden light change made it feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, its pain is over here...


It's like smashing a bad moldy apple, and the surrounding ground is full of scarlet or viscous liquid.

Yi Xia put away the spotless witch banner.

Afterwards, the twisted and howling demon snake soul was forcibly pulled into the witch banner.

Yi Xia glanced at the other trembling soul that belonged to the Rat Man, and ignored it.

Instead, he stood quietly where he was, waiting for the army of monster snakes to come.

Yi Xia, who was flying high in the sky and could ignore the obstacles of trees and mountains, could observe the movement of the entire battlefield very clearly.

For now, the Ratmen have been scattered and in flight.

Occasionally, after gathering some vital force by chance, there will be a lone resistance.

In the case that the quantity, individual quality, and even the equipment are not very dominant, it is a fluke not to be eaten by a wave.

Yi Xia didn't bother to think about the ultimate fate of these ratmen.

He waited for a long time before he waited for an opportunity to gather demon snakes from all over the place.

Otherwise, go to the jungle and play catch-and-cat with the monster snakes who are also scattered to hunt and kill ratmen.

It's not really fun.

And at this moment, Yi Xia suddenly caught a glimpse of a small shadow under the big tree next to him.

Judging from its green silhouette representing vitality in the field of vision, this seems to be a rat man?
"come out."

Yi Xia walked to the side, and lightly tapped the ground with the Wu Banner.

Then, a rat man who looked like he was not yet an adult shivered and lifted the leaves used to hide the demon snake.

Theoretically speaking, this form of blocking is of little significance to monster snakes with life-sensing abilities.

But judging from the fact that the other party was not attacked by the monster snake just now, maybe it has some special abilities?
"Go tell your kindred."

"Run away."

"Before the fire consumes everything..."

Yi Xia looked at its limp right leg, and threw a bottle of life potion and an expulsion spell to it.

Then, he said calmly.

The young rat man was a little at a loss.

But the death and urgency brought about by the army of monster snakes gradually approaching made it unable to think too much.

It picked up the life potion, and ran away frantically without looking back.

At the end when the surrounding trees were about to engulf its vision, it couldn't help but look back at the figure in the forest.

In the gloomy forest, under the broken canopy, there is light to drive away the darkness.

The man stood in the light with a long banner in his hand, as if a god had descended into the world to expel evil...




One after another hissing, the entire forest was shrouded in a disturbing darkness.

On the tree and on the ground, the monster snake with a distorted human face twisted its body.

They move quickly in the woods along the ground or vines.

The birds had already flown away, and there was a strong sour stench in the air.

And at this moment, the demon snake walking in front stopped.


The monster snake behind let out a puzzled and irritable neigh.

They are getting closer.

Then, spitting out the scarlet snake letter, staring at the...human beings blocking in front?
"Evocative feeling..."

Yi Xia looked at the field of vision, all the trees were occupied by twisted monster snakes.

They vary in size.

But even the smallest one is much thicker than ordinary boa constrictors.

I don't know what kind of area they originally lived in.

But it doesn't matter.

Yi Xia looked at the densely packed monster snakes in front of him, which made him feel like he was dreaming back to Fishman Island.

The monster snakes were frightened by a certain sense of danger, and did not attack hastily.

But now, they have gathered enough strength.

In the next moment, there was no warning or prelude to attack.

The monster snakes on the tree and on the ground turned into scarlet shadows in a whizzing manner!
Then, they saw the fire coming from the pavement!

The bursting fire savagely drives away all darkness!
Burning and clammy, greedily devouring every drop of moisture in the air!
If you slow down the time, you can see the changes in the eyes of the monster snakes from cruelty to bewilderment, and finally to panic.

The violent flame particles directly penetrated their wet and smooth scales with the gathered high temperature!

The protective fluid used for lubrication evaporates instantly, and the scales begin to crack and deform under high temperature!
And the underlying flesh and blood tissue is instantly necrotic, and the inner tissue of the muscle is heated and contracted!

But this is just the beginning!
Fei-Catastrophe: Fire!
With the sudden surge of disaster power in Yi Xia's body.

In the next moment, the flames that had been covering the area in front of them in a "regular" manner expanded in an instant!
It's like pouring a barrel of gasoline into a fire.

After the violent explosion, the manic flames reached a new peak!
Everything burns in flames!
Trees, vines, demon snakes!
All tangible objects in this area are struggling, twisting, and burning in the billowing flames!
As if it was just a trance.

In an instant, the surroundings were filled with red flames!
Countless monster snakes howled in the sea of ​​flames, they struggled to run back.

They want to escape the area of ​​the flames.

But the speed of flame expansion far exceeds them.

Even those snake monsters in the rear who were not swallowed by the first wave of flames were swallowed by the ruthless fire after running in vain!

Yi Xia stood in the flames holding a witch banner, and countless twisted monster snakes were staring at him tremblingly.

But in the next moment, he was swallowed by the Wu Banner...

(End of this chapter)

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